Internal Data Search by Titles
(Listed by most current date)

AAF International

AAF’s primary focus is on gas turbine air intake, exhaust, ventilation and acoustic systems for the offshore industry.

Revision Date:  3/9/2020

Tags:  211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, AAF International, Air Filtration Systems, Bag Filter, Gas Turbine, Offshore, Solutions, Emissions Reduction, Operational Efficiency, Filtration, Global

New more efficient synthetic media for gas turbine inlet filters

Air filtration specialist Mann+Hummel launched compact filters Aircube Pro Power S and Nanoclass Cube Pro Power S for gas turbine air filtration that the company said are designed to deal with fine dust particle size for the first and ultra-fine dust for the second. Frank Spehl, Director of R&D at Mann+Hummel Vokes Air GmbH, Germany, explained that the new filter media is the answer to the challenges that operators of gas turbine plants face when they have to ensure that clean air is supplied to the engine. Whether gas turbines are operating in onshore or offshore locations, some challenges are common and include the fouling of the compressor blades, filter service life, system pressure drop, filter failure, and the corrosion by water and salt.

Revision Date:  10/29/2019

Tags:  211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, Vokes Air, Mann+Hummel, Vokes Air, Gas Turbines, Air Filter, Compression Units, Offshore, Onshore, Testing, Efficiency, Filtration, Pressure

Emerson Actuator replacement solves turbine bypass problem

As often as four times a year during winter months, a power plant in Wisconsin would miss a scheduled start of its combined cycle power plant due to malfunctions of the turbine bypass valves. This article describes how the problems were solved by replacing the actuation components on those valves.

Revision Date:  10/17/2019

Tags:  221118 - Other Electric Power , 211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, Emerson Electric, Valve, USA

Veolia feedwater treatment package for South African GTCC plant

Veolia Water Technologies South Africa supplied a 10 m3/hour package plant to treat the boiler feed water at a natural gas-fired combined cycle power plant in Tanzania. The packaged water treatment plant will treat process water to the standards required by the power plant’s boilers. The company was contracted by the original equipment manufacturer (OEM) responsible for the supply and installation of heat recovery boilers, steam turbines and other associated equipment. “Correctly treating the water cycle within the boiler system is critical to ensure the boilers provide optimum performance over their service life in order to increase plant efficiency,” explained Kgomotso Khomo, Project Engineer, Veolia Water Technologies South Africa. “Improper treatment of boiler feed water can result in overheating, failure to produce hot water or steam, a drop in the boiler flow rate, an overall loss of efficiency and component damage,” he added.

Revision Date:  6/18/2019

Tags:  211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, Veolia, Water Treatment, Boiler, Steam Turbine, Water and Wastewater Treatment, Tanzania

GE Gas turbine replaces diesel engines at frac sites

There are environmental and cost advantages of using a gas turbine rather than diesel engines to provide the power at a hydraulic fracking site. The foot print is greatly reduced. A comparison is made of a 15 MW site with 14 diesel trucks vs 1 GE TM2500 gas turbine.

Revision Date:  4/11/2019

Tags:  211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, 211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, GE Power & Water, Gas Turbine, Pump, Air Filter, Air Filtration, Replacement, Hydraulic Fracturing

Advanced Sensors for Power Plant Instruments

Mettler Toledo is offering pH and other instruments with advanced digital sensors that go well beyond basic measurement and digital signal conversion within the sensor. Such sensors fully exploit the opportunities available when measurements are made right next to the sensor element. They don’t compromise the measuring circuit design in order to accommodate the resistance and capacitance of long analog signal cables, especially for conductivity measurement. They don’t incur uncertainty when different measuring circuits are used to calibrate the sensor than are used in the final installation because the measuring circuit is inseparable from the sensor elements. In addition, they always utilize correct calibration data for their measurements because on-board memory retains it. Advanced digital sensors include real-time predictive diagnostics. These take the sensor’s cumulative operating exposure into account to forecast in real time when calibration, maintenance and replacement will be needed. Taken together, the sum of these advanced sensor capabilities are designated Intelligent Sensor Management or ISM®. ISM sensors are able to warn of the need for service before loss of accuracy or failure, making the measurements more reliable and increasing the efficiency of maintenance scheduling. They can also eliminate unnecessary servicing

Revision Date:  9/12/2018

Tags:  221118 - Other Electric Power , 221118 - Other Electric Power , Mettler Toledo, Instrument, Ultrapure Water, pH, Conductivity

Fully Automating HRSG Feedwater Pumps

Even a relatively simple start-up process can have many steps and delays for operator cross-checks. Automation can simplify the procedure for the operator while reducing start-up time. In addition, more sophisticated controls techniques may be applied to improve process stability, reduce energy usage, and increase operating flexibility. Modern distributed control system (DCS) platforms offer capabilities that were unavailable just a few years ago. Features such as integrated graphical engineering environments, simplified sequencing controls, and improved human-machine interfaces (HMI) make higher levels of automation more practical from the standpoints of implementation, maintenance, and ease of use. The timing of these advances couldn’t be better—critical operating personnel throughout the power industry are approaching retirement age, and there are insufficient numbers of skilled younger personnel to replace them. Leveraging the existing plant knowledge base to design automation that reduces the burden on plant operators will be essential to meeting tomorrow’s plant demands. As an example, the following case study describes automating a simplified feedwater system for a combined-cycle power plant. The existing legacy DCS controls are proven and reliable; however, the sequence of operations and coordination of regulatory controls is not automated, therefore, it requires a high degree of knowledge and attention on the part of the operator. This case study describes a combination of controls automation strategies and HMI techniques designed to increase the overall level of automation while improving ease of use by operators and maintenance personnel. This article was published in Power Magazine in 2011 and written by Steven Leibbrandt and Bill Thackston, of Siemens Energy Inc. and is accessed in the intelligence system by clicking on the above title

Revision Date:  11/29/2017

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Siemens, Heat Recovery Steam Generator, Automation, Pump, Power

Getting Reliable Turbine Bypass System Performance in Cycling Power Plants

Recommendations to get reliable performance of turbine bypass systems are made. These are based on recent experiences in a number of cycling power stations. Results of an investigation into cracks in the pressure boundary downstream of turbine bypass systems in some power stations are described. Where failures occurred, these systems were behaving quite differently from the design intent or what the operators thought was going on at the turbine bypass system (TBS). The root causes were traced through analysis of failed components, reviews of plant layout and operation, analysis of DCS data, additional measurements at the site and finite element analysis. The primary contributors to such problems were the control algorithms, oversized spray-water valves, leaking spraywater lines, and thermal shocking of the system. Improper layout of the system is a contributor in some cases. All these, in varying degrees, contribute to the damage to the components and, over time, results in fatigue failures.

Revision Date:  5/8/2017

Tags:  221118 - Other Electric Power , CCI, High Performance Valve, Valve, Steam Generation

Valve Considerations when repowering a coal plant to use a gas turbine

Steve Brown of Crane analyzes valve requirements when repowering from coal to gas .Both cast and forged valves are important for the power industry with forged valves becoming more preferred in the most demanding applications and cast valves still comprising the balance of power plant valve installations.

Revision Date:  4/19/2017

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, 221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, 221113 - Nuclear Electric Power Generation * , Crane, Ball Valve, Actuator, High Performance Valve, Steam Cycle

Steam atteperator valve and actuator selection

AEP replaced the existing attemperator valves and actuators with Koso valves and Rexa Electraulic (electro-hydraulic) actuators, giving rangeability and control down to 0.5 percent open.

Revision Date:  3/23/2017

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, 221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, 221113 - Nuclear Electric Power Generation * , High Performance Valve, Actuator, Steam Cycle

BWR auxiliary feedwater valves in OTSG

Air-operated valves LCV-4025 and LCV-4026 control steam generator level for the “A” OTSG, and LCV-4007 and LCV-4009 for the “B” OTSG. The level control system for each valve receives a level input signal from a startup range OTSG level transmitter in the essential controls and instrumentation (ECI) system. This signal is compared with a level setpoint, and the resultant error signal modulates the control valve using a proportionalplus- integral controller. Manual control is available in both the main and auxiliary control room. Parallel flowpaths (one from a motor-driven pump, one from the turbine-driven pump) and redundant instrumentation and control power supplies for the level control valves ensure flow to each OTSG. Motor-operated block valves (V-14A and V-31B in the “A” OTSG supply, V-37A and V-20B in the “B” OTSG supply) provide redundant feedwater isolation of an OTSG. The turbine-driven and motor-driven pump discharge lines combine to supply the auxiliary feed ring in each OTSG.

Revision Date:  3/23/2017

Tags:  221113 - Nuclear Electric Power Generation * , High Performance Valve, Actuator, Steam Cycle

Power steam cycle control valves -Trimteck

Power point presentation with diagrammatic locations of valves in various steps in the steam cycle. E.g. main steam cycle . Superheater valves: Maintain boiler pressure below 70%; and modulate pressure to the turbine. Main Steam Attemperator Valve: Controls HP Turbine Temperature at 15% Load Reheater Attemperator Valve: Controls LP Turbine Temperature at 15% Load . Turbine Bypass Valve 6. Superheater Bypass

Revision Date:  3/23/2017

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, 221113 - Nuclear Electric Power Generation * , 221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Trimteck, Ball Valve, Gate Valve, Actuator, High Performance Valve, Steam Cycle

IIoT is Creating New Market Paths to the $100 Billion Gas Turbine Repair, Replace and Service Market

The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) is a powerful new force shaping the way gas turbine products are purchased.  The impact of IIoT is being continually assessed in 59EI Gas Turbine and Reciprocating Engine Supplier Program.  The inventory of existing gas turbine plants is growing at six percent per year and in the next few years the base will grow to two million MW.  There are 30,000 individual units which routinely require service, replacement or repair of instrumentation, valves, pumps, filters, nozzles, and other components.  There is a continual need for filter elements, treatment chemicals, lubricants, catalysts, reagents and other consumables.  The market for replacement products, repair and services is $100 billion per year and will grow by more than six percent per year IIoT provides remote delivery of comprehensive information about the operation and health of individual components. This data can be analyzed to identify problems and will create opportunities for the sale of better products to replace the existing ones.  IIoT is creating new channels to market in contrast to the sale of products directly to a single end user. 

Revision Date:  1/30/2017

Tags:  McIlvaine, Information Technology, Gas Turbine, Market, Repair Services

Vaisala Measures Moisture in Oil Online

All machines with lubricating oil systems can benefit from the monitoring of moisture content in the oil. Water deteriorates oils performance, whether used as a lubricant, coolant, insulator or for other purposes. High moisture content increases the risk of corrosion, overheating, machine malfunctions and other costly problems. Vaisala's unique moisture in oil measurement monitors the water activity of the oil continuously and online, which directly indicates the margin to free water formation in the oil. Unlike traditional sampling methods, which can take days or weeks to produce test results, Vaisala's continuous measurement ensures reliable equipment performance at all times. Vaisala offers a diverse portfolio of real-time online measurement transmitters for utilities who want to mitigate these risks and safeguard their critical assets. Using Vaisala moisture-in-oil, hydrogen-in-oil, temperature, dew point, pressure and density meters, utilities can safely increase equipment performance and prepare timely maintenance plans to prevent unexpected outages. Vaisala has • Over 80 years of measurement experience • Thousands of installations in the power industry • Service centers in Finland, China, Japan and the US

Revision Date:  1/11/2017

Tags:  Vaisala, Instrument

Enterprice Asset Performance Management solutions from Schneider Electric

Using the comprehensive Enterprise Asset Performance Management (APM) solution offered by Schneider Electric, organizations can monitor their assets to identify, diagnose and prioritize impending equipment problems — continuously and in real time. This enables companies to reduce unscheduled downtime, prevent equipment failures, reduce maintenance costs, increase asset utilization, extend equipment life and identify underperforming assets

Revision Date:  1/11/2017

Tags:  Schneider Electric, Automation

$3.8 GTCC Valve Market but New Route with IIoT

Automation suppliers, third party O&M, plant suppliers, and process suppliers are integrating valves into remote monitoring systems. This creates a new route to market and the opportunity to provide smart valves with higher profit margins.

Revision Date:  1/11/2017

Tags:  Valve, Automation

Barking CCGT uses Emerson wielessHART® to monitor steam traps and valves

Sophisticated WirelessHART® acoustic “listening” technology combined with an integrated temperature measurement was deployed across the plant to monitor steam traps, PRV's and vent valves. This innovative combination of technologies offered a reliable and cost effective solution for identifying the problems that lead to unscheduled downtime, poor turbine efficiency and energy loss. A total of 100 Rosemount TM 708 Wireless Acoustic Transmitters were non-intrusively installed on critical vent valves, steam traps and PRV's. Barking had previous experience with a WirelessHART network in the plant. Despite the vast distance covered by the network and the tough environment introduced by the power plant, the wireless network proved to be very reliable. This gave Barking confidence to use Emerson's Smart Wireless technology for this new application.

Revision Date:  1/11/2017

Tags:  Emerson Automation Solutions, Remote Monitoring

Modernizing Old Plants to Meet New Demands

Much of the maintenance inspection in power plants is manual. Energy is wasted by steam loss and inefficiencies. Not all air and water emissions are checked. Imagine instead a power plant full of sensors that continuously monitor the condition of pumps and fans, detecting failure of steam traps or leaking relief valves, and where all emissions are monitored. Instead of operators collecting the data, the data comes to the operators. Much of the maintenance inspection in power plants is manual. Energy is wasted by steam loss and inefficiencies. Not all air and water emissions are checked. Imagine instead a power plant full of sensors that continuously monitor the condition of pumps and fans, detecting failure of steam traps or leaking relief valves, and where all emissions are monitored. Instead of operators collecting the data, the data comes to the operators. Power plants are being modernized with a pervasive sensing infrastructure for a second layer of automation. This is a new strategy for maintenance, energy efficiency, risk reduction and optimization using sensors which require no wires and are mostly non-intrusive and therefore can easily be deployed. Specialized diagnostic software in a separate system distills the raw sensor data into actionable information, such as which equipment needs service and which does not. Wireless sensor networks and analytic software are new technology trends enabling new levels of availability, energy efficiency, environmental compliance and productivity. Pervasive sensing infrastructure is the basis for the Internet of Things, which will take sensing even further in the future.

Revision Date:  1/11/2017

Tags:  Emerson Automation Solutions, Automation, Monitoring, Power Engineering

Considerations relative to IIoT and application for pumps

IIoT can offer new opportunities beyond merely providing smarter pumps. It could enable better predictive analytics and preventive maintenance to help end users fix pump problems before failures occur. Also, the IIoT’s data analytics and reporting provide pump manufacturers with more detailed information about the operation of their systems in the field, which could benefit product development.

Revision Date:  1/11/2017

Tags:  Accudyne, Pump, Automation

New Condiltion Monitoring Approach

There is a new way forward that takes a platform-based approach to condition monitoring and helps you to regain control of your maintenance mix. To overcome the challenges that the traditional maintenance mix presents, this platform must deliver:  The flexibility of the solution to scale with your evolving needs, such as support for new types of algorithms, support for a wide variety of I/O and emerging sensors, and the ability to scale to large numbers of systems  An openness that allows you to gain access to the raw engineering measurements to adapt to new and innovative analysis techniques and extend the solution to meet your maintenance program requirements  Interoperability with third-party hardware and software packages so that you can integrate with existing CMMS and ERP systems and any database historians or process management enterprise software used  Rugged mechanicals and a breadth of available algorithms  A monitoring hardware and software solution for a price that allows you to scale your online condition monitoring solution to cover the bulk of your rotating machinery assets  The services to help facilitate your end-to-end solution from your asset to your IT infrastructure, either directly or through a network of partners

Revision Date:  1/5/2017

Tags:  National Instrument Company, Coal, Condition Monitoring, Monitoring, Remote Monitoring

Fleetwide Monitoring

Fleetwide Monitoring (FWM) is the implementation of applications for monitoring, maintaining and optimizing generation (and other) assets from a centralized location (Hussey, 2010). Fundamentally, FWM involves monitoring assets within a fleet of assets to detect operational and equipment problems earlier enough to mitigate damage, manage risk, identify performance problems, and manage business and market conditions or risks. A key part of FWM involves the use of advanced online monitoring technologies developed in the 1990s and 2000s and first applied in aerospace, transportation, and petrochemical applications. The goal of FWM is intelligent top-down approach to plant maintenance and scheduling. The goal is accomplished by the move toward centralized monitoring and diagnostic centers, the integration of advanced monitoring applications, and continued use of existing monitoring and maintenance technologies. The efforts supporting the goal will be facilitated by emerging standards supporting interoperability of equipment and technologies from multiple vendors.

Revision Date:  1/5/2017

Tags:  National Instrument Company, Equipment, Coal, Automation, Monitoring, Remote Monitoring

Modernizing Old Plants to Meet New Demands

Much of the maintenance inspection in power plants is manual. Energy is wasted by steam loss and inefficiencies. Not all air and water emissions are checked. Imagine instead a power plant full of sensors that continuously monitor the condition of pumps and fans, detecting failure of steam traps or leaking relief valves, and where all emissions are monitored. Instead of operators collecting the data, the data comes to the operators. Much of the maintenance inspection in power plants is manual. Energy is wasted by steam loss and inefficiencies. Not all air and water emissions are checked. Imagine instead a power plant full of sensors that continuously monitor the condition of pumps and fans, detecting failure of steam traps or leaking relief valves, and where all emissions are monitored. Instead of operators collecting the data, the data comes to the operators. Power plants are being modernized with a pervasive sensing infrastructure for a second layer of automation. This is a new strategy for maintenance, energy efficiency, risk reduction and optimization using sensors which require no wires and are mostly non-intrusive and therefore can easily be deployed. Specialized diagnostic software in a separate system distills the raw sensor data into actionable information, such as which equipment needs service and which does not. Wireless sensor networks and analytic software are new technology trends enabling new levels of availability, energy efficiency, environmental compliance and productivity. Pervasive sensing infrastructure is the basis for the Internet of Things, which will take sensing even further in the future.

Revision Date:  1/5/2017

Tags:  Emerson Electric, Coal, Valve, Pump, Automation, Monitoring, Power Engineering

Colfax Twin Screw Pump for Gas Turbine Naptha Fuel

The Colfax twn screw pump has a number of advantages which are outlined in a white paper when used to pump naptha as a secondary fuel in gas turbine operations.

Revision Date:  12/9/2016

Tags:  Colfax, Pump, Fuel

More efficient filters are justified says Carlos Conti of Vokes

Moving from two to three stages has significantly increased system pressure drop but simultaneously reduced the quantity of dust reaching the turbine by approximately 98%, lowering the chance of engine damage – fouling, corrosion and erosion. To quantify this additional pressure drop, it is agreed within the power generation industry that an increase in pressure drop of 50 Pa causes a fall in efficiency of 0.1%. Quantifying the benefit is a balance between reduced fouling and increased pressure drop. The increased pressure drop can be estimated to restrict performance by approximately 0.4%, while cutting fouling provides a 1.2% improvement in output (empirical average). Therefore…

Revision Date:  12/9/2016

Tags:  Mann+Hummel, Air Filter

Hydrophobic media provides water removal and prefiltration

Vokes Macrogen GT Duo employs a hydrophobic media that provides effective water removal while in a study of 2 x 250 gas turbines in 2012 also delivered particle filtration to G4 or M5 efficiencies. This means that separate coalescer and prefiltration stages are unnecessary and that the redundant filter phase can be removed. The F9 final filters downstream from the Macrogen GT Duo system ran for a greater number ofhours and had a slightly lower pressure drop (105 against 110 Pascal) over the trial period. This result is due to the fact that the Macrogen has not only reduced the pressure drop but, at the same time, has increased the efficiency of prefiltration (from G4 to M5) better protecting the final filter.

Revision Date:  12/9/2016

Tags:  Mann+Hummel, Air Filter

Gas Turbine Owners Will Spend $313 Billion­ for Equipment, Repairs and Service Next Year

Gas turbine owners will spend $87 billion for new plants and $226 billion for service and repair in 2017.  This is the latest forecast in 59EI Gas Turbine and Combined Cycle Supplier Program.   The Americas and Asia will each spend more than Europe and Africa combined.

Revision Date:  12/9/2016

Tags:  McIlvaine, Gas Turbine, Spending, Upgrade

Audit by Evoqua results in power plant savings for power, chemicals and labor costs

An uninterrupted supply of high-quality water is vital to power plant operations. When making outage plans that include preventative maintenance on key plant systems, plant personnel should address the plant’s water treatment equipment, ensuring it receives the same high level of attention as its boiler, condensers, turbines and process equipment. So, how does a maintenance planner know whether the water treatment system is operating at its best and that it can meet the power plant’s current and future demands? One way is to plan an audit of the water treatment equipment before a planned outage. The audit should start with a system check-up to assess system conditions, performance and efficiencies and to pinpoint areas that need improvement. The check-up also can determine if a full system audit is required to provide a more in-depth investigation of a single or multiple water unit operation. The system audit should address the individual challenges of specific situations and include an in-plant survey and a summary of findings and recommendations for improvement.

Revision Date:  12/9/2016

Tags:  Evoqua, Wastewater, Cost, Reverse Osmosis, Ion Exchange

Colfax oil pumps for power generation

Paper shows diagrams with all points where oil is used: (1) truck unloading with three screw or gear pumps (2) barge unloading with centrifugal, two screw or three screw (3) tank unloading with three screw (4) day tank with three screw (5) transfer & oil treatment systems with P.C, three screw and gear (6) fuel reservoir with three screw (7) Fuel oil forward system with three screw (8) liquid fuel oil injection system into the turbine with two screw, three screw or gear ( 9) gear box with three screw (10) lube, jacking control & seal oil systems for generator with centrifugal, gear or three screw (11) generator gear box with three screw.

Revision Date:  12/9/2016

Tags:  Colfax, Pump, Fuel

Gas Turbine Owners Will Spend $1.3 Billion for Pumps Next Year

Gas turbine owners will spend $800 million for new pumps and $500 million for service and repair in 2017.  This is the latest forecast in Pumps: World Markets and 59EI Gas Turbine and Combined Cycle Supplier Program.   The Americas and Asia will each spend more than Europe and Africa combined.

Revision Date:  12/9/2016

Tags:  McIlvaine, Pumps, Spending

Richard Winslow is a niche expert on power plant lubrication

Richard Winslow is a niche expert on power plant lubrication We first learned about Richard’s lubrication expertise in an article he wrote when he was with PacifiCorp. There was a pulverizer wear problem at the Naughton plant of Pacific Corp. An advanced filtration technology for the coal pulverizer was determined to be readily available for heavy gear oil that would meet solve the maintenance problems. An off-line kidney loop filtration package using a high-efficiency, high-dirt-holding capacity, synthetic filter media was solved the problem. Richard moved on from PacifiCorp and most recently has been in Alaska with ConocoPhillips. He has agreed to a niche expert role in our linkedin discussions and decision system. In addition to his Naughton paper we have also include his paper on minimizing bacterial contamination. His resume is attached.

Revision Date:  11/23/2016

Tags:  BHE Environmental, Inc., Niche Expert, Lubrication

Bacterial Contamination of Turbine and Circulating Lube Oil Systems

Bacterial contamination of large circulating oil systems in steam turbines is an expensive problem. This paper describes the problem and lists the types of lubricants and conditions that appear to be most susceptible, methods of treatment and known methods to clean up and prevent bacterial contamination.

Revision Date:  11/23/2016

Tags:  PacifiCorp, BHE Environmental, Inc., Lubrication

Mann & Hummel water repellent turbine intake pre filter

Macrogen GT Duo has been specifically designed to meet the exact needs of gas turbine operators. With a low initial pressure drop and high dust holding capacity, combined with an inherent water repellency (coalescing and drainage), Macrogen GT Duo meets all the needs of gas turbine power plants.

Revision Date:  11/18/2016

Tags:  Mann+Hummel, Air Filter

Mann & Hummel spin-on filters are used for the filtration of lube oil

MANN+HUMMEL has been a leading producer worldwide of spin-on filters for more than twenty years. The filters are distributed under the MANN-FILTER brand and a number of customer brands. Features include: Available with a variety of filter media • Efficient separation and high dirt holding capacity with minimal pressure drop • Robust, corrosion-protected housing with high pulsation and pressure stability MANN+HUMMEL spin-on filters are used for the filtration of lube oils, hydraulic oils and coolants in a variety of applications. MANN+HUMMEL has been a leading producer worldwide of spin-on filters for more than twenty years. The filters are distributed under the MANN-FILTER brand and a number of customer brands. 8 • Improved flow geometry • Bypass valves with clearly defined opening characteristics and leak-free closing • Undetachable seals • Stable central tube resistant to collapse • Non-return valve with minimal pressure drop

Revision Date:  11/18/2016

Tags:  Mann+Hummel, Filter, Cartridge, Lubrication

BHE Safety relief valves needed by many BHE plants

BHE Safety relief valves needed by many BHE plants We have provided three tiers of information relative to some of the safety relief valve initiatives at BHE. This is a brief summary which links to much more detailed information. This second tier contains links to insurance reports, bidders lists and other full reports. • Pacificorp Currant Creek GTCC plant approved bidders list lists GE ( Consolidated as the preferred supplier with Pentair and Curtiss Wright as acceptable safety relief valve suppliers for a gas turbine combined cycle projects • The Pacificorp Hunter Staton 2002 insurance report discusses a generator failure of the generator and comments on safety relief valves. • A report on Pacificcorp Prospect No. 3 hydroelectric project relicensing covers PRV where critical to ramping events . • There was an investigation into Gas transmission relief valve failure in Utah. • Chehalis generating station energy savings projects analysis conducted by Cascade Energy included relief valves for lubricant filter systems • Lakeside Power Block 2 has relief valves for the ammonia tank and relief valves for the water injection system plus recirculation valves • A biogas generator includes tanks used in the anaerobic digestion process with emergency relief valves With 110 gas turbine power plants, 41 coal fired boilers, 71 compressor stations, and many geothermal, wind and solar plants BHE is a major user of safety relieve valves.

Revision Date:  11/18/2016

Tags:  BHE Environmental, Inc., Valve, Safety Valve

Interconnecting compressor initiatives at BHE

BHE has 110 gas turbine units, 4l coal fired plants, 71 compressor stations and many renewable energy facilities. Compressors are used at many of the locations. The bidders list on gas turbine plant shows Gardner Denver as preferred and several others including Atlas Copco as acceptable. Another show Atlas Copco as preferred and Gardner Denver as acceptable. The new interconnect program for BVHE created by McIlvaine will help the plans communicate and lead to global specifying. Here are examples of the compressors being specified

Revision Date:  11/18/2016

Tags:  BHE Environmental, Inc., Compressor

New Approach allows Subscribers to Reach the Summit of the Mountain of Information on Gas Turbine and Reciprocating Engine Technology

The available information on combustion, flow control, treatment and environmental compliance for gas turbines and reciprocating engines is doubling every few years.  It is now more challenging than climbing Mt. Everest to find the most current and relevant information.  Rapid developments include zero liquid discharge (ZLD) technologies, repairable valves, high efficiency air inlet filters, treatment of feedwater for HRSGs and emission control improvements. The need for constant cycling of turbine generators to compensate for wind and solar fluctuations is creating some unanticipated problems. Purifying the CO2 exhaust for adjacent use in indoor agriculture is a big opportunity but also a challenge.

Revision Date:  11/14/2016

Tags:  McIlvaine, Reciprocating Engine, Gas Turbine, Information Technology, Information Management

Corporation decisions based on shared values and CSR

Mike Sullivan of BHE Energy points to the Scandinavian policies to insure that corporations include social values in their decision making. He talks about incorporating the shared values of the employees as one aspect. We suggest you read this thought provoking article but also review the McIlvaine Sustainability Universal Rating System . This system provides a way to more accurately determine the values of BHE employees but also voters. The recent election underscores the importance of understanding the values which are important to voters.

Revision Date:  11/14/2016

Tags:  BHE Environmental, Inc., Sustainability

Huntington 1 and other Western States CCP plans

Jeff Burks of Energy Strategies presented plans in October 2015 for Western States to meet CO2 emissions. A graph shows the Huntington 1 emissions with no changes and the goal with reductions starting in 2022.

Revision Date:  11/7/2016

Tags:  BHE Environmental, Inc., CO2, Regulation

2014 BHE testimony on the gas turbine, coal and geothermal projects in Utah

The purpose of Chad Teply testimony was to support the prudence of capital investments in the new Lake Side 2 combined cycle combustion turbine (“CCCT”) natural gas fueled resource, certain pollution control equipment retrofits on existing coal fueled resources, and other significant generation plant projects being placed in service during the test period in this docket, July 1, 2014 through July 2015. This included the Hayden SCR and the Blundell geothermal resource well integration project and 1 the Naughton Unit 3 natural gas conversion project. The Blundell geothermal resource well integration project integrates two 108 new geothermal resource wells into the Blundell generation system. One production well and one injection well, along with associated appurtenances, have been drilled and will be placed in service to support continued reliable electricity production at the site. Lake Side 2 is nominally rated at 548 MW base load 130 and 97 MW of duct firing for a total net capacity of 645 MW at the average 131 ambient temperate of 52 degrees Fahrenheit. Each combustion turbine exhausts 132 into its own heat recovery steam generator which then commonly supply a single 133 steam turbine generator. The electrical energy generated by Lake Side 2 will be delivered to a new 345 kV point of interconnection substation (Steel Mill) where it will tie into the PacifiCorp transmission system.

Revision Date:  11/7/2016

Tags:  221116 - Geothermal Power , BHE Environmental, Inc., Duct Burner, Substation

Valve Market strategy focused on large purchasers such as BHE

This article in the December issue of Valve World by Mcilvaine advises suppliers of high performance valves to identify the largest purchasers and build the marketing program around them. An opportunity to work with BHE who spends $ 90 million/yr on valves is explained.

Revision Date:  11/7/2016

Tags:  221118 - Other Electric Power , 221118 - Other Electric Power , 221111 - Hydroelectric Power Generation 水力发电, 221114 - Wind Power , 221118 - Other Electric Power , BHE Environmental, Inc., Valve

Wastewater permit for coal and combustion turbine plants in Gillette Wyoming

This 2015 permit authorizes the discharge of wastewater from six coal fired power plants, two combustion turbine power plants, and one coal mine. The Neil Simpson and Wygen generating power plants and the coal mine are located approximately six miles east of Gillette, Wyoming. Most of the wastewater generated by the facility is recycled, so this facility rarely discharges. Discharges usually occur in response to large storm events. Note below that the facilities are air-cooled, so they do not discharge cooling water. Therefore, 316(b) regulations do not apply. In addition, make-up water is partially treated water from the Gillette wastewater treatment plant, not waters of the Wastewater originating from the variety of sources is routed to a two cell settling pond. The first pond, called the Bottom Ash Settling Pond, functions to provide settlement for sediments and ash by-products. Wastewater from this pond overflows to the second pond called the Clear Pond. The Clear Pond has an outlet structure (Outfall 001) that allows the discharge of the treated wastewater to Donkey Creek. However, because a majority of the wastewater that enters the settling ponds is recycled, there is seldom a discharge to the creek.

Revision Date:  11/7/2016

Tags:  BHE Environmental, Inc., Regulation, Wastewater

BHE NV Energy Title V permit renewal January 2016

2 x175 MW GTCC has SCR, low NOx burners, oxidation catalyst with limits of 2.5 ppm NOx and 5 ppm CO on a 3 hour basis at 15% O2. Also has duct burners, emergency fire pump with diesel engine wht 100 hr operating limit. A CEMs measure s NOx, CO and O2 on each turbine

Revision Date:  11/2/2016

Tags:  BHE Environmental, Inc., Catalyst, SCR, Continuous Emissions Monitor, Regulation

Natural Gas Pipeline Technology Overview

The pipeline transmission system — the “interstate highway” for natural gas — consists of 180,000 miles of high-strength steel pipe varying in diameter, normally between 30 and 36 inches in diameter. The primary function of the transmission pipeline company is to move huge amounts of natural gas thousands of miles from producing regions to local natural gas utility delivery points. These delivery points, called “city gate stations,” are usually owned by distribution companies, although some are owned by transmission companies. Compressor stations at required distances boost the pressure that is lost through friction as the gas moves through the steel pipes (EPA 2000).

Revision Date:  10/25/2016

Tags:  211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, Argonne National Laboratory, Pipeline, Steel Pipe, Compressor Stations, Pipeline, Compression, Transmission, USA

Northern Lights, North Branch Compressor Station, Air Emissions Permit

Northern Natural Gas Company operates a compressor station in North Branch to pressurize natural gas in order to facilitate its transmission through the pipeline system. The facility was built in 1966. The North Branch facility consists of four (4) natural gas-fired reciprocating engines to drive the pipeline natural gas compressors (all four are Worthington ML-7 2-stroke lean burn engines rated at 2,000 horsepower), a diesel-fired emergency generator (a Kohler D300 engine rated at 462 horsepower), and a natural gas fired boiler rated at 3.35 MMBtu/hr. The compressors pressurize the natural gas in the pipeline causing it to flow to the next compressor station. The primary emissions are nitrogen oxides (NOx) and greenhouse gasses (CO2e) from the reciprocating engines. Emissions are not controlled. The facility also has equipment that qualifies as insignificant activities under Minn. R. 7007.1300, subparagraphs 3 and 4. This permit is a reissuance of the Title V operating permit. In this permit, EU 005 (the natural gas-fired auxiliary generator engine) has been removed from the list of permitted facilities. Federal NESHAP requirements for the emergency generator and the boiler have been added.

Revision Date:  10/21/2016

Tags:  211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, Northern Natural Gas Co, Generator, Compressor Stations, Engine, Gas Turbine, Permitting, Gas-fired, Pipeline, Compression, USA

Northern Lights, Hugo Compressor Station, Air Emissions Permit

The facility will use a 7229 hp natural gas-fired turbine to compress natural gas in a pipeline. The facility will operate an emergency generator as a backup for electrical power. Uncontrolled emissions from the facility are less than the thresholds for all criteria pollutants. However, the natural gas-fired turbine is subject to 40 CFR pt. 60, subp. GG and the Permittee will therefore receive a state operating permit.

Revision Date:  10/21/2016

Tags:  211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, Northern Natural Gas Co, Gas Turbine, Generator, Pipeline, Compressor Stations, Permitting, Compression, Pipeline, Gas-fired, USA

Northern Lights, Albert Lea Compressor Station, Air Emissions Permit

Northern Natural Gas -Albert Lea is a natural gas compressor station. The facility operates a 119 MM Btu (15,596 hp) natural gas fired turbine (EU 001), used to compress natural gas in a pipeline. The turbine is subject to 40 CFR pt. 60, subpart KKKK. The facility also has a 4.37 MM Btu (619 hp) diesel emergency generator (EU 002) to power the turbine during power outages. The generator is subject to 40 CFR pt. 60, subpart 1111. The engine is a 2007 model year or later with a displacement less than 10 liters per cylinder.

Revision Date:  10/21/2016

Tags:  211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, Northern Natural Gas Co, Generator, Compressor Stations, Gas Turbine, Pipeline, Permitting, Pipeline, Compression, Gas-fired, USA

Northern Lights, Owatonna Compressor Station, Air Emissions Permit

The Owatonna Compressor Station is used to pressurize natural gas in order to facilitate its transmission through a pipeline system. The facility consists of a 16,000 BHP natural gas-fired turbine and one emergency generator. The facility is subject to a New Source Performance Standard for the turbine, and therefore requires a permit.

Revision Date:  10/21/2016

Tags:  211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, Northern Natural Gas Co, Compressor Stations, Gas Turbine, Pipeline, Generator, Gas-fired, Permitting, Compression, Pipeline, USA

Northern Lights, Farmington Compressor Station, Air Emissions Permit

The Farmington Compressor Station is used to pressurize natural gas for transport through the pipeline system. The facility is composed of a compressor building which houses five natural gas-fired reciprocating compressor engines and a natural gas-fired turbine that provide power to the pipeline compressor. There is also a diesel-fired electric generator for emergency power.

Revision Date:  10/20/2016

Tags:  211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, Compressor Stations, Engine, Pipeline, Generator, Gas Turbine, Gas-fired, Pipeline, Compression, Permitting, USA

Northern Lights, Faribault Compressor Station, Air Emissions Permit

The Faribault Compressor Station consists of one 16,000 braking horsepower (BHP) natural gas turbine and one emergency generator. The turbine is subject to 40 CFR pt. 60, subp. GG. The facility is considered not considered to be a major source under any air quality permitting regulations. The modification authorized by this amendment is to remove the 10,600 BHP limit on the natural gas turbine to allow operation of the turbine at full capacity of 16,000 BHP.

Revision Date:  10/20/2016

Tags:  211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, Northern Natural Gas Co, Compressor, Pipeline, Engine, Gas Turbine, Generator, Construction, Gas-fired, Pipeline, Modification, Compression, Permitting, USA

Internally insulated exhaust ductwork minimizes stress

David Clarida, Integrity Power Solutions LLC, writing in CCJ in 2009, stressed the importance of proper insulation in gas turbine exhaust ductwork. Arrangement of the insulating system has evolved over time. Today’s offerings are much improved over those available only a few years ago, assuring users of longer operating lifetimes and a higher degree of personnel safety.

Revision Date:  10/19/2016

Tags:  Insulation, CCJ

Apex Expansion Project, Final Environmental Impact Statement

The purpose of the Apex Expansion Project is to transport an additional 266 million cubic feet per day (MMcf/d) of natural gas on Kern River’s existing pipeline system from southwestern Wyoming to Nevada. Dependent upon Commission approval, Kern River proposes to begin construction in the fall 2010 and place the facilities into operation in November 2011. Kern River proposes to construct and operate: • approximately 27.6 miles of 36 – inch – diameter natural gas transmission pipeline loop extending southwest in Utah from Morgan County through Davis County to Salt Lake County • one new 30,000 horsepower compressor station (known as Milford Compressor Station) in Beaver County, Utah; • modifications to four existing compressor stations to add additional compressor (the Coyote creek Compressor Station located in Uinta County, Wyoming; the Elberta Compressor Station located in Utah County; and the Dry Lake Compressor Station located in Clark County, Nevada); • six mainline valves (four new and two existing that require modifications;) and • three pig launcher and two pig receiver facilities

Revision Date:  10/19/2016

Tags:  211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, Kern River Gas Transmission Co, Gas Turbine, Pipeline, Compressor Stations, Valves, Pipeline, Modification, Compression, Permitting, USA, USA, USA, USA

Painter Creek Compressor Station, Title V Final Permit

The facility is used to increase the pipeline pressure of a natural gas interstate pipeline system transporting natural gas from southwestern Wyoming to a pipeline termination point.

Revision Date:  10/19/2016

Tags:  211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, Kern River Gas Transmission Co, Pipeline, Compressor Stations, Gas Turbine, Pipeline, Compression, Permitting, USA

Veyo Compressor Station Title 5 Operating Permit

The Veyo compressor station compresses natural gas for injection into the Kern River natural gas transportation system. The facility includes three SoLoNOx turbine driven centrifugal compressors, an emergency backup power generator, and a gas fired hot water heater. The Veyo compressor station is a major source of Nox and CO. The source is subject to 40 CFR 60, Subpart GG, Standards of Performance for Stationary Gas Turbines and 40 CFR 63, Subpart ZZZZ, National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Reciprocating Internal Combustion Engines (RICE).

Revision Date:  10/18/2016

Tags:  211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, Kern River Gas Transmission Co, Generator, Heater, Gas Turbine, Compressor Stations, Gas Turbine, Pipeline, Permitting, Compression, Pipeline, Gas-fired, USA

Muddy Creek Compressor Station, Tile V Final Permit

The station is used to increase the pipeline pressure of a natural gas interstate pipeliue system transporting natural gas from interconnecting pipelines in southwestern Wyoming to a pipeline termination point in California.

Revision Date:  10/18/2016

Tags:  211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, Kern River Gas Transmission Co, Pipeline, Compressor Station, Gas Turbine, Permitting, Compression, Pipeline, USA

Painter Compressor Station Statement of Basis

Attached is a draft renewal Wyoming Air Quality Standards and Regulations (WAQSR) Chapter 6, Sec 3 operating permit for Painter Compressor Station. This compressor station increases the pipeline system pressure. Emissions sources include two 4031 Horsepower Solar turbine engines, a Peerless building heater, Trane furnace, two Trane space heaters, a domestic water heater and fugitive emissions.

Revision Date:  10/18/2016

Tags:  211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, Kern River Gas Transmission Co, Compressor Stations, Heaters, Pipeline System, Solar Turbine Engine, Furnace, Pipeline, Permitting, Compression, USA

Kern River APEX Expansion Project

The Apex Expansion Project included the construction of 28 miles of 38in pipeline called the Wasatch Loop and other facilities in the Kern River interstate pipeline system. Owned and operated by Kern River Gas Transmission Company, the Kern River pipeline has been operational since 1992. The $373m expansion increased the natural gas transmission capacity of the pipeline system by 266mmcf/d.

Revision Date:  10/17/2016

Tags:  211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, Kern River Gas Transmission Co, Universal Ensco, Pipeline, Compressor Stations, Expansion, Pipeline, Compression, Construction, USA, USA, USA, USA

Kern River Gas Transmission Company

Kern River Gas Transmission Company, based in Salt Lake City, Utah, operates an interstate natural gas pipeline extending from the oil and gas producing fields of southwestern Wyoming, through Utah and Nevada, to the San Joaquin Valley near Bakersfield, California. Kern River’s system totals approximately 1,700 miles of 36- and 42-inch diameter steel pipe. Kern River utilizes 12 automated compressor stations spread across four states. The compressor units at these stations have a total system compression of approximately 384,220 horsepower. The pipeline currently has a design capacity of 2.17 billion cubic feet per day. Kern River's fully automated real-time pipeline is controlled from the gas control center in Salt Lake City. Kern River's gas controllers can monitor what is flowing through the pipeline at the exact time it is flowing. Kern River is a subsidiary of Berkshire Hathaway Energy.

Revision Date:  10/17/2016

Tags:  211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, Berkshire Hathaway Energy, Kern River Gas Transmission Co, Compressor Stations, Pipeline, Construction, Expansion, Pipeline, Compression, USA, USA, USA, USA

Kern River Informational Postings

■Based in Salt Lake City, Utah ■1,717-mile pipeline system, of which more than 1,300 miles are 36inch-diameter steel pipe ■384,220 compressor horsepower ■2.17 Bcf/day design capacity ■Access to Rocky Mountain basins ■Markets in Utah, Nevada and California

Revision Date:  10/17/2016

Tags:  211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, Kern River Gas Transmission Co, Compressor Stations, Pipeline, Pipeline, Operations, Compression, USA, USA, USA, USA


MILES OF PIPELINE 16,400 DESIGN CAPACITY Approximately 7.8 billion cubic feet per day COMPRESSION STATIONS 63 TOTAL SYSTEM COMPRESSION 1,002,362 horsepower The BHE Pipeline Group consists of Berkshire Hathaway Energy’s interstate natural gas pipeline companies, Kern River Gas Transmission Company and Northern Natural Gas Company. • Kern River’s 1,700-mile system is a direct link between the abundant Rocky Mountain natural gas-producing basins and western markets, including Salt Lake City, Utah; Las Vegas, Nevada; and Southern California. • Northern Natural Gas’ 14,700-mile system extends from southwest Texas to Michigan’s Upper Peninsula. • Together, Kern River and Northern Natural Gas delivered approximately 7 percent of the natural gas consumed in the U.S. in 2015. OPERATIONAL EXCELLENCE • The reliability of natural gas delivery is crucial to meeting our customers’ needs. In 2015, Kern River had a compression reliability rate of 99.87% and Northern Natural Gas had a compression reliability rate of 99.99%. Mark Hewett, 49, is the president and CEO of the BHE Pipeline Group, which consists of Northern Natural Gas Company and Kern River Gas Transmission. In 1987, he joined MidAmerican Energy Company and served in a number of management positions, most recently as vice president of energy trading. In 2002, Hewett was selected as president of Northern Natural Gas upon MidAmerican Energy Holdings Company’s purchase of the company. In 2007, he also assumed executive responsibility for Kern River. Under Hewett’s leadership, the companies have provided industry-leading customer service. For the last seven years, Kern River and Northern Natural Gas have held the top two spots in the Mastio & Co. customer satisfaction survey. Kern River owns and operates 1,700 miles of pipeline in Wyoming, Utah, Nevada and California. The company is a direct link between the abundant Rocky Mountain natural-gas producing basins and western markets, including Salt Lake City, Las Vegas, and southern California. Kern River’s pipeline system has a design capacity of 2.17 billion cubic feet per day. Northern Natural Gas owns and operates 14,700 miles of transmission pipeline with facilities in twelve states and access to the major North American supply basins. Northern Natural Gas also owns and operates three underground natural gas storage fields and two liquefied natural gas storage facilities. Northern Natural Gas’ pipeline system has a design capacity of 5.7 billion cubic feet per day.

Revision Date:  10/17/2016

Tags:  211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, Northern Natural Gas Co, Kern River Gas Transmission Co, Berkshire Hathaway Energy, BHE Pipeline Group, Pipeline, Compressor Stations, Expansion, Construction, Compression, Pipeline, USA

Northern Lights 2017 Expansion Project

Project Overview Northern Natural Gas Company has announced its intention to construct and operate certain pipeline facilities in support of its customer’s growth requirements for natural gas. The Northern Lights 2017 Expansion project is a part of Northern’s commitment to a multi-year expansion project for its customers through 2026. The 2017 expansion includes plans to construct approximately 4.8 miles of 8- and 12-inch-diameter branch line loop extensions in Sherburne and Isanti counties, Minnesota. Northern also will, as part of the Project, install and operate an additional 15,900-horsepower (hp) ISO-rated compressor unit at its existing Faribault compressor station in Rice County, Minnesota. Northern will also make modifications to its town border stations and ancillary and appurtenant facilities. The proposed facilities are required to serve markets for industrial, commercial, and residential use that cannot be met by Northern’s existing infrastructure. The Project, as proposed, will allow Northern to transport an incremental peak day firm service load of approximately 76,000 decatherms per day (Dth/day) through the addition of the pipeline and compression facilities on Northern’s existing system. An open season was held in October 2015 to affirm and quantify market growth opportunities, to solicit interest for firm transportation service, and to identify the need to construct facilities necessary to deliver firm transportation service to Northern’s system north of Ventura, Iowa, for service commencing on or after November 1, 2017.

Revision Date:  10/17/2016

Tags:  211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, Northern Natural Gas Co, Berkshire Hathaway Energy, Gas Turbine, Pipeline, Compressor Stations, Pipeline, Compression, Construction, Expansion, Gas-fired, USA

Johns Manville Insulation at Newark Energy Center

The construction of the Newark Energy Center gas-fired power plant in Newark, New Jersey called for the latest GE gas turbine technology to supply electricity to more than 700,000 homes. This project had an aggressive construction schedule and several specific insulation requirements for the pipe and vessel application. The insulation had to provide high-compressive strength, optimize corrosion defense, be readily available and cost-effective. As one of the only insulations available that meets all four criteria, Thermo-12® Gold became the primary product of choice. Thermo-12 Gold not only has exceptional compressive strength, but it inhibits CUI with the proprietary XOX™ chemical package and can handle high impact, high temperatures and high humidity with ease.

Revision Date:  10/13/2016

Tags:  BHE Environmental, Inc., Johns Manville, Insulation

Energy Saving at PacifiCorp Washington Plants

PacifiCorp Energy has seven generation facilities in their fleet that provide electricity to the State of Washington. These units vary from coal‐fired to natural gas to wind. The State of Washington has recently passed legislation requiring PacifiCorp to complete all cost effective energy efficiency measures in these generation facilities. The purpose of this 2011 report was to outline the systems investigated and detail the cost effective measures.

Revision Date:  9/26/2016

Tags:  PacifiCorp, Variable Speed Drive, Fan

Wyodak installs full flow condensate filtration

This coal fired power plant used air cooled condensers which cause problems with the condensate. In 2011 PacifiCorp purchased Pall 20 micron filters for the full flow. The question posed at the time was whether it would be worth more efficient filters e.g. 10 micron or 6 micron. 5 years have now passed since this presentation at the 2011 ACC users group . What is the current status and experience?

Revision Date:  9/22/2016

Tags:  PacifiCorp, Pall Corporation, Flow Control Equipment, Cartridge, Filtration

Wartsila has many applications in baseload, standby and emergency power

Applications include airport installations with heat, cooling, and power. One installation is run with vegetable oil as a fuel and does include SCR. CHP provides up to 90% efficiency.

Revision Date:  9/7/2016

Tags:  Wartsila, NOx

Approved gas turbine component supplier list for PacifiCorp

gas turbine combined cycle plants purchased by Pacific Corp. Preferred vendors based on the Currant Creek 2 plant are designated. For example Cuno is the approved supplier for the condensate filters. However in 2011 at Wyodak the Pall filter was installed to replace the existing Cuno string wound filters and positive results such as less iron deposition were experienced. Has this information been transferred to those making up bidders lists?

Revision Date:  8/29/2016

Tags:  PacifiCorp, High Performance Valve, Cartridge, Pump, Power Plant, NOx, Valve, Emissions Control

Oil & Gas Slides - Hot Topic Hour August 26, 2016

The Oil and Gas webinar conducted by McIlvaine yesterday was primarily focused on the opportunities created by the growth of gas by over 50 quads over the next 25 years.

Revision Date:  8/26/2016

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, 324110 - Petroleum Refineries 石油精炼

Oil & Gas Webinar - Hot Topic Hour August 25, 2016

Maximizing flow control and treatment revenues is a volatile market.

Revision Date:  8/25/2016

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, 324110 - Petroleum Refineries 石油精炼

Multiple routes for siloxane removal from biogas

Cormetech cites low persmissib levels of siloxane. Wastewater treatment plants and landfills have higher siloxane levels. A variety of treatment methods include consumables such as as activated carobn, regenerative with resins, and even chlller/adsorbers.

Revision Date:  8/23/2016

Tags:  562212 - Solid Waste Landfill , Siloxane, Emissions Control

China Marine Emissions Analysis by NRDC in 2013

30 percent of the world’s ocean going vessels pass through China. Shipping is the largest NOx and PM generator in Hong Kong. Stringent NOx controls are presently required for ships entering certain controlled regions in Europe and the U.S. Many of the ships use high sulfur cheap fuels and need scrubbers for SO2 removal. McIlvaine raises the question as to whether the catalytic filter with direct sorbent injection is not the best answer. A scheduled interview with Tri-Mer and Filtration Group will pose this question.

Revision Date:  8/23/2016

Tags:  483111 - Deep Sea Freight Transportation , NOx, Scrubber, Emissions Control, China

Cummins CHP installations for greenhouses have short payback time

CHP for heat and CO2 production for greenhouse applications can pay back in a remarkably short time, ranging anywhere from 1.5 to 3 years in favorable conditions says Stefan De Witt of Cummins Engine. Gas-fueled generator sets are highly suitable for this application because of their excellent environmental characteristics and their efficient production of heat and electricity. When implementing a solution, the designer must consider a number of points. For the dimensioning of the CO2 equipment such as tubes and fans, for example, it is important to keep in mind the excess air factor, defined as the amount of air admitted divided by the minimum amount of air required for the complete combustion of a fuel. The amount of air for complete combustion of a fuel depends on the composition of the fuel. Combustion of approximately 35 cubic ft of natural gas at normal temperature and pressure (1 N m³) needs approximately 8.5 N m³ of air. Lean-burn engines operate at a high excess air factor (above 1.5) to keep NOx production to a minimum. Consequently, a CHP unit produces a larger volume of exhaust gases than a burner.

Revision Date:  8/23/2016

Tags:  Cummins, Greenhouse

Tenneco has modular SCR system for ships and locomotives

A team from China, U.S. and Europe has designed a modular SCR system for ships and locomotives. Successful first applications include a ship in the Great Lakes and one in the Gulf of Mexico.

Revision Date:  8/23/2016

Tags:  483111 - Deep Sea Freight Transportation , Tenneco, Modular System, SCR, Emissions Control

Johnson Matthey emission control for stationary engines

What is a catalyst? ◦ How does it work?  Three Way Catalyst ( aka NSCR or TWC) for Rich Burn Engines  Catalyst Components and Operation  Air-Fuel Ratio Controllers  Summary  Two Way Catalyst (aka Oxidation) for Lean Burn Engines  Catalyst Operation  Summary  Selective Catalytic Reduction Systems (aka SCR) for Lean Burn Engines  What is SCR? / How it is Different from Two Way and Three Way.

Revision Date:  8/23/2016

Tags:  Johnson Matthey, Emissions Control

Lower emission limits for biogas engines in SCAQMD as of January 2016

SCAQMD rule for biogas effective 2016 limits emissions to 11 ppmv NOx – 30 ppmv VOC – 250 ppmv CO Stakeholders have commented that the capital and operating costs for cleaning up the biogas are very high and post-combustion control technologies such as Catalytic Oxidation and Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) are expensive to install and operate and argued that many of them will resort to flaring as a less costly alternative. Response: •The costs are significant but the environmental benefits are also significant. •Proposed controls are very cost effective. •Reasonable emission reductions such as those from biogas engines needed to meet the ambient air quality standards. •Flaring of a renewable energy source is undesirable. •Biogas flaring, except for a small Greenhouse Gas disbenefit, has a much lower criteria pollutant footprint compared to biogas engines, even considering power that needs to be generated by central power plants.

Revision Date:  8/23/2016

Tags:  562212 - Solid Waste Landfill , Regulation, SCAQMD, Emissions Control

Delaware data center will have 50 MW of SCR and oxidation catalysts according to March 2016 air permit application

The MTC project will have the capability to provide up to 62.5 MW of electrical power. The Middletown Technology Center has a projected demand of 50 MW when completed. The other approximately 12.5 MW of capacity represents one 10 MW engine and one 2.5 MW engine that are redundant to the minimum required number to meet the 50 MW load of the facility. Those two engines are necessary from a reliability perspective to cover periods when one of the other 10 MW or 2.5 MW engines are out of service for maintenance or repairs. On occasion when requested by Delaware Municipal Electric Corporation (‘DEMEC”), MTC may export power to DEMEC during periods of high electricity demand. The project will contain five (5) Caterpillar C20CM34 and five (5) Caterpillar G3520H natural gas fired reciprocating engines. Air emissions from the engines will be controlled using a selective catalytic reduction (SCR) system for NOx control and an oxidation catalyst system for CO, VOC and HAP control the five Caterpillar C20CM

Revision Date:  8/23/2016

Tags:  Data Center, Emissions Control

Microsoft Oxford Data Center

Update as of March 2016: Following the Public Comment Period and Hearing of July 2015, Microsoft submitted a revised permit application. The revisions are currently under review. Upon a completeness determination, Ecology will provide an additional public involvement opportunity for review and comment of the requested permit revisions. When completed, the Oxford Data Center will contain four Phase 1 activity zone (AZ) buildings designated AZ-4A, AZ-4B, AZ-4C, AZ-4D; four core network room (CNR) buildings; an administrative building; and four phase 2 AZ buildings designated AZ-3A, AZ- 3B, AZ-3C, AZ-3D. Building construction for the Phase 1 generators and cooling towers began before the end of 2014. Construction of Phase 2 is expected to begin within 18 months after the start of generator commissioning for Phase 1. Project Oxford Phases 1 and 2 will have thirty-two (32) Caterpillar Model 3516C-HD-TA diesel powered electric emergency generators in the activity zone buildings with a power rating of 2.5 Mwe per generator, four (4) Caterpillar Model 3516C-TA diesel powered electric emergency generators in the CNR buildings with a power rating of 2.0 Mwe per generator, and one (1) Caterpillar Model C27ATAAC diesel powered electric emergency generator in the administrative building with a power rating of 0.75 Mwe. The engines are equipped to meet Tier 1

Revision Date:  8/23/2016

Tags:  Microsoft Corporation, Industrial Emitters, Data Center, Emissions Control

EPA cost estimate of NESHAP for SI stationary engines is $ 115 million /yr

EPA estimates that complying with the reconsidered national emission standards for hazardous air pollutants (NESHAP) for stationary spark-ignition (SI) reciprocating internal combustion engines (RICE) will have an annualized cost of approximately $115 million per year (2009 or 2010 dollars) in the year of full implementation of the rule (2013). The total annualized costs of the reconsidered rule are 55% less than those for the final SI RICE NESHAP promulgated in 2010. Using these costs, EPA estimates in its economic impact analysis that the NESHAP will have limited impacts on the industries affected and their consumers. Using sales data obtained for affected small entities in an analysis of the impacts of this rule on small entities.

Revision Date:  8/23/2016

Tags:  Regulation, Emissions Control

Powerline:Jan/Feb, 2016

Feature Articles: 2016 EGSA Spring Conference Preview……..We’re Back in the Saddle Again in 2016! Are You Ready to Join EGSA in Spurring on our 51st Year? ……..Green Energy and Green Money: Coincidence? ……..EGSA Power Generation Market Pulse Survey ……..EGSA Heads ‘South of the Border’ for the Generac Power Systems Annual Dealer Conference …….. POWER-GEN International a Huge Success for the EGSA Power Pavilion in 2015! ……..Sunbelt Transformer Ltd. Member Profile: Another in our series of EGSA Member company profile Advertisers: Aaron Equipment Company……..Altronic, LLC (GTI Bi-Fuel) ……..Anna, Inc. ……..ASCO Power Technologies ……..Diesel Gas & Turbine Publications ……..Generator Solutions, Inc. ……..Hilliard Corp. ……..Phoenix Products ……..Power & Compression Sales ……..Pritchard Brown ……..Ring Power Corp. …….. Robinson Enclosures …….. Russelectric, Inc. ………Showmen Supplies Inc. ……..Sunbelt Transformer ……..Thomson Power Systems …….. United Alloy, Inc.

Revision Date:  8/17/2016

Tags:  EGSA, Powerline

Cormetech multipollutant catalyst reduces footprint and pressure drop

Advanced Multi-Function Catalyst, initially developed and patented by Siemens Energy Inc., and optimized and fully developed into commercial production as METEOR™ by Cormetech, Inc., simultaneously reduces NOx, CO, VOCs and NH3 slip to compliance levels in one catalyst layer. It provides several key benefits, compared to the traditional solution with two separate catalysts (i.e., CO oxidation and SCR), to address the changing dynamics of the power industry: 1. Capital cost reduction through a reduced footprint within the HRSG. 2. Enhanced efficiency and increased MW load operation through reduced catalyst pressure loss (from the single catalyst layer layout combined with Cormetech’s latest patented ultra-high surface area, high open area honeycomb in a pleated module). 3. Lower maintenance cost through reduced cold-end fouling from sulfuric acid and ammonium bisulfate (ABS). 4. Broader load flexibility through much lower sensitivity to flue gas sulfur compounds (e.g., SO2).

Revision Date:  8/16/2016

Tags:  Cormetech, Catalyst

Safety Power has order for 2 MW for engines with SCR for NYC

Safety Power Inc. has received a new order for an ecoCUBE® SCR system. This order represents two (2) megawatt of diesel power generation used in a demand response application for the City’s largest utility demand generation program. The emissions equipment will remove Nox, CO and PM while providing critical grade silencing all in one component. This project is for a stationary diesel engine that requires the use of after-treatment exhaust cleaning systems to meet or exceed the local environmental emissions requirements for this area. Safety Power’s product was chosen because of the small footprint and the proven reliability of the ecoCUBE® systems based on similar applications in North America. The ecoCUBE® will be mounted on the rooftop of a tall building in the financial district of the City. This order was scheduled for delivery in the 1st quarter of 2016.

Revision Date:  8/16/2016

Tags:  Safety Power, Sound Attenuation, Silencer, SCR

Cummins Sound attenuation enclosures

Cummins Power Generation diesel and spark-ignited generator sets are available with sound-attenuated and weather-protective enclosures. Pre-assembled, pre-integrated and delivered as part of the entire power system, these enclosures are designed to speed installation time and reduce costs. Three levels of sound-attenuation, depending on model size, are available to comply with even the strictest noise requirements. Enclosures are constructed of steel or aluminum, which is preferred in coastal regions or other environments where corrosion is a concern. Three levels of sound attenuation are: Level I: 70 to 89 d(B)A* Level II: 63 to 78 d(B)A* Level III: 68 to 70 d(B)A*

Revision Date:  8/16/2016

Tags:  Cummins, Silencer, Sound Attenuation

New York State will require lower emission limits for distributed generation sources with an extension to May 1 , 2017

New York State is proposing to adopt 6 NYCRR Part 222, 'Distributed Generation Sources' and make conforming revisions to Part 200, 'General Provisions' and Subpart 227-2, 'Reasonably Available Control Technology (RACT) for Oxides of Nitrogen (Nox)' to establish emission standards, monitoring requirements and record keeping requirements for certain DG sources in New York State. The proposed rule will apply to DG sources not currently regulated under Subpart 227-2 or subject to a federal New Source Performance Standard (NSPS), as long as the federal standards are less than or equal to the Part 222 emission limits. NYSDEC Proposed 6 NYCRR, Subpart 222 Distributed Generation Sources Specifically for Reciprocating Internal Combustion Engines For Nox RICE Natural Gas Engines are limited to 1.5 g/bhp-hr and RICE Diesel Engines are limited to 2.3 g/bhp-hr. Particulate for both diesel and natural gas is 0.3 g/bhp-hr or 85% reduction. An annual tune-up for all engines is required by New York State Department of Environmental Conservation. The compliance by May 1, 2016, the beginning of the “ozone season”. Operators can request a one (1) year extension due to hardship circumstances or if the site already took part in a formal 2015 demand response program.

Revision Date:  8/16/2016

Tags:  Emissions, Regulation, Air Pollution Control, NY

Universal AET solves noise problem at Marcellus shale gas compressor station in PA

Universal AET engineers developed a custom exhaust silencer system with an integrated catalyst and packaged it with a resonator to treat the emissions and acoustic energy created by the reciprocating engines. Universal AET provided unique vertical combination units that meet exceedingly strict acoustic requirements. In addition to the two engine exhaust systems, Universal AET provided complete turbine exhaust systems for two Caterpillar natural gas powered compressor turbines at the site. These units are each rated at 10,280 HP.

Revision Date:  8/16/2016

Tags:  Universal AET, Caterpillar, Sound Attenuation, Silencer

Passive vs. Active Diesel Particulate Filters for Emergency Generators

Passive vs. Active Diesel Particulate Filters for Emergency Generators

Revision Date:  8/16/2016

Tags:  Johnson Matthey, Diesel Particulate Filter

Diesel Particulate Filter System

Johnson Matthey’s CRT Diesel Particulate Filter optimizes engine performance with advanced filtration and exhaust gas regeneration.

Revision Date:  8/16/2016

Tags:  Johnson Matthey, Diesel Particulate Filter

The Diagnostic Module and Remote Display Module, are premier devices that provide operational feedback to ensure optimal emission reduction

CRTdm’s and RDM’s are installed on vehicles equipped with JM particulate filter systems including CRT® and PCRT® systems and are designed to be retrofitted on a variety of applications including buses, trucks, off-road and industrial vehicles.

Revision Date:  8/16/2016

Tags:  Johnson Matthey, Diesel Particulate Filter

Johnson Matthey’s SDPF Diesel Particulate Filter optimizes engine performance with advanced filtration and exhaust gas regeneration.

The SDPF Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF) is Johnson Matthey’s patented technology for the reduction of PM and other emissions from diesel engines. The redesigned SDPF system regenerates easily by the heat of the exhaust gas, and with the companion SootAlert™ Monitor, your engine is assured of operational readiness whenever your emergency generator is called into action. In addition, the filters are easily accessible for cleaning or replacement.

Revision Date:  8/16/2016

Tags:  Johnson Matthey

Emissions removal efficiency from diesel gensets using aftermarket PM controls

Diesel particulate matter (PM) has been associated with adverse health effects in humans and is classified as a human carcinogen. Additionally, the strongly light absorbing fraction, black carbon (BC), has been identified as an important climate forcer. For these reasons, the effectiveness of aftermarket controls on reducing PM and BC from three stationary diesel gensets (230, 400, and 600 kW) of varying engine displacement (from 8.8 to 27 L) and physical size was investigated. Uncontrolled emissions were compared with emissions controlled with a passive (P-DPF) and active diesel particulate filter (A-DPF) and a diesel oxidation catalyst (DOC). Overall, the DPFs resulted in significant PM mass removal (*80–99 %), while the DOC resulted in statistically insignificant reductions (*0–25 %). Both BC and elemental carbon (EC) removal followed a similar trend, but EC/PM ratios varied from 0 to 0.79 over all test conditions, indicating changes in PM composition with the addition of aftermarket controls or changes in load. Further, the single scattering albedo of PM was slightly decreased from the DPFs compared to the uncontrolled case. Particle number concentrations were also significantly reduced when using DPFs, with a greater than 97 % reduction in particle concentrations with the P-DPF and greater than 82 % reduction with the A-DPF. The DOC exhibited much lower particle reductions, reducing the particle concentration by only 5–35 %, depending upon the genset or load. These results demonstrate that while DPFs are effective at reducing PM and BC emissions, the particle characteristics are altered from those of uncontrolled emissions.

Revision Date:  8/16/2016

Tags:  Diesel Particulate Filter

JM particulate filters on rock crusher pump engines

J Cloud Inc. of El Cajon, CA installed Johnson Matthey CRT2’s on their CAT 3408 and CAT 3306 engines. The CAT 3408 drives a hydraulic pump that powers a rock crusher and the CAT 3306 drives a generator that provides power for a conveyor. Each CRT2 contains two particulate filters and was selected to match the engine size and exhaust conditions.

Revision Date:  8/16/2016

Tags:  Johnson Matthey, Diesel Particulate Filter

Ski resort uses JM CRT and SCR sytem with Cummins engine

Snow Summit Ski Resort of Big Bear Lake, California had a unique requirement to control PM, NOx, CO and VOC emissions from their Cummins QSK78 engine. They chose Johnson Matthey’s SCRT®, which contains a patented CRT® filter system and a urea injection SCR catalyst system.

Revision Date:  8/16/2016

Tags:  Johnson Matthey, Diesel Particulate Filter

Turnkey SCRT System Installed on Three 2220 HP Diesel Engines Used for Emergency Backup Power in Puerto Rico

Janssen Ortho, a subsidiary of Johnson & Johnson had a need to control NOx and PM emissions from their Cummins diesel engines. The engines were installed to provide emergency backup power for their pharmaceutical R&D and manufacturing facility in Puerto Rico.

Revision Date:  8/16/2016

Tags:  Johnson Matthey, Diesel Particulate Filter

Sound enclosures provide weather protection and sound attenuation

With the growth of standby, prime and peaking power installations in highly populated areas, design engineers have focused their attention on understanding how generator set noise is propagated and controlled. The high cost of retrofitting a site for noise reduction makes it imperative to assess noise performance requirements early in the on-site power system design stage. This Cummins white paper outlines procedures to help, power system designers and end users more easily control unwanted noise from their on-site power system. there are basically seven strategies for reducing generator set noise: 1) reduce the sound level of the source; 2) acoustic barriers; 3) acoustic insulation; 4) isolation mounts; 5) cooling air attenuation; 6) exhaust silencers; and 7) efforts to maximize the distance between the generator set and the property line (or people). When locating generator sets outdoors, the use of enclosures – particularly sound-attenuating enclosures – combines all of these strategies into a convenient package that provides weather protection as well as sound attenuation.

Revision Date:  8/16/2016

Tags:  Cummins, Sound Attenuation

South Coast Air Quality Management District sets plan to control NOx from 17,000 small sources

Fifteen stationary source measures and 15 mobile source measures, anticipated to be adopted and implemented in the next 10 to 15 years will assist in attainment of the 8-hour ozone standard by 2031 together with CARB’s measures and reductions from federal sources. Twelve stationary source measures target NOx reductions that are further grouped into measure types: co-benefits from climate programs, incentive measures, additional stationary sources measures, and other measures. Three stationary source measures focus on limited, strategic VOC reductions and four additional measures have corresponding VOC reductions from other ozone or PM measures. SCAQMD’s mobile source measures include one emission growth management measure and 14 mobile source measures that are further grouped into four facility-based mobile source measures, five on-road and four off-road source measures, and one incentive program measure. Section 182(e)(5) of the CAA allows “extreme” ozone areas to include measures in their Plan that rely on the development of new technology or advancement of existing technology. These are sometimes referred to as black box measures. The 8-hour ozone measures in the 2016 AQMP specify current opportunities for emission reductions and thus are designed to reduce the reliance on the Section 182(e)(5) commitments in the 2007 AQMP NOx Combustion Sources Equipment # of Units A 372 Boilers, 2,511 Dryers 218 Flares , 175 Furnaces , 753 Heaters ,770 Incinerators . 192 Ovens 174 Stationary ICEs , 12,928 Turbines

Revision Date:  8/11/2016

Tags:  South Coast Air Quality Management District, NOx, Regulation, Air Pollution Control, USA

Combined cycle plant duct burner optimization using NeuCO software

GE Neuco has used the approach in coal fired boilers to optimize the use of duct burners in a gas turbine combined cycle system at the Independence Station of Dynergy. This 1000 MW plant uses duct burners which add 88 MW of capacity. Process Link predicts maximum likely demand in the next 30 minutes and then adds only enough duct burner fuel to offset the shortfall in case of maximum likely demand. Dynamic modeling avoids over-shooting and under-shooting. It predicts true combined cycle capability without duct burners and enables users to specify how certain they want to be that they will meet demand.

Revision Date:  8/9/2016

Tags:  NeuCo, Software

Bar Silencer analysis by by AAF and Brunel University

Dissipative silencers used to attenuate noise emanating from air moving devices such as fans are normally of a simple splitter design, with parallel baffles of absorbent material arranged over the width of a duct. However in more specialist applications, such as the exhaust systems of gas turbines, different silencer geometries are often used. One such geometry is a so-called bar silencer, in which rectangular bars, or bricks, of absorbing material are placed in a lattice arrangement over the duct cross section. The acoustic performance of these bar silencers is investigated here using a finite element based numerical mode matching scheme. The insertion loss of the bar silencers is then calculated and compared against traditional splitter designs in order to investigate the relative efficiency of each design the performance of the bar silencer is observed to be very dependent on the material chosen and the flow resistivity of this material (which is linked to the overall bulk density of the material placed in the silencer). This places a strong emphasis on the development of accurate design tools suitable for optimizing silencer performance for a particular application.

Revision Date:  8/9/2016

Tags:  AAF International, Silencer

Eon facility with coal fired generator, gas turbine and engine optimizes operation with Emerson program


Revision Date:  8/9/2016

Tags:  Emerson Electric, Gas Turbine, Reciprocating Engine, Optimization, Combustion, Heat Recovery

AMOT valves, conrols, and heat recovery

AMOT 8824 Fallbrook Dr Houston, TX 77064 Phone: (832) 291-5903 Fax: (713) 559-9419 Key Personnel: Brant Stewart, Sales Manager Description: AMOT works with original equipment manufacturers and oil and gas companies to design and develop safety products and solutions for engines, compressors, turbines, and other rotating equipment. Our product families include valves, electric and pneumatic instrumentation and control/condition monitoring systems. Sells:  Control/Annunciator Systems  Heat Recovery Systems  Instruments and controls, including meters, gauges, relays, contactors, or switches

Revision Date:  8/3/2016

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, 483111 - Deep Sea Freight Transportation , 211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, AMOT, Catalyst, Valve, Reciprocating Engine, Silencer, Regulation, Emissions Control, Heat Recovery, Cooling

World Data Center Growth is 9%/yr

The global data center construction market will grow from $14.59bn in 2014 to $22.73bn by 2019, at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 9.3% according Research and Markets. Many companies have begun to transform traditional data centers into mega data centers while many others are planning to build new monster sites in the coming years. The data center construction market is expected to show significant growth rate in the coming period.

Revision Date:  8/1/2016

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, 483111 - Deep Sea Freight Transportation , 221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, 211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, Catalyst, Reciprocating Engine, Regulation, Heat Recovery, Cooling, Emissions Control

Cloud Computing will Lead to Fewer but Larger Data Centers and Engines

Cloud computing has yet to make its full impact, and the extent and the form of that impact on enterprise and commercial datacenters is still unclear. It will take several years to play out, but demand for on-premises capacity will certainly be offset by the ability to far more easily migrate workloads and place new workloads with cloud providers such as Amazon. This possibility is, in turn, beginning to create new competitive and efficiency pressures; operators looking do ‘more of the same’ or ‘more for less’ are now considering radical change. there will likely be fewer yet larger enterprise datacenters in 2016 and beyond, as many smaller and regional facilities are consolidated into centralized ‘premium’ sites.

Revision Date:  8/1/2016

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, 211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, 483111 - Deep Sea Freight Transportation , Catalyst, Silencer, Valves, Heat Recovery Systems, Reciprocating Engine, Regulation, Emissions Control, Heat Recovery, Cooling

Data Centers will Consume 8% of Worlds Energy in 2020

The rapid increase in cloud-scale services is driving a growth in data centers. Resources and support-infrastructures inside these centers consume a lot of energy. It is estimated that, currently, data centers consume about 3% of the world’s electricity production [1] and should double in every 5 years [2]. By 2020, data centers should consume approximately 8% of the total world’s energy [3] and emit 340 metric megatons of CO2 annually [4]. Data centers in the U.S. consumed 2% of all electricity usage in 2010 [9]. Utility, as a primary source, provides electricity for data centers. Diesel and natural gas generators are employed as emergency sources during a utility power outage. Since coal and gas plants are the dominant sources of the electricity produced in the U.S., the current growth in data centers energy consumption will produce large carbon emission and incur high electricity cost. Environmental concerns, as well as energy prices, obligate companies to build green data centers, which partially or completely use renewable energy sources, such as wind and solar. Incorporating renewable sources can reduce carbon footprint, energy price, and loss, but their intermittent nature is a key challenge. New generation of data centers will be either own renewable energy sources or buy it directly from an existing off-site generation (co-location). More importantly, they will play an active role instead of being a pure consumer to the utility.

Revision Date:  8/1/2016

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, 211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, 483111 - Deep Sea Freight Transportation , 221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, 221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Heat Recovery Systems, Silencer, Valves, Catalyst, Reciprocating Engine, Regulation, Heat Recovery, Cooling, Emissions Control, Heat Recovery

Compressor Stations Placed Every 40-70 miles

Compressor stations are facilities located along a natural gas pipeline which compress the gas to a specified pressure, thereby allowing it to continue traveling along the pipeline to the intended recipient. Frequency of Compressor Stations – The total number of compressor station facilities required to move product varies depending on the region and conditions. Generally compressor stations are located about every 40-70 miles along the pipeline. Operating Pressure of the Pipeline – There is a wide variation in the pressure within a given section of pipeline compared to other pipelines in other areas. The typical pressure may range anywhere from 200 psi (pounds per square inch) to 1,500 psi. This wide variation is also due to the type of area in which the pipeline is operating, its elevation, and the diameter of the pipeline. Because of the change in the environment, compressor stations may compress natural gas at different levels. Supply and demand can also be a factor at times in the level of compression required for the flow of the natural gas. Compressor Unit – The compressor unit is the piece of equipment which actually compresses the gas. Some compressor stations may have multiple compressor units depending on the needs of the pipeline. The compressor unit is a large engine which typically works in one of three ways: Turbines with Centrifugal Compressors – This type of compressor is powered by a turbine to turn a centrifugal compressor and is powered by natural gas from the pipeline itself. Electric Motors with Centrifugal Compressors – This type of compressor also utilizes centrifugal compressors to compress the gas; however, instead of being powered by a natural gas fueled turbine, they instead rely on high voltage electric motors. Reciprocating Engine with Reciprocating Compressor – This type of compressor uses large piston engines to crank reciprocating pistons located within cylindrical cases on the side of the unit. These reciprocating pistons compress the gas. These engines are also fueled by natural gas.

Revision Date:  8/1/2016

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, 483111 - Deep Sea Freight Transportation , 211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, Silencer, Valves, Heat Recovery Systems, Reciprocating Engine, Catalyst, Regulation, Cooling, Emissions Control, Heat Recovery

U.S. Interstate Natural Gas Pipeline had 1200 Comperssors in 2006 with 17 Million HP

The U.S. interstate natural gas pipeline network relies on more than 1,200 natural gas compressor stations to maintain the continuous flow of natural gas between supply area and consumers (Figure 1). Compressor stations are “pumping” facilities that advance the flow of natural gas. They are usually situated between 50 and 100 miles apart along the length of a natural gas pipeline system and are designed to operate on a nonstop basis. The average station is capable of moving about 700 million cubic feet (MMcf) of natural gas per day, while the largest can move as much as 4.6 billion cubic feet (Bcf) per day. Between 1996 and 2006, the number of natural gas pipeline compressor stations attached to the interstate mainline natural gas pipeline grid increased significantly. In 1996 there were approximately 1,047 mainline compressor stations, with installed horsepower of about 13.4 million and a combined throughput capability of approximately 743 billion cubic feet per day.1 By 2006, these figures had grown to 1,201 mainline compressor stations, 16.9 million installed horsepower, and a throughput capability of 881 Bcf per day (Table 1). This expansion represented a 26-percent increase in installed horsepower and a 19-percent increase in throughput capacity during the period. Texas Eastman, El Paso. Transcontinental and Tenessee Gas each had more than 1 million HP of compressors. The article has maps of locations and number of compressors for the ten largest pipelines

Revision Date:  8/1/2016

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, 483111 - Deep Sea Freight Transportation , 211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, Silencer, Valves, Heat Recovery Systems, Reciprocating Engine, Catalyst, Regulation, Cooling, Emissions Control, Heat Recovery

Stationary Diesel Engine Case Studies Show Performance on Emission Reduction by MECA Members

MECA members have successful installtions of NOx reduction in many applications including on site power for data centers and medical facilities . This paper is a compilation of case histories ...................................................................... 3 2.1 Demonstration of Emission Control Technologies on Diesel-Fueled Backup Generators .................................................................................................................... 3 2.2 The Simultaneous Reduction of NOx, PM, HC and Co from Large Stationary Diesel Engines Using SCR and Particulate Filters ...................................................... 5 2.3 Diesel Retrofit of Emergency Backup Power Engine in Puerto Rico................... 7 2.4 Controlling NOx from Gas Drilling Rig Engines ................................................. 7 2.5 Kings County, CA, Department of Public Works................................................... 7 2.6 National Steel and Shipbulding Company (NASSCO)........................................... 8 2.7 Pacific Bell-SBC Telecommunications Facility..................................................... 9 2.8 Santa Clara County Building Operations.............................................................. 9 2.9 Sierra Nevada Brewing Company, Chico, CA..................................................... 10 2.10 Diesel Retrofit of Rock Crusher and Conveyor ................................................. 11 2.11 San Joaquin Valley, CA ..................................................................................... 11 2.12 Diesel Retrofit of Portable Electrical Generator............................................... 11 2.13 Memorial Hospital of Los Banos, Los Banos, CA ............................................. 12 2.14 Fresno Regional Medical Center, Fresno, CA .................................................. 12 2.15 New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection Stationary Diesel Particulate Filter Project............................................................................................ 12 2.16 Intel Corporation, San Jose, CA........................................................................ 13 2.17 Demonstration of a NOx Control System for Stationary Diesel Engines .......... 13 2.18 Evaluation of NH3-SCR Catalyst Technology on a Stationary Diesel Genset.. 14 2.19 Additional SCR Projects .................................................................................... 15

Revision Date:  8/1/2016

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, 221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, 483111 - Deep Sea Freight Transportation , 211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, Silencer, Valves, Reciprocating Engine, Heat Recovery Systems, Catalyst, Regulation, Heat Recovery, Emissions Control, Cooling

MECA Supports BOEM’s Proposal to Require Monitoring and Reduction of PM and BC Emissions from Oil, Gas, and Sulfur Operations on the Outer Continental Shelf

In 2016 MEACa wrote a position statement to assert the desirability of emission controls for the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management’s (BOEM) request for public comments on its proposed rule titled “Air Quality Control, Reporting, and Compliance.” **********A survey of MECA members estimates that there are over 800 stationary diesel engines in the U.S. that currently use DPFs. The vast majority (90%) of these engines are in-use emergency standby engines, with the rest being prime stationary genset engines. Some states with ozone nonattainment areas require DPF’s to be installed on engines as a result of New Source Review (NSR) or Best Available Control Technology (BACT)/Lowest Achievable Emission Rate (LAER) analysis. In those cases, DPFs along with SCR have been required on emergency diesel engines. Furthermore, many states require emergency diesel engines, that are also used in demand response programs for power peak shaving, to install DPF as well as SCR control devices. There are at least five MECA member companies that have experience with the installation of DPF retrofits on emergency standby diesel engines. One MECA member company has had extensive experience with the retrofit of stationary diesel engines in Taiwan. Power outages are frequent in Taiwan, so standby generators used for emergency back-up power are an important part of the country’s infrastructure. DPFs have been successfully installed on these generators. For example, Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing installed DPFs on 14 emergency standby generators (2 MW engines) in 2001, which has resulted in a greater than 90 percent reduction in PM.

Revision Date:  8/1/2016

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, 483111 - Deep Sea Freight Transportation , , Reciprocating Engine, Filter, Catalyst, Regulation, Heat Recovery, Cooling

Fuel Tech has large SNCR systems in China

Fuel Tech has units in Asia which are large e.g 4 x 680 MW and are achieving up to 78% NOx removal with a combination of SNCR and combustion modifications. These additional power points supplement the information provided by Dale Pfaf in sessions 1 & 2. AES Greenridge is 115 MW T -Fired and achieves 60% NOx reduction with combustion modifications, SNCR and ASCR

Revision Date:  8/1/2016

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Fuel Tech, NOx, SNCR, Emissions Control, NOx Emissions Reduction, China

Data centers will consume 8% of worlds energy in 2020

The rapid increase in cloud-scale services is driving a growth in data centers. Resources and support-infrastructures inside these centers consume a lot of energy. It is estimated that, currently, data centers consume about 3% of the world’s electricity production [1] and should double in every 5 years [2]. By 2020, data centers should consume approximately 8% of the total world’s energy [3] and emit 340 metric megatons of CO2 annually [4]. ********** Data centers in the U.S. consumed 2% of all electricity usage in 2010 [9]. Utility, as a primary source, provides electricity for data centers. Diesel and natural gas generators are employed as emergency sources during a utility power outage. Since coal and gas plants are the dominant sources of the electricity produced in the U.S., the current growth in data centers energy consumption will produce large carbon emission and incur high electricity cost. Environmental concerns, as well as energy prices, obligate companies to build green data centers, which partially or completely use renewable energy sources, such as wind and solar. Incorporating renewable sources can reduce carbon footprint, energy price, and loss, but their intermittent nature is a key challenge. New generation of data centers will be either own renewable energy sources or buy it directly from an existing off-site generation (co-location). More importantly, they will play an active role instead of being a pure consumer to the utility.

Revision Date:  8/1/2016

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, 483111 - Deep Sea Freight Transportation , 221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, 221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, 211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, Silencer, Heat Recovery Systems, Catalyst, Reciprocating Engine, Valve, Regulation, Heat Recovery, Cooling, Emissions Control

Wartsila power plants can operate with multi fuels

Wärtsilä’s power plants enable the transition to a sustainable, reliable and affordable power system. The main cornerstones are very high energy efficiency, outstanding operational flexibility, and multi-fuel operation. The applications range from stationary and floating base- load power plants to dynamic grid stability and peak load services, balancing large input fluctuations of wind and solar power, as well as serving a wide variety of industrial self-generation needs. This brochure outlines the capabilities and designs to handle gaseous and liquid fuels as well as multiple fuels. Multi-fuel power plants make power generation more reliable by being able to adapt to any situations that may occur regarding fuel availability or affordability. They can even switch fuels while running, for example changing to liq- uid fuel mode if the gas supply is suddenly interrupted. This capability provides 24/7 security of supply, hedge against fuel price increases and preparation for future fuel infrastructure development. Wärtsilä’s multi-fuel power plants can run in the following operations…

Revision Date:  8/1/2016

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, 221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, 221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, 483111 - Deep Sea Freight Transportation , 211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, 221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, 221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Wartsila, Silencer, Catalyst, Valve, Reciprocating Engine, Regulation, Cooling, Heat Recovery, Emissions Control

Kohler Recommends Approach to Sizing Data Center Engines

Kohler weighs in on engine sizing and emission control based on two sets of criteria. One is to insure adequate power is available and the other is to meet EPA emission limits, Kohler makes a case as to why specifying a continuous rating (as the Uptime Institute recommends) for generators in the data-center industry is unnecessary. First, consider that the main purpose of the ISO 8528-1 ratings standard is to classify the type of application for which a generator rating is to be used. In nearly every case, data centers are standby (emergency) applications. The generator is not the primary power source; it is used to back up a reliable utility, or in the case of Tier III and Tier IV data centers, multiple independent utilities. The only exceptions are areas where there are no utilities, and the generator is used as prime power. **********The second set of criteria determine the emission control requirements A stationary “emergency” application is where the generator set remains in one location for 12 months or longer, is the secondary power source when the utility (primary power source) fails, and annual maintenance and readiness testing is less than 100 hours. The term “emergency” refers to the use of the engine when an emergency occurs (utility fails). In virtually all cases, these applications will have a “standby” generator rating. Remember that standby-rated generators can run an unlimited number of hours with varying load during the utility outage. Stationary emergency applications in the U.S. require diesel engines that are EPA-certified to Tier 3 if their power output is between 50 BHP (40 kW) and 560 BHP (500 kW), or certified to Tier 2 if their power output is above 560 BHP (500 kW). A stationary “non-emergency” application is where the generator set is either the primary power source or a secondary power source connected to an unreliable utility with planned high hours of annual usage. Additionally, using it for peak shaving, interruptible rate, or any financial arrangement with a utility qualifies it as a non-emergency application. Non-emergency applications may use prime, limited running time or continuous ratings. Non-emergency applications in the U.S. require EPA-certified Tier 4 diesel engines, which are designed for lower emissions and are much more expensive than their stationary emergency counterparts at the Tier 2 and Tier 3 levels. A non-road application is where the generator set is in more than one location within a 12-month period. Typical applications are mobile, rental or containerized generator sets. Non-road applications may use prime, limited running time or continuous ratings. These applications require EPA-certified Tier 4 diesel engines.********** Todd Matte Manager - Corporate Accounts Project Management Group of Kohler was the author of this 2015 document.

Revision Date:  8/1/2016

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, , , , 483111 - Deep Sea Freight Transportation , 211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, Kohler, Reciprocating Engine, Catalyst, Control System, Heat Recovery Systems, Silencer, Regulation, Emissions Control, Heat Recovery, Cooling

MECA recommends SCR for 4 stroke engines and others to OTC in 2011

Substantial NOx reductions and minimization of CO and organics can be achieved with SCR on compressor engines and this is most clear for 4 stroke engines but a good case can also be made for 2 stroke engines. MECA believes that the OTC is missing a significant opportunity to achieve further NOx reductions. SCR has long been the technology of choice for NOx emission reduction in industrial processes and stationary power generation applications. The commercial use of SCR systems for the control of NOx from lean-burn stationary engines has been around since the mid-1980s in Europe and since the early 1990s in the U.S. Since 1995, one MECA member company specifically has installed over 400 SCR systems worldwide for stationary engines with varying fuel combinations including dozens of natural gas powered compressor engines at sites in the U.S. These four-stroke, lean-burn, gas compressor engines, equipped with urea-SCR achieve in excess of 90% reduction in NOx with as little as 2-3 ppm ammonia emissions. Similar units have been deployed in power generation applications. MECA believes that the OTC is also missing a significant opportunity to reduce CO and VOC emissions from lean burn natural gas engines by not setting standards that would require inexpensive, passive, oxidation catalyst controls that are in use today. Oxidation catalysts have been applied to over 250,000 off-road diesel mobile source applications and hundreds of stationary lean burn SI engines. Over 50,000,000 diesel passenger cars and millions of trucks and buses have been equipped with oxidation catalysts. Oxidation catalysts are extremely effective in achieving greater than 90% reduction of hazardous air pollutants such as THC and CO from lean burn engines. These catalysts also provide significant reductions in toxic emissions by eliminating benzene, formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, methanol and other VOCs from the exhaust. Oxidation catalysts have been installed on a limited number of marine diesel applications, a duty cycle that closely mimics stationary operation. Even a relatively inexpensive oxidation catalyst can provide significant multi-pollutant co-benefits in reducing CO, HC, VOC, and SOF emissions. The OTC should consider setting CO and VOC standards that would require emissions controls on all stationary natural gas combustion engines to prevent inadvertent emissions from those engines that are susceptible to such trade-off characteristics when combustion controls are retrofitted to achieve Nox reductions.

Revision Date:  8/1/2016

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, 211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, 483111 - Deep Sea Freight Transportation , Catalyst, Silencer, Heat Recovery Systems, Reciprocating Engine, Valves, Regulation, Cooling, Heat Recovery, Emissions Control

Cummins has 1500 Fleetguard air filter designs for engines

Plugged air filters reduce engine performance, create higher fuel consumption, increase exhaust fumes and are harmful to the environment. . To properly perform its function of reducing wear and extending engine life, the air filter must filter 100% of the pre-combustion air and remove as much contaminant of any and every particle size as it can to a very high final efficiency. ******With a range of over 1,500 different air filtration products from clamps to air housings to “state-of-the-art” air filters, Fleetguard Heavy Duty Air Filtration, covers all the needs for air intake systems. Fleetguard Visibowl™ Pre-Cleaners and highly efficient Fleetguard pre-cleaner ™ self cleaning Pre-cleaners are strongly recommended for construction, mining, farming, forestry and other segments where operating conditions are severe.

Revision Date:  8/1/2016

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, 221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, , 483111 - Deep Sea Freight Transportation , 211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, Cummins, Filter, Catalyst, Reciprocating Engine, Valve, Regulation, Cooling, Emissions Control, Air Filtration, Heat Recovery

Baker Haight Pumps for Lubrication, Fuel, and Filtraton

Baker Manufacturing 133 Enterprise St Evansville, WI 53536 Phone: (800) 871-8250 Fax: (608) 882-3777 Key Personnel: Tom Skaleski, Director of Sales - Haight Pump Description: Haight Pump manufactures cast iron pumps ranging in flow from 1 gpm to 240 gpm. We specialize in manufacturing custom products to meet unique customer application requirements and have the ability to engineer, cast, machine, assemble and test all at one location. Sells:  Fuel Tanks and Fuel Storage Systems

Revision Date:  7/30/2016

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, 483111 - Deep Sea Freight Transportation , 211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, Baker Mfg. Co./ Haight Pumps, Pump, Catalyst, Silencer, Reciprocating Engine, Valves, Regulation, Cooling, Emissions Control, Heat Recovery

Cummins has 1500 Fleetguard Air Filter Designs for Engines

Plugged air filters reduce engine performance, create higher fuel consumption, increase exhaust fumes and are harmful to the environment. To properly perform its function of reducing wear and extending engine life, the air filter must filter 100% of the pre-combustion air and remove as much contaminant of any and every particle size as it can to a very high final efficiency. With a range of over 1,500 different air filtration products from clamps to air housings to “state-of-the-art” air filters, Fleetguard Heavy Duty Air Filtration, covers all the needs for air intake systems. Fleetguard Visibowl™ Pre-Cleaners and highly efficient Fleetguard pre-cleaner ™ self cleaning Pre-cleaners are strongly recommended for construction, mining, farming, forestry and other segments where operating conditions are severe.

Revision Date:  7/30/2016

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Cummins, Reciprocating Engine

Cummins Supplies Engines and Emission Control Systems- EGSA member

Cummins Power Generation 3850 N Victoria Street Minneapolis, MN 55126 Phone: (651) 787-6267 Branches in: Please, search for Cummins Power Generation locations at Key Personnel: Kirk Adams, Director North America Power Systems Sales Debra Laurents, Global Processes Manager Jeff Vanpoucke, Director North America Power Products Sales Luiz Rubino, Global Applications Director Description: Cummins Power Generation is a world leader in the design and manufacture of diesel and lean burn gas generator sets, transfer switches, paralleling equipment and controls for use in standby,prime and continuous rating aplications. Sells:  Batteries/Battery Chargers  Enclosures, Generator Set  Engines, Diesel or Gas  Engines, Gas Turbine  Filters, Lube Oil, Fuel or Air  Fuel Tanks and Fuel Storage Systems  Generator Sets  Generators/Alternators  Heat Recovery Systems  Silencers/Exhaust Systems/Noise Abatement Rents:  Enclosures, Generator Set  Generator Sets  Trailers, Generator Set Services:  Batteries/Battery Chargers  Control/Annunciator Systems  Enclosures, Generator Set  Engine Starters/Starting Aids  Engines, Diesel or Gas  Engines, Gas Turbine  Filters, Lube Oil, Fuel or Air  Fuel Tanks and Fuel Storage Systems  Generators/Alternators  Heat Recovery Systems

Revision Date:  7/30/2016

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, 483111 - Deep Sea Freight Transportation , 211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, Cummins, Reciprocating Engine, Valves, Catalyst, Silencer, Regulation, Heat Recovery, Cooling, Emissions Control

Boulden Supplies Miratech SCR Systems Maxim Silencers , American Industrial Heat Exchangers

Boulden Company 1013 Conshohocken Road Conshohocken, PA 19428 Phone: (610) 825-1515 Fax: (610) 825-5544 Key Personnel: Andy Boulden, Sales Phil Boulden, Sales Joyce Legge, Sales Colleen Whalon, Sales Description: Athlon Generators, Miratech Corp Oxidation, 3-way, SCR Catalyst, DPFs, Silencers; Covrad/GTi/API Radiators; Maxim Silencers; Insultech Insulation Blankets, SENS battery chargers, Nicad batteries, Simplex Loadbanks & Fuel Systems,Sutton Stromart Radiators; Hythane Bi/Dual Fuel; American Industrial Shell & Tube Heat Exchangers; Xylem Inc; VMC Group; Exhaust Flex, Braided Hose, Expansion Joints, Expansion Tanks. Sells:  Batteries/Battery Chargers  Control/Annunciator Systems  Emission Control Equipment  Fuel Tanks and Fuel Storage Systems  Generators/Alternators  Heat Recovery Systems  Load Banks  Radiator/Heat Exchangers  Silencers/Exhaust Systems/Noise Abatement  Vibration Isolators

Revision Date:  7/30/2016

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, 483111 - Deep Sea Freight Transportation , 211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, Boulden Company, Valves, Catalyst, Heat Recovery Systems, Reciprocating Engine, Regulation, Cooling, Heat Recovery, Emissions Control

Aristo Catalyst Systems for Stationary, Locomotive and Marine

Aristo® Intelligent Catalyst Technology® 4410 W. 37th Avenue Bldg. F Hobart, IN 46342 Phone: (219) 963-2288 Fax: (219) 963-7334 Key Personnel: Douglas Kowalski, Operations Director Bobby Charalambos, Sales & Customer Service Coordinator Description: Since 1990, Aristo® Intelligent Catalyst Technology® has developed a reputation for providing high quality & exceptional value in the design & manufacture of technologically advanced catalysts & catalyst systems for the global emissions market. With performance proven expertise that crosses a wide range of catalyst markets, Aristo offers INTELLIGENT CATALYST products for diesel, gasoline, off-highway, stationary, recreational, locomotive & marine applications & large industrial power installations. Sells:  Emission Control Equipment

Revision Date:  7/30/2016

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, 483111 - Deep Sea Freight Transportation , 211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, Aristo Intelligent Catalyst Technology, Valves, Silencer, Reciprocating Engine, Catalyst, Heat Recovery Systems, Regulation, Emissions Control, Cooling, Heat Recovery

Crankcase Ventilation and Exhaust Gas Recirculation Require Rugged Filters

Exhaust Gas Recirculation. Exhaust gas recirculation (EGR), the process of recirculating some of the exhaust gas back into the intake system, is an important technology that has allowed modern diesel engines to achieve very low engine out NOx emissions. As can be imagined, introducing relatively high temperature exhaust gas into the intake air can have significant impacts on the temperature and composition of the combustion air supplied to the combustion chamber. In order to ensure proper functioning of an engine with EGR, various hardware components, such as valves and coolers have to be introduced to control the flow, temperature and distribution of EGR supply and the resulting mixture with intake air. As well,turbocharger sizing and technology choices can also be affected and steps must be taken to ensure sufficient oxygen is still available for combustion and sufficient EGR flow is available at all engine operating condition ***Crankcase Ventilation. Engines with closed crankcase ventilation systems vent gases from the crankcase into the intake air system to be recirculated into the engine. This recirculated blowby must be properly managed. Also, while the recirculated gases are filtered, a small amount of oil and particulate can still be introduced into the intake system and accumulate on critical air management components such as the compressor. Over time, if a sufficient accumulation of this material occurs, it can have a significant impact on the air management system performance.

Revision Date:  7/30/2016

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, 483111 - Deep Sea Freight Transportation , 211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, Filter, Reciprocating Engine, Silencer, Catalyst, Heat Recovery Systems, Regulation, Air Filtration, Emissions Control, Cooling, Heat Recovery

Wartsila Power Plants can Operate with Multi Fuels

Wärtsilä’s power plants enable the transition to a sustainable, reliable and affordable power system. The main cornerstones are very high energy efficiency, outstanding operational flexibility, and multi-fuel operation. The applications range from stationary and floating base- load power plants to dynamic grid stability and peak load services, balancing large input fluctuations of wind and solar power, as well as serving a wide variety of industrial self-generation needs. This brochure outlines the capabilities and designs to handle gaseous and liquid fuels as well as multiple fuels. Multi-fuel power plants make power generation more reliable by being able to adapt to any situations that may occur regarding fuel availability or affordability. They can even switch fuels while running, for example changing to liq- uid fuel mode if the gas supply is suddenly interrupted. This capability provides 24/7 security of supply, hedge against fuel price increases and preparation for future fuel infrastructure development. Wärtsilä’s multi-fuel power plants can run in the following opera

Revision Date:  7/30/2016

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Wartsila, Reciprocating Engine

Wartsila Gas Engine Emission Reduciton

EMISSIONS REDUCTION FOR GAS POWER PLANTS Sulphur dioxide (SO2 ) and particulate matter (PM) emissions are insignificant for power plants running on natural gas. Nitrogen oxide (NOX ) emissions are also low. DRY METHODS (PRIMARY) Wärtsilä gas engines use a lean-burn combustion process. In this process, natural gas and air are premixed in a low air/fuel ratio (lambda 2-2.5) before being fed into the cylinders. The lean-burn process efficiently reduces NOX emissions due to a lower combustion temperature. Another advantage with the lean-burn process is the increased output and efficiency of the engine. Wärtsilä gas engines have sufficiently low NOX emissions to comply with most national/local regulations using lean-burn primary method only. SELECTIVE CATALYTIC REDUCTION (SCR) In areas with more stringent control of NOX emissions the engines can be equipped with SCR units. In the SCR, NOX is reduced by a catalyst, combined with a reagent that is either an aqueous solution of urea or ammonia. OXIDATION CATALYSTS Gas (SG) engines and multi-fuel (DF) engines can be equipped with oxidation catalysts for the abatement of carbon monoxide (CO) and/or hydrocarbon (HC) emissions, if required by national regulations. WÄRTSILÄ IOXI The Wärtsilä IOXI (Integrated Oxidation Catalyst) is a compact, cost efficient solution for moderate CO and formaldehyde (CH2 O) reduction from gas engines. Gas engines equipped with IOXI ensure compliance with most stack emission limits. COMBINED SCR AND OXIDATION CATALYST In some areas efficient multi-component emissions reduction is required. The combined catalyst system comprises SCR for NOX emissions and oxidation catalyst for CO and/or HC emission.

Revision Date:  7/30/2016

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, 483111 - Deep Sea Freight Transportation , 211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, Wartsila, Valves, Silencer, Heat Recovery Systems, Catalyst, Reciprocating Engine, Regulation, Cooling, Heat Recovery, Emissions Control

Hilco Supplies Filters and Mist Eliminators for Engines –EGSA member

HILCO 100 West 4th Street Elmira, NY 14901 Phone: (607) 733-7121 Fax: (607) 735-0946 Key Personnel: Robert Doud, Marketing Manager Mark Stantz, Regional Sales Manager Mark Rose, Marketing Operations Manager Bill Cantando, Regional Sales Manager Description: The Hilliard Corporation manufactures industrial filtration systems, engine starting equipment and oil mist eliminators for the Power Generation Industry. Sells:  Emission Control Equipment  Engine Starters/Starting Aids  Filters, Lube Oil, Fuel or Air Rents:  Filters, Lube Oil, Fuel or Air Services:  Engine Starters/Starting Aids

Revision Date:  7/30/2016

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, 483111 - Deep Sea Freight Transportation , 211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, Hilco, Catalyst, Silencer, Reciprocating Engine, Valves, Heat Recovery Systems, Regulation, Heat Recovery, Cooling, Emissions Control

Siemens Dresser Rand Sells Gas Engines and Turbnes

Dresser-Rand, A Siemens Business 299 Lincoln Street Suite 301 Worcester, MA 1605 Phone: (508) 595-1727 Key Personnel: Christopher Nagle, General Manager- Engines North America Ilker Budak, Business Development Manager Description: Manufacturer specializing in high-efficiency, low-emission gas engines which operate on a wide variety of fuels. Dresser-Rand Guascor engines are designed for various applications such as power generation, cogeneration and mechanical drive. Sells:  Engines, Diesel or Gas  Engines, Gas Turbine  Generator Sets  Motor Generator Sets  Trailers, Generator Set Services:  Engines, Diesel or Gas

Revision Date:  7/30/2016

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, 483111 - Deep Sea Freight Transportation , 211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, Siemens Dresser Rand, Catalyst, Silencer, Heat Recovery Systems, Reciprocating Engine, Regulation, Emissions Control, Heat Recovery, Cooling

DCL Supplies Catalytic Converters, Silencers, Particulate Filters and Heat Recovery

DCL America Inc. 12620 FM 1960 W Ste 4A, Box 560 Houston, TX 77065 Key Personnel: Brendan Filby, General Manager Glen Prisciak, Senior Sales Engineer Description: DCL is active in the design, manufacture and implementation of advanced emission control systems for stationary and mobile internal combustion engines. DCL's product offering includes catalytic converters, catalytic mufflers, diesel particulate filters as well as heat recovery and siloxane cleanup solutions. Sells:  Emission Control Equipment  Heat Recovery Systems  Silencers/Exhaust Systems/Noise Abatement Services:  Emission Control Equipment

Revision Date:  7/30/2016

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, 483111 - Deep Sea Freight Transportation , 211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, DCL, Inc., Catalyst, Silencer, Reciprocating Engine, Valves, Heat Recovery Systems, Regulation, Cooling, Emissions Control, Heat Recovery

Caterpillar Supplies, Rents, and Services Engines, Filters and Emission Control Systems

Caterpillar, Inc. AC 6109 P.O. Box 610 Mossville, IL Phone: (800) 447-4986 Fax: (309) 578-7302 Description: Generator sets, engines, enclosures with and without sound attenuation, uninterruptible power system (UPS), batteries, control panels, filters, radiators, switchgear, voltage regulators, mobile rental gen sets. Generator set systems are sold by Caterpillar dealers into Distributed/Dispersed generation, load management, peak shaving, emergency standby, critical power and cogeneration applications. Sells:  Batteries/Battery Chargers  Engines, Diesel or Gas  Engines, Gas Turbine  Filters, Lube Oil, Fuel or Air  Fuel Cells  Generator Sets  Generators/Alternators  Switchgear and Transfer Switches (Automatic or Manual), Bypass Isolation Switches, and/or Switchgear Panels  Uninterruptible Power Supplies Rents:  Engines, Diesel or Gas  Engines, Gas Turbine  Generator Sets  Load Banks  Switchgear and Transfer Switches (Automatic or Manual), Bypass Isolation Switches, and/or Switchgear Panels  Uninterruptible Power Supplies Services:  Engines, Diesel or Gas  Fuel Cells  Generator Sets  Generators/Alternators  Switchgear and Transfer Switches (Automatic or Manual), Bypass Isolation Switches, and/or Switchgear Panels  Uninterruptible Power Supplies Michael Sanford of Cummins was a speaker at the EGSA spring 2016 conference talking about gen set emissions

Revision Date:  7/30/2016

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, 483111 - Deep Sea Freight Transportation , 211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, Caterpillar, Reciprocating Engine, Catalyst, Silencer, Valves, Regulation, Emissions Control, Heat Recovery, Cooling

Worlds largest ICE Engine Power Plant with 38 Wartsila Engies Deliving 573 MW

In April 2016 Jordan inaugurated IP3 the worlds largest ICE power plant with 38 50DF multi fuel engines and a capacity of 573 MW. Amman, Asia Electric Power Company will use the system as load shaving while the gas turbines provide baseload power. The IP3 and sister plant IP4 can run on heavy fuel oil, light fuel oil and natural gas. LNG will be used later this year.

Revision Date:  7/29/2016

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Wartsila, Reciprocating Engine

Precipitators Used in MANN Diesel Plant Costa Rica

Termoeléctrica Garabito,” one of the world’s most advanced and efficient diesel power stations and complies with “Costa Ricas strict emission standards for industrial facilities, which apply both to noise and exhaust gases,”. Following a construction period of about 18 months, Mann handed over a complete power generation facility with 11 four-stroke generator sets and a total output of 200 megawatts to the Grupo Instituto Costarricense de Electricidad (ICE) and its partners. Electrostatic precipitators are used to capture the particulate from the oil firing Assembly of the filter system weighing 1,500 tons was challenging . It took months to get the 25-meter-high filter in place.

Revision Date:  7/29/2016

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, coname MAN Diesel & Turbo SE, MANN Diesel, Reciprocating Engine

CECO Urea Injection System for Reciprocating Engines

In 2009-Combustion Components Associates, Inc (CCA) launch of its TRIM-NOX ™ Series of selective catalytic reduction (SCR) urea injection systems for diesel engines. Designed to reduce Nox emissions from stationary engines in the 150kW-3000kW size range, the TRIM-NOX LT Series is targeted at SCR applications on smaller engines in the 150kW-600kW output range while the XL Series is targeted at the larger 750kW to 3,000kW engine size range. Both the LT and XL Series use a PLC based controller with a touch screen display panel to allow for precise control of CCA's patented airless urea injector for maximum Nox reduction and minimum reagent consumption. The LT injection system is scaled down in features to make it price competitive in the small engine market while the XL series offers additional features and options such as data logging, reagent flow meters, remote communications capabilities, closed loop control and additional operator displays on system status for larger prime power or standby engines. TRIM-NOX SCR system including injector, control panel, mixing duct and an SCR catalyst adapted by CCA from a commercial on-highway truck SCR system. The system will be integrated and displayed on the roof of a new CAT XQ175 engine/generator set rated at 175kW. Recent testing by CCA of the TRIM-Nox SCR system on a Tier 1 certified CAT 185kW engine/generator demonstrated Nox reductions of up to 95%; with Nox emissions reduced to 0.3 gr/hp-hr. A TRIM-NOX XL injection system for larger engines includes ultra fine atomization achieved with CCA's patented single fluid injector. The XL injection system was introduced to the market by CCA before 2009 and is in commercial operation on a number of diesel fuel and natural gas fired engines in the 1500kW to 2500kW range.

Revision Date:  7/29/2016

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, CECO Environmental, Catalyst, Reciprocating Engine

JM has Parametric CEMS for Nox and Soot

Johnson Matthey can engineer a Continuous Emissions Monitoring System (CEMS) for feed-forward or feed-backward designs or to provide a Parametric Emissions Monitoring System (PEMS) for a more economical approach. To meet specific requirements such as the EPA's RICE NESHAP regulation, Johnson Matthey's HAPGuard™ Monitor helps the operator to insure that the exhaust temperatiure is within the range of 750°F to 1250°F for rich burn gas engines and 450°F to 1350°F for lean burn gas engines. For diesel engines, Johnson Matthey's unique SootAlert® Monitor checks the time, pressure, and temperature of the CRT system, and shows a green light when the filter is clean, a yellow light when it has begun to accumulate soot and a red light indicating that it is time to regenerate the filter.

Revision Date:  7/29/2016

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Johnson Matthey, Reciprocating Engine, Control System

CECO is Major Silencer Supplier with Aarding and Peerless

CECO’s Burgess-Aarding Silencers are used in a number of different applications beyond turbines and engines. They include other rotating equipment such as blowers and pumps • Industrial Silencers • Vent and Blowdown Silencer • Flue Gas Silencer • Engine Silencer • Blower Intake Silencer • Gas Turbine Silencer • Vacuum Pump Silencer • Centrifugal Compressor Silencer • Rotary Positive Blower Silencer • Silencer and Exhaust Systems for Hush Houses and Aero Engine Test Cells

Revision Date:  7/29/2016

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, CECO Environmental, Silencer, Reciprocating Engine

EGSA Silencer Rating Guide

The Electrical Generating Systems Association (EGSA) is the world’s largest organization exclusively dedicated to on-site power generation. It has rated silencers into 7 classes. Generally silencers are one of or a combination of three types of devices: 1.Reactive silencers, often referred to as "chamber" silencers, generally have their peak DIL in the 63 or 125 Hz OBCF 2.Absorptive silencers, often referred to as "packed" silencers, generally are most effective in the 250 Hz through 8 KHz OBCFs. 3.Resonators are generally specifically designed to have an effective DIL over a very narrow range, usually no more than a single octave. Reactive Silencers are thought of as Exhaust Silencers and their performance is usually based on a "typical" Exhaust Gas Temperature (EGT) value. Generally Absorptive Silencers are applied as intake silencers to best control the high frequency content of modern high speed turbocharged engines. When absorptive are applied in combination with a reactive silencer, as is becoming more common with higher speed multi-cylinder engines and requirements for noise reduction as an A-Weighted value are becoming more demanding, the performance of these must be adjusted for size and the longer wavelengths for specific frequencies in the exhaust system. Generally a Resonator is designed for a specific requirement.

Revision Date:  7/29/2016

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, 221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, , 483111 - Deep Sea Freight Transportation , 211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, EGSA, Catalyst, Reciprocating Engine, Silencer, Validation, Regulation, Emissions Control, Heat Recovery, Cooling

AMPCO Exhaust Stacks Silencers and Exhaust Systems –EGSA Member

AMPCO EXHAUST STACKS 5030 Corporate Exchange Blvd Grand Rapids, MI 49512 Key Personnel: Keith Page, Product Manager Bob Russell, National Sales Manager Rich Sinistore, OEM Sales Manager Mark Walraven, Vice President of Sales Description: For over 20 years, AMPCO has been a manufacturer of , multi-use, pressure stack chimney exhaust systems. AMPCO product installations and applications include boilers, generators, commercial kitchen grease duct, laboratory fume hoods and many more applications. All AMPCO products are UL tested and listed to t stringent safety standards. Sells:  Silencers/Exhaust Systems/Noise Abatement

Revision Date:  7/29/2016

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, 483111 - Deep Sea Freight Transportation , 211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, AMPCO Exhaust Stacks, Valves, Reciprocating Engine, Silencer, Catalyst, Emissions, Regulation, Cooling, Heat Recovery

AMOT Valves, Controls, and Heat Recovery

AMOT 8824 Fallbrook Dr Houston, TX 77064 Phone: (832) 291-5903 Fax: (713) 559-9419 Key Personnel: Brant Stewart, Sales Manager Description: AMOT works with original equipment manufacturers and oil and gas companies to design and develop safety products and solutions for engines, compressors, turbines, and other rotating equipment. Our product families include valves, electric and pneumatic instrumentation and control/condition monitoring systems. Sells:  Control/Annunciator Systems  Heat Recovery Systems  Instruments and controls, including meters, gauges, relays, contactors, or switches

Revision Date:  7/29/2016

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, AMOT, Control System, Heat Recovery Systems, Valve Options

API Heat Transfer Suppliers Heat Transfer Solutions Worldwide

API Heat Transfer 4700 Ironwood Drive Franklin, WI 53132 Phone: (414) 761-4500 Fax: (414) 761-4510 Branches in: Air-Cooled Group: Franklin, WI, Arcade NY, Montgomery AL, Coventry UK, Suzhou CHINA. Shell & Tube Group: Buffalo NY, Bretten GERMANY, Pune INDIA, Coventry UK Plate & Thermal Systems Group: Buffalo NY, Bretten GERMANY, Suzhou CHINA Key Personnel: Pete Syftestad, Senior Account Manager Bob Mladenovic, Area Sales Manager Description: API Heat Transfer Inc. is a global leader in the design and manufacture of a wide range of specialty heat exchangers and heat transfer solutions, with 13 modern manufacturing facilities, including locations in the U.S., U.K., China, India, and Germany, and a network of worldwide sales offices for local support. Sells:  Radiator/Heat Exchangers Services:  Radiator/Heat Exchangers

Revision Date:  7/29/2016

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, 483111 - Deep Sea Freight Transportation , 211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, API Heat Transfer, Heat Recovery Systems, Catalyst, Silencer, Reciprocating Engine, Valves, Regulation, Emissions Control, Heat Recovery, Cooling

American Cooling Systems Fans for Diesel and Gas Engines

American Cooling Systems, LLC 3099 Wilson Drive N. W. Grand Rapids, MI 49534 Phone: (248) 762-1399 Fax: (800) 605-5451 Key Personnel: David Solomon, Sales & Marketing Director Description: American Cooling Systems is a manufacturer of polymer cooling fans designed for diesel and gas engine applications. Fan diameters range from 330 mm to 1250 mm. ACS fans are customizable and can be made with pilots up to 254 mm. Call us to discuss your applications requirements, and how we can help optimize your engine cooling. Sells:  Radiator/Heat Exchangers

Revision Date:  7/29/2016

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, 483111 - Deep Sea Freight Transportation , 211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, American Cooling Systems, Catalyst, Silencer, Valves, Heat Recovery Systems, Reciprocating Engine, Regulation, Emissions Control, Cooling

Urea Injection system for turbines, small boilers and engines

The system Provides precise computer controlled injection of urea reagent for NOx reduction It is Used for duct injection or urea to ammonia conversion processes. The system includes an injection pump and motor, urea pressure sensor, filter, control panel, 7” HMI display, data logging, temperature sensors, alarm light and injector kit. Options include a day tank, heater, level sensor, solenoid, redundant injection pump, urea supply and return flow meters, closed loop urea control, NOx sensors and bulk storage.

Revision Date:  7/28/2016

Tags:  Ceco Compressor Engineering Corp., Urea, NOx

EXHAUST SYSTEM INTEGRATION with Emissions Control and Silencer for on-site Power Generation

The US Environmental Protection Agency's RICE NESHAP initiative has accelerated the integration of the emissions system and the silencer for on-site power applications. As emissions standards continue to tighten, it is likely that we will see continued exhaust system integration. A "single cube" exhaust system makes it easier for engine manufacturers, dealers and packagers to meet the regulatory requirements for any air shed in North America and beyond. To be effective, the single cube approach needs to accommodate any required combination of emissions control and silencing while ensuring that engine backpressure specifications are met. The single cube approach allows the system designer to meet the liabilities associated with engine exhaust requirements by dealing with a single supplier. For diesel engines, in addition to the silencer, all or some of the following emissions devices may be required: a diesel oxidation catalyst (DOC) to reduce unburned hydrocarbons and carbon monoxide (CO), a diesel particulate filter (DPF) to reduce particulate matter (PM), and a selective catalytic reduction (SCR) to reduce nitrogen oxides (NOx). For natural gas engines used in on-site power, the situation may differ somewhat. Many natural gas engines operate in prime power mode and are often used as part of a combined heat and power (CHP) system. Many of these engines require a combination of oxidation catalyst (similar to a DOC) to reduce CO and an SCR to reduce NOx. CHP applications typically also have heat recovery devices in the exhaust. These devices reduce the available backpressure, leaving less available backpressure for the emissions and silencing system. (Diesel & Gas Turbine Worldwide, Apr 2013, pp36-39.)

Revision Date:  7/28/2016

Tags:  Silencer, Reciprocating Engine, SCR

Emission Control for Stationary Engines

This white paper by the association of suppliers (MECA) was issued in 2015 covers catalyst technologies for rich and lean burn engines and also oxidation catalysts and particulate filters. Regulations are summarized. NOx conversion efficiencies for NSCR range from 90 to 99%, CO 90-99%, and HCs 50-90%. Formaldehyde and other HAPS 80-95%. Both precious metals and base metals are used in SCR systems. Base metals such as vanadium and titanium are used for exhaust gas temperatures between 450°F and 850°F. For higher temperatures (675°F-1100°F) zeolite catalysts are used. °Support can be metallic or or ceramic. Reagent injection rate is a function engine. SCR can obtain 95% efficiency on NOx. Ammonia slip catalysts are needed with temperature fluctuation. Lean NOx catalyst (LNC) is used on diesel and lean burn engines. A small amount diesel fuel is injected upstream of a zeolite catalyst. PM is destroyed by oxidation catalysts or particulate filters. The oxidation catalyst is usually platinum or palladium on a honeycomb substrate n a canister. The diesel particulate filter traps soot particles and chemically oxidize them with efficiency in excess of 90% for total particulate and 99% for black carbon.

Revision Date:  7/28/2016

Tags:  Catalyst, VOC, CO, Reciprocating Engine, NOx

Engine exhaust silencers reduce noise from 120 to to 15 dB(A)


Revision Date:  7/28/2016

Tags:  Cummins, Reciprocating Engine, Silencer

Emission Control Costs for Marine Vessels

Imo Tier 2 NOx standards are 20% than Tier 1. For Tier 2 and Tier 3 SCR EPA estimates hardware costs would run $367,000 for a 4500 kW engine up to $2 million for a 48,000 kW engine. The reactor would be $1.4 million. The dosage pump would be $15,000 and the valve $7000. The total cost per kW for larger engines is around $86 and for smaller engines $40 for large engines. Http://

Revision Date:  7/28/2016

Tags:  483111 - Deep Sea Freight Transportation , Reciprocating Engine, SCR

Maxim Silencer combined with Heat Recovery

Most of the energy generated by burning fuel in internal combustion engines, both reciprocating and gas turbine, is rejected in the form of heat. For example, a reciprocating engine at full load converts about one-third of the available energy into useful work. The remaining two-thirds are lost in the form of heat to the jacket water, exhaust gas, oil cooler and by radiation to the surroundings. In an installation where this heat can be put to useful purposes, heat recovery can yield attractive savings. Maxim Silencers, Inc. manufactures heat recovery units in a number of models and sizes for a wide range of applications. Silencer Models MFT - Heat Recovery silencer for reciprocating engines. Especially suited for smaller, high speed engines. MBT - Heat recovery silencer for larger reciprocating engines. Modifications allow spark arresting and a high degree of silencing. HSS - Steam separator for use in combination with other heat input equipment. WVS/WHS - Annular jacket type heat recovery silencer for hot water service. Extremely rugged design for mid-size and larger engines where unusually long service life is desirable. BVS - Combination annular jacket (tubeless) heat recovery unit and chamber-type silencer for steam service. Extremely rugged design for mid-size and larger engines where unusually long service life is desirable. Used primarily on the exhaust of a reciprocating engine. GTW - Water tube heat recovery unit used primarily on the exhaust of a gas turbine. SOH - Heat recovery unit for medium to high volume gas flows at low pressure drop. Specially designed to heat fluids to higher temperature levels.

Revision Date:  7/28/2016

Tags:  Maxim Technologies, Inc., Reciprocating Engine, Silencer, Heat Recovery

Natural Gas Reciprocating Engine Designs and Usage

This older article is a good summary of the use of natural gas-fired reciprocating engines. Most are used at pipeline compressor and storage stations and at gas processing plants. Compressor stations are spaced about 50 miles apart. Sizes range from 50 to 11,000 BHP. There are three design classes (1) 2 cycle (stroke) lean burn ( 2) 4 stroke lean-burn, and (3) 4 stroke-rich burn. Emissions are NOx, CO, and VOCs. Thermal NOx is dependent up stoichiometric ratio, combustion temperature, and residence time. Particulate emissions are minimal and include fine discrete and condensable particles. Rich burn engines use NSCR but is limited to less than 4% O2. Pre stratified charge combustion is a sequence creating fuel rich and fuel lean zones. Lean burn engines use SCR and catalytic oxidation. The report provides emission factors for a range of pollutants.

Revision Date:  7/28/2016

Tags:  211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, Reciprocating Engine

NOx reduced with controlling fuel/air ratio with Emerson Coriolis Meter

Installing Coriolis meters as part of air-fuel ratio control systems in more than 70 installations has solved many problems in antiquated natural gas piston engines that drive natural gas compressors. In addition to a payback as short as four months, the benefits include direct mass flow measurement, reduced maintenance, lower fuel consumption (15-20%), lower emissions (typically greater than 50%) and reduced engine wear.

Revision Date:  7/28/2016

Tags:  Emerson Electric, reciprocating engine, Control System

Methonal Plant PSD and Air Discharge Permit Application for NW Innovation Works, Kalama and Marine Export

Permit application filed by Ramboll Environ US Corp., Lynnwood, Washington, on behalf of Northwest Innovation Works, Kalama LLC and the Port of Kalama to construct and operate a methanol production facility on approximately 90 acres at the Port's Northport site in Cowlitz County, Washington. The proposed methanol plant will be produce up to 10,000 metric tons of Aagrade methanol per day and, at full capacity, is expected to produce approximately 3.6 million metric tons per year (mtpy). The Facility will consist of two production lines, each with a daily production capacity of 5,000 metric tons. The methanol will be stored on site for shipment to global markets by marine vessel from a newly constructed dock. The Facility will process natural gas from a pipeline to be constructed by Northwest Pipeline GP.

Revision Date:  7/26/2016

Tags:  325110 - Petrochemical Manufacturing 石化产品生产

AMPS is British Trade Organization on Site Power Generation

AMPS Peershaws, Berewyk Hall Court White Colne Colchester, Essex UK Phone: 440179000000 Key Personnel: Paul Blything, Director General Description: The Association of Manufacturers of Power Generating Systems. AMPS is the British trade association representing Europe's leading specialists in the design, manufacture, installation and maintenance of on-site electrical power generating systems and their components for clients world-wide.

Revision Date:  7/22/2016

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, 221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, 483111 - Deep Sea Freight Transportation , 211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, Reciprocating Engine, Valves, Catalyst, Silencer, Regulation, Heat Recovery, Cooling, Emissions Control

Opportunities for Data Analytics in Power Generation

Data science is defined as machine learning. One use is in Data Analytics which has four steps 1. Descriptive analytics ( what happened) 2. Diagnotic analytics (why did it happen) 3. Predictive Analytics ( when will it happen) 4. Prescriptive Analytics ( what should I do about it). Prognostics ( a combination of diagnostic and predictive analytics can be used to predict the time at which a system or a component will no longer perform its intended function . This is a challenge since most failures are random and not age relaed. It is important because of the cost of failure. Bearing Failures in Rotating Equipment cause $240B in downtime and repair costs. A combination of physics and data based models can be beneficially used for calculations of remaining useful life ( RUL) . The conclusions of the presentation are 1.Data analytics can help operators manage and improve reliability of generation assets. 2 Prognostics can be used to determine a RUL with a time element and confidence level. 3 Operators can use the RUL to actively manage maintenance schedule and operating conditions in order to maintain reliability. Data Analytics is a also applicable to efficiency ( fuel cost, capacity output) , emissions ( compliance and optimization ) , flexibility ( operational and economic).

Revision Date:  7/18/2016

Tags:  XMPL Energy, Pumps, Software, Valves, Optimization, Emissions Reduction, Combustion Optimization, Gas Turbine Protection

Gas Turbine and Combined Cycle Supplier Insights, No. 2, December 4, 2015

• $100 Billion Annual Gas Turbine Market • Here Are The Headlines From The Latest Bi Weekly Update Gas Turbine and Combined Cycle Supplier Program • Project Database Entries

Revision Date:  6/8/2016

Tags:  McIlvaine, Gas Turbine, Supplier, Combined Cycle, Gas Turbine and Combined Cycle Supplier Insights

Gas Turbine and Combined Cycle Supplier Insights, No. 3, December 18, 2015

• Lots of Opportunities Tabulated In Our Latest Gas Turbine Alert • Gas Turbine Intake Filter Sales to Exceed $1 Billion By 2021 • Half of All Flow Control and Treatment (FCT) Purchasing Decisions Are Made Remotely • OEM Networking Directory Has the Contacts at Consulting and Supplier Companies

Revision Date:  6/8/2016

Tags:  McIlvaine, Gas Turbine, Combined Cycle, Gas Turbine and Combined Cycle Supplier Insights

Gas Turbine and Combined Cycle Supplier Insights, No. 4, February 18, 2015

• 20,000 MW of New Gas Turbine Facilities in the U.S. Are Being Built By Just 10 Companies • Asia Will Be the Largest Purchaser of Gas Turbine–Combined Power Plants This Year • Harm from CO2 vs. Other Pollutants • McIlvaine Hot Topic Hours (HTH) and Recordings

Revision Date:  6/8/2016

Tags:  McIlvaine, Gas Turbine, Combined Cycle, Gas Turbine and Combined Cycle Supplier Insights

Gas Turbine and Combined Cycle Supplier Insights, No. 5, March 18, 2016

• Webinar Covering Gas Turbine Valve Market Next Thursday • $40 Billion Gas Turbine System Equipment and Parts Market Will Be Impacted By Many Factors • McIlvaine Hot Topic Hours (HTH) and Recordings

Revision Date:  6/8/2016

Tags:  McIlvaine, Gas Turbine, Combined Cycle, Gas Turbine and Combined Cycle Supplier Insights

Gas Turbine and Combined Cycle Supplier Insights, No. 6, March 30, 2016

• Hot Topic Webinar (March 10) provided Analysis of the $40 Billion Gas Turbine Market • Gas Turbine after Market is both Substantial and Concentrated • The Flow Control Future Belongs to International Companies with Holistic and Proactive Development, Supply and Sales Programs • McIlvaine Hot Topic Hours (HTH) and Recordings

Revision Date:  6/8/2016

Tags:  McIlvaine, Gas Turbine, Combined Cycle, Gas Turbine and Combined Cycle Supplier Insights

Gas Turbine and Combined Cycle Supplier Insights, No. 7, April 15, 2016

• SPECIAL REPORT: What is the Potential Market for Combined Cycle Conversions? • Multibillion Dollar Hot Gas Filtration Market will be Technology Driven • $14 Trillion to Be Spent On Power Plant Equipment and Repairs in the Next 25 Years • McIlvaine Hot Topic Hours (HTH) and Recordings

Revision Date:  6/8/2016

Tags:  McIlvaine, Gas Turbine, Combined Cycle, Gas Turbine and Combined Cycle Supplier Insights

Gas Turbine and Combined Cycle Operator Insights, No. 1, January 7, 2014

• Hundreds Of Decisions Needed To Implement Gas Turbine NOx Reduction Program • BASF Supplied CO Catalyst To NRG-El Segundo • Cormetech Supplied NOx Catalyst For NRG- El Segundo • Gas Turbines Have Advantages For Digester Gas • Comprehensive Product Directory Prepared For EUEC • New Articles in McIlvaine Gas Turbine and Combined Cycle Decisions for the week of 12/31 • Register for the Free Gas Turbine and Combined Cycle Decisions • Recent Postings in Combined Cycle Journal

Revision Date:  6/8/2016

Tags:  McIlvaine, Gas Turbine, Combined Cycle, Gas Turbine and Combined Cycle Operator Insights

Gas Turbine Intake Filter Sales To Exceed $1 Billion By 2021

Sales of gas turbine intake filters will double over the next six years according to the McIlvaine Company. The high rate of revenue growth will be a function of not only robust unit growth but double digit growth in the revenue per unit. Gas turbine power generation is increasingly attractive due to the low price of natural gas, the environmental restrictions on coal-fired power and the ability for system suppliers to deliver new plants within 24 months. The latest high performance turbines provide improved efficiency and lower CO2 emissions per unit of energy produced. However, the rotating equipment is subject to substantial corrosion and erosion from small particles.

Revision Date:  12/11/2015

Tags:  McIlvaine, Filter, Sales

First 7FA.05 Gas Turbines go Commercial at Xcel Cherokee

Two new 2 × 1 combined cycles with the latest 7FA.05 gas turbine technology from GE came on line at Xcel Energy’s 569-MW unit at the existing Cherokee Generating Station in Denver in August. Commissioning came just three months after first fire in May, which is significant because of the summer peaking period and the location of Cherokee and its importance to the Denver grid.

Revision Date:  11/16/2015

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Xcel Energy, Gas Turbine, Combined Cycle Journal, USA

Gut Rehab Turns South Jersey Cogen Plant into Electricity Market Gem

Five years of essentially no maintenance investment or capital improvement at the Eagle Point Power Generation facility in Westville, NJ, had clearly taken its toll by the time Rockland Capital acquired the facility in April 2012. Today, Eagle Point expects the plant capacity factor to approach 50% once the last of the capital improvements are finished. Those improvements include everything from a punch list of 146 maintenance activities as well as capital upgrades, including a new steam turbine/generator, wet compression and fogging, and a complete gas turbine optimization and augmentation package which helped avoid the $11-million cost of an SCR.

Revision Date:  11/16/2015

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Rockland Capital, Steam Turbine, Control System, Fogging System, Performance, Maintenance, Optimization, Upgrades, Air Treatment, Combined Cycle Journal, USA

The Future of Gas-Fired Generation in North America

The editors of Power Engineering sat down with three executives to discuss the transition to gas-fired generation in the U.S., the technology, and the operations and maintenance challenges related to a substantial increase in capacity factors for gas-fired plants. Executives participating in this year's roundtable discussion on natural gas were from American Electric Power, the Electric Power Research Institute and GE Power & Water.

Revision Date:  11/6/2015

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, American Electric Power Company, EPRI, GE Power & Water, Gas Turbine, Market, Power Engineering

Valves for Ultrapure Water - Mcilvaine article in Valve World


Revision Date:  11/6/2015

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, 221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, 221118 - Other Electric Power , 325412 - Pharmaceutical Preparation Manufacturing , 334413 - Semiconductor and Other Electronic Component Manufacturing , McIlvaine, GEMU Valves, KSB, KCI Technologies, High Performance Valve, Valve, Ultrapure Water, Water Treatment, Valve World

The Power of Flexibility: Turbine Inlet Air Chilling Benefits

Gas turbines are constant volume air intake machines; consequently, air mass flow and resultant power output fall as ambient temperatures rise and air density falls. The purpose of Turbine Inlet Air Chilling (TIAC) is to restore the power output of a combustion turbine at elevated ambient temperatures to its rated capacity or better. As the critical 'operating system' of the TIAC enhancement, the control technology also plays an integral role in maximizing operational flexibility.

Revision Date:  11/6/2015

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Rockwell Automation, Stellar Energy, Control System, Chiller, Temperature, Optimization, Air Intake, Automation, Power Engineering

Power Plant Water Treatment Chemicals - Hot Topic Hour October 1, 2015

A decision guide for selection of chemicals to treat intake water, cooling, ultrapure water steam and wastewater from coal and gas turbine power plants.

Revision Date:  10/2/2015

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, 221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Lime, Treatment Chemical

Power Plant Water Treatment Chemicals Webinar - Hot Topic Hour October 1, 2015

The range of water treatment chemicals and applications in the power industry were reviewed in the webinar. The new ELGs will require additional chemicals.

Revision Date:  10/2/2015

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, 221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Lime, Treatment Chemical

Annual International Gas Union LNG Report

The annual LNG report published by the International gas union contains detailed market information as well as lists of existing and proposed LNG liquefaction and receiving facilities and LNG transport vessels.

Revision Date:  9/11/2015

Tags:  211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, 221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, International Gas Union, Market, Liquefaction

Power Plant Route Map expanded in Hot Topic Hour, September 10, 2015

The route map covers the full range of decision categories which are faced by power plant purchasers.

Revision Date:  9/10/2015

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Pump

A Wireless Vibration Monitoring System

This article is a case study of the installation of a wireless vibration monitoring system installed as part of a predictive maintenance program at Southern California Edison’s Mountainview combined cycle generating facility in Redlands, California. The system was installed on all critical pumps, compressors and motor drives as well as water treatment equipment. Difficult to reach gas turbine enclosure blowers were also included in the system.

Revision Date:  9/4/2015

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, ITT Corporation, Vibration, Power Engineering, USA

Remote Monitoring Solutions Prevent Valve Failure at Combined-Cycle Power Plants

At combined-cycle power plants, a problem in even the smallest piece of equipment can cause significant downtime and lost production. Valves, in particular, must operate at peak performance to ensure consistent plant operation. With the help of remote monitoring software solutions and related support, power plant management teams can ensure that all equipment is operating efficiently and address potential problems before they result in costly downtime.

Revision Date:  9/2/2015

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, General Electric Company, Valve, Remote Monitoring Software, High Performance Valve, Maintenance, Optimization, Pumps & Systems

Gas Turbine Exhaust and Emissions Control

Highlights of a hot topic hour webinar on gas turbine exhaust systems including dampers, silencers, catalysts and other components focused on unmet needs, issues and options.

Revision Date:  8/20/2015

Tags:  McIlvaine, Gas Turbine, Exhaust System

Total Solutions Options Webinar - Hot Topic Hour August 20, 2015

Speakers and participants in the Total Solutions Hot Topic Hour on August 20 confirmed that customers want suppliers to offer a broader scope of design and installation services. More operation and maintenance support is also needed.

Revision Date:  8/20/2015

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料

Total Solutions Options - Hot Topic Hour August 20, 2015

The discussion of Total Solution Options was based on a series of power points.

Revision Date:  8/20/2015

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料

Gas Turbine NOx Reduction Retrofit

Chevron’s Eastridge Cogeneration Plant near Bakersfield, California, produces steam for thermally enhanced oil recovery and electricity to the grid. To meet regional NOx emissions rules, two existing gas turbines needed the addition of selective catalytic reduction (SCR) for NOx control. This paper discusses the retrofit process from beginning to end.

Revision Date:  8/19/2015

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Chevron, Peerless Manufacturing, SCR, Catalyst, Ammonia, Retrofit Technology, Cost, DeNOx, USA

Sulzer SCR Mixing and Other Mixing Equipment

Sulzer has a range of flow control and treatment products including a mixer which evenly distributes ammonia in the ductwork prior to an SCR.

Revision Date:  8/17/2015

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Sulzer Ltd., Mixer, SCR, Ammonia Injection, Nox Control

Montrose supplies stack testing, consulting, and laboratory services

Montrose has acquired a number of companies and supplies a whole suite of environmental services.

Revision Date:  8/17/2015

Tags:  221118 - Other Electric Power , 221118 - Other Electric Power , Montrose Environmental, Total System Solutions, Monitoring, Testing

IAPWS Gives Guidance for Monitoring Steam Purity

Problems caused by mechanical and vaporous carryover of contaminants in the water to the steam cycle begin with deposition and corrosion of HRSG tubes and steam-turbine surfaces and can ultimately lead to material deterioration, performance deterioration, extensive downtime for removing deposits, and catastrophic failures. This article gives guidance for monitoring steam purity to avoid these issues.

Revision Date:  8/11/2015

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Corrosion, Cycle Chemistry, Sampling, Combined Cycle Journal

Upgrading Legacy Gas Turbines to Meet Challenging NOx and CO Permit Limits

At the Clark Generating Station in Nevada, four gas turbines with diffusion flame burn¬ers were commissioned around 1980 and permitted for 103 ppm NOx. The turbines were convert¬ed to dry low NOx combustors and now operate at less than 5 ppm. This article discusses what is involved in converting to DLN.

Revision Date:  8/3/2015

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, NV Energy, Low NOx Burner, NOx Emissions Reduction, Combined Cycle Journal, USA

Managing the Catalysts of a Combustion Turbine Fleet

Historically, many gas plants have been operated cyclically with extended dormant periods due to high natural gas prices and a varying demand for the electricity the plant provides. For plants with an SCR system, stopping and laying up the equipment may accelerate aging of the catalyst system components, increasing the importance of inspections and preventative maintenance planning. This article discusses the process of economically managing a fleet of SCR-equipped gas turbines.

Revision Date:  8/3/2015

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Cormetech, Catalyst, SCR, Maintenance, NOx Emissions Reduction, Power Magazine

Eliminating Feedwater Control Valve Damage with Multi-stage, Multi-path Flowserve Control Valves

The feedwater control valve (located downstream of the high-pressure feedwater heaters) performs the critical function of controlling the feedwater flow rate over a wide range of service conditions. During startup and shutdown, the feedwater control valve restricts flow by controlling near the closed position. The pressure drop across the valve is high, which can cause severe cavitation and noise. Over time, these severe service conditions will damage a control valve. Even a properly designed valve will not work well unless it is connected to a correctly sized actuator. An undersized actuator will cause unstable flow conditions while an oversized unit has a slow response to input signals. Flowserve has successfully addressed these issues with specially engineering multi-stage multi-path, or MSMP, designs. MSMP trim channels the flow through a series of orifices to reduce the pressure in stages. This prevents cavitation from occurring inside the valve. The velocity of the feedwater is kept low to prevent erosion of the valve body and to reduce noise and vibration. MSMP trim is customer-designed for the full range of service conditions. MSMP trim prevents cavitation when throttling near the seat but acts like a conventional control valve when controlling near the full-open position. As the pressure drop across the valve decreases, the cavitation also decreases and then stops. To maintain flow rate with decreasing pressure drop, the valve will open further and expose flow paths without orifices. The orifices are not needed at this flow condition because cavitation has stopped.

Revision Date:  8/3/2015

Tags:  221118 - Other Electric Power , 221118 - Other Electric Power , Flowserve, Valve, Actuator, Boiler Feedwater System, High Performance Valve, Cavitation, Noise, Vibration

Smart Starts Mitigate HRSG Damage, Preserve Reliability

A smart start is one that is able to fulfill these three goals: 1) Avoid damage and preserve reliability (more specifically, minimize damage from thermal stress and overheating); 2) Permit rapid loading of the gas turbine; and 3) Provide steam at the proper flow rate and temperature to the steam turbine.

Revision Date:  7/20/2015

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, HRST, Heat Recovery Steam Generator, Attemperator, Economizer, Thermal Shock, Startup, Maintenance, Combined Cycle Journal

Gas Turbines: Design and Operating Considerations

This article provides a number of engineering recommendations to improve gas turbine operation and performance while reducing operating costs, particularly for the chemical processing industry. Topics include aeroderivative gas turbine.

Revision Date:  7/20/2015

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, 325000 - Chemical Manufacturing , Gas Turbine, Aeroderivative Gas Turbine, Heat Recovery Steam Generator, Chemical Engineering World

The Value Proposition Offered by HEPA Filtration

The cost of an E12 HEPA filter may be as much as four or five times the price of a conventional air filter. Economic analyses conducted by owners have typically focused on compressor performance and assumed a one- to two-year lifetime for HEPAs serving high-hours engines. Based on those parameters alone the HEPA was, and continues to be, a tough sell. But where the cost of replacement power is expensive or unavailable, water washing is not feasible, or a corrosive ambient environment is causing premature engine failure, HEPA filtration may be readily justified.

Revision Date:  7/20/2015

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, W. L. Gore, Alliance Pipeline, HEPA Filter, Cost, Life Cycle Cost, Combined Cycle Journal

HRSG Coverage Increases at WTUI as LM Cogen, Combined-Cycle Facilities Multiply

Thermal shock can occur in panel type economizers and HRST Inc’s ShockMaster economizer is designed to resist tube cracking and other issued caused by thermal gradients. Buoyancy instability is also a cycling issue that causes flow stagnation in panel type economizers.

Revision Date:  7/20/2015

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, HRST, Heat Recovery Steam Generator, Economizer, Thermal Shock, Combined Cycle Journal

How to Boost HRSG Performance and Increase Your Plant’s Bottom Line

The performance thieves lurking in many heat-recovery steam generators sometimes can be eliminated with relatively little effort and at low cost. This article discusses four primary performance thieves: Gas baffling, Gas-side fouling, LP economizer recirculation and Buoyancy instability/vapor locking.

Revision Date:  7/20/2015

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, HRST, Heat Recovery Steam Generator, Economizer, Performance, Thermal Shock, Corrosion, Heat Recovery, Combined Cycle Journal

Use of Hydrophobic HEPA Filters May Double Time Between Aero-engine Overhauls

Alliance Pipeline conducted a four-year evaluation of Gore HEPA filters on LM2500 aerodynamic gas turbines serving two pumping stations in Canada. The short term benefits include virtually no degradation in compressor efficiency and shaft power over the run period and a better heat rate.

Revision Date:  7/20/2015

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, W. L. Gore, Alliance Pipeline, HEPA Filter, Air Filtration, Combined Cycle Journal, Canada

How to Reduce the Startup Time of a Legacy Combined Cycle

Legacy HRSGs in service may restrict or limit the plant startup rate, but some possible upgrades can reduce the amount of time it takes to bring a combined cycle online. This article discusses three options: steam sparging, controlling the HP-drum termperate ramp rate independently of the gas turbine startup rate be venting steam, and lay-up practices.

Revision Date:  7/20/2015

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, HRST, Heat Recovery Steam Generator, Startup, Combined Cycle Journal

Combined Cycle Gas Turbine Valve Markets, Issues and Options

Valve suppliers can supply more than just valves. Total Solutions provide packages based on needs which are specific to processes and industries. This addition of Total Solutions to the revenue base adds more than $700 million to the annual market. GTCC plants have many special issues such as fast start HRSGS. They create unique requirements for valve design. A decision guide on GTCC valves is a gateway to the entire database on the subject.

Revision Date:  7/13/2015

Tags:  221118 - Other Electric Power , McIlvaine, KCI Technologies, Valve, High Performance Valve

Align SCR Start/Stop Sequence with GT Fast-Start Sequence

The gas turbines at the Turlock Almond Plant in California were designed for 10-minute start capability, but sub-controls for the emission reduction systems were not. This case study reviews necessary changes that were made to the controls in the Ovation balance-of-plant distributed control system (DCS).

Revision Date:  6/26/2015

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Distributed Control System, SCR, Fast Start, Startup, Combined Cycle Journal, USA

Base Water-Quality Specs on Reality, Not the GT OEM

Even if you don’t have a steam cycle, chances are your gas-turbine plant uses plenty of treated water—for evaporative cooling or inlet fogging, water/steam injection for NOx control and/or power augmentation. The quality of this water is critical to minimize deposition and corrosion problems.

Revision Date:  6/26/2015

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Thermal Chemistry, Analyzer, Ultrapure Water, Water Monitoring, Water Treatment, Combined Cycle Journal

HVOF Coating Case Study for Power Plant Process Control Ball Valve Applications

This is a case study of the failure of the coating on an on-off metal-seated ball valve (MSBV) used in supercritical steam lines in a power plant. The valves are exposed to rapid high-pressure and -temperature variations resulting in cracking and cohesive failure of the high velocity oxygen fuel (HVOF) 80/20 Cr3C2-NiCr coating. It was found that carbide precipitation is a major factor causing embrittlement of the coating.

Revision Date:  6/8/2015

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, 221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Velan, Valve, Thermal Stress, Journal of Thermal Spray Technology

GTCC Valves Decision Guide by Bob McIlvaine - Hot Topic Hour June 4, 2015

Power Point sequence used as a basis for the discussion in the June 4 Webinar.

Revision Date:  6/4/2015

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Valve

Valves for Combined Cycle Power Plants Webinar - Hot Topic Hour June 4, 2015

Discussion of issues and options involving gas turbine combined cycle power plant valves.

Revision Date:  6/4/2015

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Valve

Desuperheating Valves Take the Heat

A cascading bypass system uses an high pressure (HP) steam bypass valve and a hot reheat (HRH) steam bypass valve to manage steam flow to the steam turbine. The HRH bypass valve actuator determines the valve’s ability to respond to system demands. This article discusses the selection of HRH valves and actuators, and the corresponding impact on other plant components.

Revision Date:  6/3/2015

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, KOSO, Actuator, Valve, High Performance Valve, Reheat, Power Magazine

Fast-Start HRSG Life-Cycle Optimization

Modern heat recovery steam generator (HRSG) design must balance operating response with the reduction in life of components caused by daily cycling and fast starts. Advanced modeling techniques demonstrate HRSG startup ramp rates can be accelerated without compromising equipment life.

Revision Date:  6/3/2015

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Foster Wheeler, Heat Recovery Steam Generator, Life Cycle Cost, Optimization, Heat Recovery, Fast Start, Power Magazine

How to Design, Retrofit Drum-type HRSGs to Cycle, Start Faster

Fast start and fast ramp of HRSGs in necessary in order to back up renewables when the wind stops or clouds appear. Fast starts/fast ramps also reduce the total emissions during a start, cut startup costs, and enable the plant to achieve full-load revenues faster. This article summarizes a presentation regarding the design and retrofit of HRSGs in order to optimize fast starts and fast ramps.

Revision Date:  6/3/2015

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Vogt Power International, Heat Recovery Steam Generator, Optimization, Heat Recovery, Fast Start, Combined Cycle Journal

Cost Benefits of Critical Valve Repair in the Heat Recovery Steam Generator

Modern advance frame combined-cycle power facilities operate in a dispatch environment where cold starts, accelerated ramp rates and low load conditions are the norm and where Balance of Plant (BOP) equipment accounts for more than half of all forced outages. An analysis by Pentair revealed that valves are a significant contributing factor in forced outages, primarily based on their application numbers and the severity of their service applications. This article focuses on small bore vent valves and drain valves, reporting research findings that repairing these valves is more prudent and economical than replacing them.

Revision Date:  6/3/2015

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Pentair, Heat Recovery Steam Generator, Valve, Life Cycle Cost, Optimization, Service & Repair, Heat Recovery, Fast Start, Power Engineering

Gas Turbine Combined Cycle Fast Start: The Physics Behind the Concept

GTCC startup optimization is essentially minimizing the time required to reach the dispatch power (e.g., full load or a specific part load) without "breaking anything" in the process. For example, failure to control thermal stresses results in cracks via low/high cycle fatigue (LCF and HCF) and brittle fracture. This article provide relevant and easy-to-use technical information (in the form of simple charts, basic equations and representative physical quantities) to form an informed opinion on available technologies for GTCC startups.

Revision Date:  6/3/2015

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Bechtel, Gas Turbine, Optimization, Fast Start, Power Engineering

Johnson Controls Offers Containerized Gas Turbine Inlet Air Cooling

Johnson Controls has introduced a containerized Gas Turbine Inlet Air Cooling (GTIAC) system consisting of chillers, chilled and condenser water pumps, electrical starters and a control system.

Revision Date:  6/1/2015

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Johnson Controls, Inc., Air Inlet House, Air Treatment, Cooling

Updates on Water Discharge Regs, Reducing Air Emissions, Complying with NERC CIP

This article summarizes several presentations from a Combustion Turbine Operators Technical Forum (CTOTF) held in April 2015. The presentations address the status of 316(b) water intake regulations and revisions to federal effluent limitation guidelines for power plants, as well as technical issues associated with CO catalysts.

Revision Date:  6/1/2015

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Catalyst, SCR, Effluent Treatment, Air Pollution Control, Combined Cycle Journal

Under the Proposed Clean Power Plan, Natural Gas, then Renewables, Gain Generation Share

In June 2014, EPA issued its proposed Clean Power Plan to regulate CO2 emissions from existing power plants. In May 2015, the Energy Information Administration (EIA) issued an analysis of the impacts of the proposed rule, along with this summary. According to EIA’s analysis, the main compliance strategy will be to increase natural gas-fired generation to displace coal-fired generation. Later, after 2020, as more wind and solar capacity are added, renewable generation will also surpass coal-fired generation.

Revision Date:  6/1/2015

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, 221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Energy Information Administration, Regulation, Clean Power Plan, CO2, CO2 Mitigation

Integrated Fuel Valve (IFV) Gas Fuel System Upgrade

Siemens Industrial Turbomachinery has recently introduced an upgrade to the gas fuel system for industrial gas turbines up to 15 MW. The upgrade incorporates an Integrated Fuel Valve (IFV) assembly and, where applicable, pneumatically actuated fast acting double block and vent valves.

Revision Date:  5/28/2015

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Siemens, Valve, Fuel System

Continuous-Blowdown Block Valve Reduces Startup Time

At Essential Power LLC’s Newington Energy Facility, the high-pressure (HP) steam-drum continuous blowdown system was designed to cascade flow to the intermediate-pressure (IP) steam drum. While the valve worked well for controlling flow, it did not have the degree of leak-tightness required for stopping flow from the drum during typical overnight shutdowns. An automatic full-port ball valve was installed upstream from the existing automatic control valve to eliminate the risk of flashing.

Revision Date:  5/28/2015

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Valve, Leakage, Combined Cycle Journal, USA

Water-Cooled Check Valves Boost Reliability of 7FA Liquid Fuel System

Owners/operators of dual-fuel gas turbines often experience coking problems with standard liquid-fuel check valves. After switching from oil to gas, the oil remaining in check valves, which are located close to the combustors, is exposed to high temperature. Water-cooled check valves for the liquid-fuel circuit can help to alleviate the problem.

Revision Date:  5/28/2015

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Jasc-Controls, Valve, Fuel System, Dual-fuel, Coking, Combined Cycle Journal

Converting from Hydraulic to All-Electric Gas Control Valves Benefits Frame 6 Owners

Young & Franklin valves have been in use on Frame 6 gas turbines for a decade. One advantage of an all-electric control valve is that it eliminates varnish issues by eliminating the control oil required by hydraulic actuators. Plus, electric valves are more responsive than hydraulically operated valves, have greater range, are easier to maintain, and enhance plant safety.

Revision Date:  5/28/2015

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Young & Franklin, Valve, Fuel System, Combined Cycle Journal

Electric Fuel Control Valve Streamlines Plant Operations

A Frame 6B-powered cogen plant in California was plagued with fuel-gas valve problems, usually requiring at least a man-shift’s worth of work each outage to disassemble, clean seats/plugs, and reassemble. One solution is to reheat the fuel gas to above the dew point (120-130F) in between the valves, but this is considered far from ideal. The better solution proved to be replacing the original valve with a “smart” electric control valve in the same location as the original and a separate solenoid-operated stop/isolation valve about 6 ft upstream—just outside and below the turbine enclosure.

Revision Date:  5/28/2015

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Fuel System, Valve, Maintenance, Combined Cycle Journal, USA

Eliminate Leakage by Drain, Vent, Block Valves

Select your valves carefully. Be sure metal seats are available when service temperatures are 400F and above, stems are blowout-proof, seat leakage meets the tightest specs after installation, coatings assure long life, and can be accessed internally, inline, for inspection and maintenance.

Revision Date:  5/28/2015

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Valve, Leakage, Maintenance, Combined Cycle Journal

Gas Turbine Electric Valve Actuators

In order to deliver efficient and dependable gas turbine performance with low operating and maintenance costs, manufacturers and retrofitters are turning to all electric servo solutions for their actuator needs, eliminating the need for pumps and tubing normally associated with hydro-mechanical or pneumatic designs.

Revision Date:  5/28/2015

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Exlar, Valve, Actuator

Keeping Motion Control Systems Operating is Critical for CCGT

The challenge for power plants is keeping their critical motion control systems operating at the same high level as the original equipment in spite of 24/7 operations in rugged environments. Moog provides actuators and servo valves to most OEMs of gas and steam turbine equipment and works with the designers of new turbines to develop specifications. In addition, Moog provides Global Support repair and maintenance services and offers special services to help power plants minimize downtime and ensure optimized performance

Revision Date:  5/28/2015

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Moog, Inc./ Ind'l. Controls Div., Valve, Actuator, Maintenance, Service & Repair, Motion Control

Inspect Steam Valves for Stellite Delamination

Stellite liberation from large valves installed in high-pressure (HP) and hot reheat (HRH) steam systems serving F-class combined cycles has emerged as an important industry concern. EPRI has established a committee on “Cracking and Disbonding of Hardfacing Alloys in Combined-Cycle Plant Valves” to dig into the details. The work, funded by several sponsors, began early this year. John Shingledecker (, the technical manager for this program, said the project timeline is estimated at 14 months.

Revision Date:  5/21/2015

Tags:  EPRI, Structural Integrity Associates, Valve, Maintenance, Delamination, Combined Cycle Journal

Gas Turbine Intake Filters Webinar - Hot Topic Hour May 21, 2015

The session covered four route maps in the Gas Turbine Combined Cycle Air Treatment Guide

Revision Date:  5/21/2015

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Air Inlet House, Air Filter, Air Intake, Air Filtration

Nonwovens in Gas Turbine Air Filtration

Clarcor offers a full range of air inlet filters for gas turbine applications including panel, pocket V-cell and cartridge filters. This presentation addresses ways to improve inlet filtration to avoid fouling and corrosion of turbine equipment.

Revision Date:  4/24/2015

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, CLARCOR Inc., Air Filter, Corrosion, Air Filtration

Fisher Offers Full Range of Control Valves for Power Plant Applications

Fisher offers a full range of control valves for conventional, as well as combined cycle, power plants.

Revision Date:  4/22/2015

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, 221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Fisher Company, Emerson Process Management, Valve, Schematic, Flow Control

Freudenberg offers a wide range of air filters under the Viledon brand name.

Freudenberg offers a wide range of air filters under the Viledon brand name. This technical paper describes the new European standard EN 779.2012, which classifies air filters based on their lowest filtration efficiency.

Revision Date:  4/22/2015

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Freudenberg Filtration Technologies, Air Filter, Efficiency, Air Intake, Air Filtration

Pressure Loss of Air Filters for General Ventilation at High Relative

In anticipation of the new European standard EN 779.2012 for air filters, which classifies air filters based on their lowest filtration efficiency, this article discusses the effect that high humidity has on pressure loss during exposure to different dusts. For example, individual test data show that variations of relative humidity cause significant changes in pressure loss if NaCl is present in the loading aerosol.

Revision Date:  4/22/2015

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Camfil Farr, Air Filter, Humidity, Efficiency, Air Intake, Air Filtration, F&S International

Volz Offers Wide Range of Filters for Gas Turbines

Volz offers a wide range of filter media and filter products for air conditioning and ventilation, painting and drying applications, as well as turbomachinery. Products include pre-filters, fine filters, cartridges and coalescers.

Revision Date:  4/22/2015

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Volz-Luftfilter, Air Filter, Air Filtration, Air Intake

European Standard EN779.2012 for Air Filters Measures Minimum Efficiency

This technical paper discusses European standard EN 779.2012, which classifies air filters based on their lowest filtration efficiency. The standard is designed to take into account the deterioration of air cleaning ability due to such factors as electrostatic charges in synthetic filters.

Revision Date:  4/22/2015

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Camfil Farr, Air Filter, Efficiency, Air Filtration, Air Intake

High-Pressure Valves: Why you should buy only premium valves

This case study reviews the process of replacing a main steam valve for an F-class heat recovery steam generator (HRSG), including step-by-step photos. Given the extensive and expensive effort involved, the author suggests that HRSG valve selections consider quality and not just cost.

Revision Date:  4/22/2015

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Bremco, Control Valve, Heat Recovery Steam Generator, Valve, Maintenance, Flow Control, Combined Cycle Journal

Flowserve Offers Full Range of Control Valves for Power Plant Applications

Flowserve offers a full range of control valves for conventional, as well as combined cycle, power plants.

Revision Date:  4/22/2015

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, 221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Flowserve, Valve, Flow Control

KSB Offers Full Range of Control Valves for Power Plant Applications

KSB offers a full range of control valves for conventional, as well as combined cycle, power plants.

Revision Date:  4/22/2015

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, 221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, KSB, Valve, Schematic, Flow Control

GE Ups 9HA Specs Following Completion of Validation Testing

After 200 hours of validation testing, GE has increased the efficiency rating for their HA series turbines by about a half point. For example, the 7HA.02 which had a simple cycle net output of 330 MW and 61.2% combined cycle efficiency last year is now rated at 337 MW simple cycle and 61.9% combined cycle efficiency in a 2x1 multi-shaft configuration.

Revision Date:  4/15/2015

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, GE, H-Class, Gas Turbine, Efficiency, Turbomachinery International

The New H-100 Gas Turbine: Higher Output and Efficiency

Mitsubishi has traditionally targeted large gas turbines, whereas Hitachi focused on the small and medium-size market with its H-25 and H-100 models, often referred to as the H-series. The merger of the two companies’ thermal power businesses in early 2014 created Mitsubishi Hitachi Power Systems with products spanning from approximately 30 MW to 330 MW in simple cycle. Recent mid-size capacity additions include the H-100(110), H-50, and an uprate of the H-25 gas turbines to 42 MW.

Revision Date:  4/15/2015

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Mitsubishi Hitachi Power Systems Americas, Gas Turbine, Efficiency, Turbomachinery International

Power Industry Application Guide

This application guide discusses control valves used by simple cycle and combined cycle power plants as well as conventional thermal power plants. The document contains detailed flow diagrams and valve selection guidelines.

Revision Date:  4/13/2015

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Submersible Pumps , Leslie Controls, Valve, Schematic, Flow Control

Donaldson’s Norrvee and Norrcel Series Air Intake Filters

Northern Static Filters, based in Abu Dhabi, UAE, is the Middle East’s largest manufacturer of gas turbine air filter intake systems. The company was acquired by Donaldson in August 2014 to serve markets in Europe, the Middle East and Africa. The company’s products include the Norrvee and Norrcel series of air intake filters.

Revision Date:  4/6/2015

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Donaldson, Air Filter, Air Intake, Air Filtration

Donaldson’s Turbo-Tek Air Intake Filters with HEPA Efficiency

Donaldson’s Turbo-Tek line of air intake filters are constructed from premium composite filter media assemblies that deliver HEPA filtration efficiencies from E10 to E12.

Revision Date:  4/6/2015

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Donaldson, Air Filter, Air Intake, Air Filtration

Are Flexible Generation Plants Performing as Expected?

This article reviews the performance of the Siemens Flex-Plant installed at the Lodi Energy Center in Lodi, California. Designed to be highly flexible, fast-ramping and fast-cycling to complement renewable power generation, the facility experienced 380 starts over the two-plus year period from November 2012 to January 2015. The consensus is that the facility has lived up to expectations, although operational and maintenance costs are higher than for a typical combined cycle plant.

Revision Date:  4/2/2015

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Siemens, Gas Turbine, FlexPlant, Performance, Power Magazine, USA

Protecting Steam Cycle Components During Low-Load Operation of Combined Cycle Gas Turbine Plants

The cyclic operation of peaking plants introduces challenges that can result in damage to steam cycle components. This article provides an overview of the components that may be affected by low-load operation and highlights some potential solutions and the trade-offs involved. For example, at low-load conditions it is often difficult to keep heat exchange surfaces below design temperatures or operationally limited temperature. Low-load operation also introduces enhanced risk of fatigue damage and accelerated life consumption for Grade 91 piping materials.

Revision Date:  4/2/2015

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Heat Recovery Steam Generator, Condenser, Steam Turbine, Cycle Chemistry, Power Magazine

Hot SCR Reference Project, Marsh Landing by Mitchell Krasnopoler, Kiewit - Hot Topic Hour March 19, 2015

Mitch prepared a presentation on Hot SCR System at Marsh Landing.

Revision Date:  3/20/2015

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Kiewit, SCR, Air Pollution Control, USA

Zero Liquid Discharge Details and Water Chemistry by Brian Clarke, Kiewit - Hot Topic Hour March 12, 2015

Brian presented an analysis of wastewater treatment options.

Revision Date:  3/12/2015

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, 221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Kiewit, Zero Liquid Discharge System, Zero Liquid Discharge, Wastewater Treatment

Power Plant Wastewater Treatment Options and Obstacles Expand Webinar - Hot Topic Hour March 12, 2015

With new effluent guide limits set to be promulgated later this year, there is lots of interest in technologies to minimize wastewater and to better treat the water which is discharged.

Revision Date:  3/12/2015

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, 221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, U.S. DOE, Veolia, Reverse Osmosis, Zero Liquid Discharge System, Forward Osmosis, Heat Exchanger, Electrodeionization

Water Management in Thermoelectric Power Generation by Barbara Carney, NETL, DOE - Hot Topic Hour March 12, 2015

Barbara pointed out that forward osmosis can utilize the waste heat in the the plant to purify water and this should make it attractive.

Revision Date:  3/12/2015

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, 221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, U.S. DOE, Forward Osmosis, Heat Exchanger, Water Conservation

Power Plant Wastewater Treatment by Jeff Tate, Agape - Hot Topic Hour March 12, 2015

Jeff explained that the pre-filtration-RO-Electro deionization combination is the desired approach to ultrapure water for power plants.

Revision Date:  3/12/2015

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, 221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Agape Water Solutions, Electrodeionization, Reverse Osmosis, Ultrapure Water, Wastewater Treatment

Gas Turbine Air Filter System Optimization

Proper air filtration is critical to the overall performance and reliability of gas turbines. This article discusses various aspects of the air filtration and conditioning process including inlet cooling, filters and water wash cycles.

Revision Date:  2/25/2015

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Air Filter, Air Inlet House, Chiller, Optimization, Air Filtration, Power Engineering

Regulatory Agenda by Bob McIlvaine, McIlvaine Company - Hot Topic Hour February 5, 2015.

Bob started the discussion with an analysis of the relationship or regulations and decisions from retirement of coal-fired power plants, partial replacement or complete replacement with gas turbine systems.

Revision Date:  2/5/2015

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, McIlvaine, Regulation

Recent Air Permitting Issues for Natural Gas Combined Cycle Power Plants by Bob Hall and Jeff Connors, AECOM - Hot Topic Hour February 5, 2015

Bob Hall discussed Best Available Control Technology (BACT) options for greenhouse gases. Jeff Connors discussed air dispersion modeling.

Revision Date:  2/5/2015

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, AECOM, CO2, Air Quality Modeling, Permitting, Regulation

Designing CO Oxidation Catalyst for Your Permit Requirement by Joshua Gillespie, EmeraChem - Hot Topic Hour February 5, 2015

Joshua reviewed the factors to consider in designing a catalyst and calculating the volume to control CO, VOCs, SO2 and NOx

Revision Date:  2/5/2015

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, EmeraChem, Catalyst, NOx, Regulation, CO, VOC, CO2, Nox Control, Air Pollution Control

Overview of regulatory programs by Debbie Fox, McIlvaine Company - Hot Topic Hour February 5, 2015.

Debbie Fox, McIlvaine Company, provided an overview of regulatory programs that are forcing changes in how power is generated in the U.S. For example, many coal-fired power plants will choose to shut down rather than comply with the Mercury and Air Toxics Standards (MATS). CO2 emission standards for new plants will effectively prohibit the construction of any new coal-fired power plants.

Revision Date:  2/5/2015

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, McIlvaine, MACT, Market, Regulation, CO2

Gas Turbine Regulatory Drivers Webinar - Hot Topic Hour February 5, 2015

National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS), emission standards for greenhouse gases and corresponding State permitting hurdles present many challenges for power plant operators. A discussion of these issues and ways to address them were discussed by today’s speakers.

Revision Date:  2/5/2015

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, EmeraChem, Siemens, McIlvaine, AECOM, Catalyst, Nox, Market, MACT, Regulation, CO2, NAAQS, VOC, CO, Air Pollution Control

Building New Power Industry - Challenges and Opportunities by Bruce Rising, Siemens - Hot Topic Hour February 5, 2015

Bruce addressed two key issues: proposed revisions to the NAAQS for ozone and CO2 limits for new plants

Revision Date:  2/5/2015

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Siemens, NAAQS, CO2, Regulation

Gas Turbine Technologies for the Transition

About 60 GW of coal-fired generation in the U.S. will be retired by 2020 and about 35 GW of nuclear capacity will be retired by 2025, according to recent projections by Black & Veatch. Much of that capacity will be replaced with power produced by low-cost, cleaner-burning natural gas. This article reviews the installation of Siemens new FlexPlant technology at the El Segundo Energy Center in California and GE’s new H-class turbines at the Riviera Beach Energy Center in Florida.

Revision Date:  2/4/2015

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, GE, Siemens, H-Class, FlexPlant, Gas Turbine, Market, Power Engineering, USA, USA

Quickly Boost Your Combustion Turbine Response

PowerPhase LLC has developed a new technology called TurboPHASE, a fast-responding, modular “turbocharger,” that can boost the capacity of an existing simple cycle or combined cycle plant by 10% or more in seconds. The system consists of a compressor that delivers hot compressed air to the discharge section of a combustion turbine, thereby allowing it to operate at the rated capacity irrespective of ambient air temperatures. Morris Cogeneration, a combined cycle cogeneration plant near Chicago, installed TurboPHASE, to boost capacity when needed during cold weather events.

Revision Date:  1/30/2015

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Turbocharger, Air Inlet House, Gas Turbine, Cold Weather, Performance, Optimization, Air Intake, Power Magazine, USA

Prepare Your Gas Plant for Cold Weather Operations

Extreme cold weather in February 2011 severely affected power generation in the southwestern region of the U.S. This article reviews lessons learned from that event including the protection of instrument lines, pipes and valves, compressed air systems, cooling towers and other plant systems.

Revision Date:  1/30/2015

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Maintenance, Cold Weather, Power Magazine

Design considerations for Cooling Towers by Keith Silverman, Research Cottrell Cooling - Hot Topic Hour November 13, 2014

Keith stated that there a number of cooling tower decisions which need to be made by the specifier.

Revision Date:  11/13/2014

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, 221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Research Cottrell Cooling, Cooling Tower, Water Treatment

General Overview of 316(b) by Trent Gathright, OVIVO - Hot Topic Hour November 13, 2014

Trent focused on the regulation protecting aquatic life which represents major expenditures for power plants.

Revision Date:  11/13/2014

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, 221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Ovivo USA, Water Intakes, 316(b), Regulation

Power Plant Cooling Webinar - Hot Topic Hour November 13, 2014

The webinar focused on the decisions power plants will make relative to steam cooling at both new and existing facilities.

Revision Date:  11/13/2014

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, 221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Nalco, Ovivo USA, National Energy Technology Laboratory, Research Cottrell Cooling, Kiewit, Clarifier, Water Intakes, Water Quality Modeling System, Boiler Feedwater System, 316(b), Regulation, Efficiency, Water Reuse, Wastewater Reuse, Heat Recovery, Water Treatment, Water Conservation

Case Study - Omaha Public Power District (OPPD) uses Nalco Technology by Dan Cicero, NALCO - Hot Topic Hour November 13, 2014

Dan described the situation with Omaha Public Power District where use of the 3D TRASAR Cooling Optimizer allowed the plant to safely move to over five cycles of concentration from the three cycles previously.

Revision Date:  11/13/2014

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, 221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Nalco, Clarifier, Water Intakes, Water Quality Modeling System, Water Treatment, Water Conservation

Water-Energy Management Research and Development by Barbara Carney, NETL - Hot Topic Hour November 13, 2014

Barbara discussed a number of past initiatives to use alternative water sources such as treated municipal wastewater and to recover heat from the flue gas. Several ongoing projects include COHO which would both recover heat and capture CO2.

Revision Date:  11/13/2014

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, 221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, National Energy Technology Laboratory, Boiler Feedwater System, Water Reuse, Heat Recovery, Water Conservation, Wastewater Reuse

Cooling Tower Calculations by Nick Schroeder - Kiewit - Hot Topic Hour November 13, 2014

Nick provided an interesting perspective on the science of cooling.

Revision Date:  11/13/2014

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, 221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Kiewit, Cooling Tower, Efficiency

Power Plant Chemicals Webinar - Hot Topic Hour September 25, 2014

The level of knowledge demonstrated by the speakers relative to the challenges of preventing corrosion and malfunction of gas turbine combined cycle plants which are cycling hundreds of times per year and may be using poor quality source water makes a persuasive case for continuing expert advice.

Revision Date:  9/25/2014

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, 221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, McIlvaine, Kiewit, Miox, HDR Engineering, Heat Recovery Steam Generator, Air Cooled Condenser, Fogging System, Cooling Tower, Treatment Chemicals, Ultrapure Water, Cycle Chemistry, Corrosion, Water Treatment, Zero Liquid Discharge

Cooling Towers by Tom Muilenberg, Miox - Hot Topic Hour September 25, 2014

The Mixed oxidant system is providing savings in terms of cooling tower chemical usage and power plant output.

Revision Date:  9/25/2014

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, 221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Miox, Air Cooled Condenser, Treatment Chemicals, Cooling Tower, Water Treatment

Water Treatment Chemicals for Gas Turbine Combined Cycle Power Plants by Colleen Layman - Hot Topic Hour September 25, 2014

Colleen Layman advised that chemistry limits developed for traditional industrial watertube boilers are not generally applicable to HRSGs. Chemistry is unique.

Revision Date:  9/25/2014

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, 221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, HDR Engineering, Heat Recovery Steam Generator, Treatment Chemicals, Cycle Chemistry, Water Treatment

Water Treatment and Chemistry Answers for HRSG Operators by Brad Buecker, Kiewit - Hot Topic Hour September 25, 2014

Questions answered regarding HRSG water/steam chemistry and prevention of corrosion and fouling in steam generators. Even seemingly minor issues have been known to cause failures that cost power producers millions of dollars and in some cases even claimed lives. This is the ultimate cost.

Revision Date:  9/25/2014

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, 221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Kiewit, Air Cooled Condenser, Heat Recovery Steam Generator, Fogging System, Treatment Chemicals, Cycle Chemistry, Corrosion, Ultrapure Water, Water Treatment, Zero Liquid Discharge

Power Plant Chemicals Overview by Bob McIlvaine - Hot Topic Hour

Bob McIlvaine reviewed some of the challenges. • Use of municipal treated wastewater (Chemtreat article posted) • Rapid cycling (reviewed in monitoring session earlier) • Air Cooled Condenser and iron transport (reviewed in monitoring recording) Steam Generator - Continuous Analyses • Effluent standards (CCR and Effluent - Continuous Analyses • Zero liquid discharge

Revision Date:  9/25/2014

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, 221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, McIlvaine, Treatment Chemicals, Ultrapure Water, Water Treatment

Water Monitoring for Combined Cycle Power Plants Webinar - Hot Topic Hour September 18, 2014

The four speakers described instruments to make the critical measurements but also how the measurements can be used to maximize efficiency and reduce costs. The challenges of operating GTCC plants under rapid cycling and with air-cooled condensers were also probed.

Revision Date:  9/18/2014

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Mettler-Toledo Thornton, Hach, Chemtrac, Ashland Water Technologies, Monitoring Equipment, Monitoring

Monitoring Iron transport in power generataion - Hach Application Note

Nephelometer has advantages over the particle counter. It is easily calibrated and can determine absolute iron oxide concentrations.

Revision Date:  9/17/2014

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Hach, Monitoring Equipment, Particle Detection, Monitoring, Water Treatment

On-Line Particle Counters for Power Plants - Chemtrac presentation by Joe Zimmerman

Particle counters use light blockage measurement and can detect 2 micron particles and up to 8 size ranges. A new development allows volumetric measurement of volumetric concentration in ppb.

Revision Date:  9/17/2014

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Chemtrac, Monitoring Equipment, Particle Detection, Monitoring, Water Treatment

Ashland's Automation Portfolio (ONGuard) - Solenis presentation by Kai Rondum

Technology platform with on line performance monitoring, water treatment process control and mobile and cloud computing data management services

Revision Date:  9/17/2014

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Ashland, Distributed Control System, Monitoring, Water Treatment

Combined cycle On-Line Measurements - Mettler Toledo presentation by David Gray

Specific conductivity, cation conductivity, dissolved oxygen, redox, pH, sodium, silica and total organic carbon are all measured by MT instruments. Intelligent digital sensors have advantages. Optical DO offers faster measurement and less maintenance but polarographic offers measurement to lowest concentrations

Revision Date:  9/17/2014

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Mettler Toledo, Monitoring Equipment, Sensor, Corrosion, Cycle Chemistry, Schematic, Water Treatment, Monitoring

Boiler Feedwater Pump Efficiency Optimization - Yokogawa

The optimization of boiler feedwaer operations depends on controlling feedwater and drum pressure. The Yokogawa Dpharp can measure pressures up to 2000 psi and can measure across a range of pressures with high accuracy. Significant energy and maintenance reduction is achieved with optimization of pressure differential.

Revision Date:  9/17/2014

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Yokogawa Electric, Boiler Feedwater Pump, Efficiency, Optimization

Overview of Power Plant Pumps by Bob McIlvaine, McIlvaine Company - Hot Topic Hour September 11, 2014

Bob McIlvaine provided an overview of the pump coverage in Power Plant Systems and Components and Gas Turbine and Combined Cycle Decisions. Coverage includes basic design considerations as well specifics such as the 316(b) requirements.

Revision Date:  9/11/2014

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, 221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, McIlvaine, Pump, 316(b)

Variable Speed Pumping in GTCC Power Plants by William Livoti, WEG - Hot Topic Hour September 11, 2014

William Livoti of WEB recommended that power plants assess their pump requirements and consider variable speed drives to reduce energy consumption. He cited the advantages when handling off peak loads. A specific example was given for the VFD saving with cooling water makeup pumps. The number of pumps and potential savings is substantial.

Revision Date:  9/11/2014

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, 221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, WEG, Variable Frequency Drive, Pump, Energy Efficiency, Water Treatment

Power Plant Pumps Webinar - Hot Topic Hour September 11, 2014

For power plant pumps, discussion was the ability of variable speed drives to potentially save power companies billions of dollars. There is evidence that power plants can use this technology and avoid installing cooling towers to meet the 316(b) water intake rules.

Revision Date:  9/11/2014

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, 221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, WEG, Ekwestrel, McIlvaine, Variable Frequency Drive, Water Intakes, Pump, 316(b), Energy Efficiency

Purpose of Minimum Flow by Randal Ferman, EKWESTREL - Hot Topic Hour September 11, 2014

Randal Ferman of EKWESTREL discussed the purpose of identifying “minimum flow:” 1) The lowest continuous flow the pump is permitted to operate, 2) Without reference to a specific vibration limit or other criteria, 3) The ‘default’ pump manufacturer’s recommendation. The main purposes of minimum flow are to establish permissible vibration and impeller cavitation erosion life.

Revision Date:  9/11/2014

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, 221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Ekwestrel, Pump, Noise, Vibration

Coal to Natural Gas Electric Utilities Repowering: Consequences for Valve Usage and Replacement

US power generating plants are converting from coal to other fuels in large numbers. In some cases the existing infrastructure is (to the extent possible) retained, with only the combustible material being altered. In the “middle” are plants that "repower" by using an existing turbine to run on steam from a heat recovery steam generator (HRSG) that draws (recycles) exhaust heat from a new gas turbine, together forming a combined cycle. At the other end of the scale are newly constructed power plants, which are predominantly gas-fueled. Each of these three repowering alternatives requires a different quantity of new valves, often of varying types.

Revision Date:  9/10/2014

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, 221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Crane, Valve, Repower, Fuel Switching

What is the Purpose of Minimum Flow?

Analysis of the limits of minimum flow and challenges which must be addressed

Revision Date:  9/10/2014

Tags:  Ekwestrel, Pump, Noise, Vibration, Flow Control

Nigeria Deploys GE’s Mobile Gas Turbines at Its NNPC Port Harcourt Oil Refinery

GE’s Trailer-Mounted Aeroderivative Gas Turbines to Provide Port Harcourt Refinery with Uninterrupted Power to Overcome Local Grid Outages; GE’s Three TM2500+ Units to Enable Refinery to Return to Full Production Capacity

Revision Date:  9/10/2014

Tags:  324110 - Petroleum Refineries 石油精炼, Genesis Electricity, GEL Utility, GE Distributed Power, Nigerian National Petroleum Corp (NNPC), Engro Powergen, Gas Turbine, Mobile Equipment, Nigeria

Ion Exchange and Reverse Osmosis

The water treatment plant at a coal and biomass-fired power plant in the Netherlands was 35 years old and needed to be replaced. Ovivo provided an ion exchange and reverse osmosis system which upgraded the boiler feedwater quality to the new standards without replacing the condensate polishing plant.

Revision Date:  9/8/2014

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Ovivo Water, Reverse Osmosis, Ion Exchange, Ultrapure Water, Water Treatment, Netherlands

New Technology for Monitoring Cycle Chemistry

This presentation discusses online analytical monitors of conductivity, pH, dissolved oxygen, sodium and silica which incorporate digital sensors to improve performance and provide predictive diagnostics. The digital conductivity sensor, for example, can provide a 33 percent improvement in system accuracy.

Revision Date:  9/8/2014

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Mettler Toledo, Monitoring Equipment, Sensor, Cycle Chemistry, Corrosion, Water Treatment, Monitoring

E-Cell* Electrodeionization Systems: Ultrapure Water for the Power, Semiconductor, Pharmaceutical, and General Industries

This paper describes the benefits of GE’s E-Cell Electrodeionization System for the production of ultrapure water for the power, semiconductor, pharmaceutical and other industries.

Revision Date:  9/8/2014

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, 325312 - Phosphatic Fertilizer Manufacturing , 334413 - Semiconductor and Other Electronic Component Manufacturing , GE, Electrodeionization, Ultrapure Water

VFD at the Hainan Yangpu 220 MW GTCC

This paper discusses the application of variable frequency drives (VFD) in the high-pressure water feeding system of boilers serving Units 11 through 13 of a combined cycle section of the Hainan Yangpu Thermal Power Plant. The article is written by the plant engineer responsible for the operation and maintenance of the system. In the first year of operation there were severe problems with the valve caused in part by inability to measure the outlet pressure of the BFP system and it was determined that a solution lay with replacing the hydraulic coupling with VFD.

Revision Date:  9/8/2014

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Siemens, KSB, Boiler Feedwater Pump, Variable Frequency Drive, Boiler Feedwater Treatment, Flow Control, China

Ion Exchange Resins – Purified water for the world

This presentation provides an overview of LanXess’s Ion Exchange Business Unit and includes a discussion of the drivers for market growth including water scarcity, Asian growth and new nuclear power facilities.

Revision Date:  9/8/2014

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Lanxess, Ion Exchange, Market, Cost, Ultrapure Water, Water Treatment

Arvah B Hopkins: Combined-cycle repowering reduces fuel cost, decreases emissions

The City of Tallahassee plans to repower a 230MW oil-fired steam generator to combined cycle by adding two F-class gas turbines and heat recovery steam generators (HRSGs) in a 2+2+1 configuration. Phase 1 was completed in 2008 and involved the first of the gas turbines. This article discusses the equipment and controls used for the project.

Revision Date:  9/8/2014

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Sargent & Lundy, Heat Recovery Steam Generator, Repower, Combined Cycle Journal, USA

Make-Up Water Treatment by Service Contract

The basis for this brochure is an article written in 1997 describing the development of mobile water treatment units beginning in the 1960s. The brochure includes a number of emergency and longer term applications for mobile treatment units for boiler feedwater make-up and process steam make-up.

Revision Date:  9/8/2014

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, GE, Mobile Equipment, Ultrapure Water, Boiler Feedwater Treatment

Degasification with Liqui-Cel® Membrane Contactors

This paper describes Membrana’s Liqui-Cell membrane contactor. Locating a Liqui-Cell unit after reverse osmosis units can extend the life of ion exchange beds and enhance electrodeionization (EDI) performance.

Revision Date:  9/8/2014

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Membrana, Membrane Filter, Ultrapure Water, Degasification

EPRI’s Guideline on Chemistry for Fossil Units with Air-cooled Condensers (ACCs)

This paper provides the results of the first worldwide survey of a number of fossil and combined cycle/HRSG plants with air-cooled condensers (ACCs). It includes documentation of the surface condition of the duct surfaces, defining serious corrosion/flow accelerated corrosion regions and guidelines for operating plants with ACCs.

Revision Date:  9/8/2014

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Structural Integrity Associates, Xcel Energy, EPRI, Air Cooled Condenser, Cycle Chemistry, Corrosion, Dry Cooling

The Rewards of Pump System Optimization

Typically, when talk turns to power plant pumps, boiler feed and cooling water pumps immediately dominate the discussion. And that’s as it should be: these pumps are critical to a plant’s thermal efficiency and availability. They are also the most costly to produce, operate and maintain, so optimizing their efficiency is imperative. However, in terms of reliability and profitability for the entire plant, it is also prudent (and economically rewarding) to optimize pump system performance throughout the entire station.

Revision Date:  9/8/2014

Tags:  Flowserve, Pump, Boiler Feedwater Pump, Cost, Efficiency, Optimization, Power Engineering

Introduciton to Electrodeionization

This presentation describes eletrodeionization as a chemical-free alternative to mixed bed deionization.

Revision Date:  9/8/2014

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Aquatech, Agape Water Solutions, Electrodeionization, Ultrapure Water

Tutorial on Steam Turbine Drivers for Fossil and Nuclear Feed Pump Applications

This paper presents an overview of the operation and design of steam turbines used for driving reactor and boiler feed pumps.

Revision Date:  9/8/2014

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, 221113 - Nuclear Electric Power Generation * , Siemens, Steam Turbine, Boiler Feedwater Pump, Boiler Feedwater Treatment

Sargent & Lundy Turns to Fisher Sever Service Group for Sky Vent Solution that Reduces Noise, Vibration and Costs

This case study describes a sky vent solution for a heat recovery steam generator (HRSG) which addresses noise and vibration concerns at a combined cycle power plant in Texas. The solution incorporated a whisper Trim III noise attenuating flow cage along with a downstream diffuser.

Revision Date:  9/8/2014

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Emerson Process Management, Sargent & Lundy, Heat Recovery Steam Generator, Control Valve, Valve, Noise, Vibration, USA

ACS 1000 variable speed drives improve efficiency of CHP power plant

The boiler feed-water pumps at Helsinki Energy‘s CHP plant were controlled by wound-rotor motors with slip recovery control system. In order to reduce maintenance costs and further improve the plant‘s efficiency, the pump drive systems were upgraded with four ACS 1000 variable speed drive systems from ABB (each rated at 4500 kW).

Revision Date:  9/8/2014

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, ABB, Variable Frequency Drive, Boiler Feedwater Pump, Efficiency, Boiler Feedwater Treatment, Finland

Control of Flow-Accelerated Corrosion in Steam Generators By Brad Buecker, Process Specialist / Kiewit Power Engineers

The reducing environment produced by oxygen scavengers initiates and propagates flow-accelerated corrosion (FAC) in the feedwater system and other components of high-pressure steam generators, including heat recovery steam generators (HRSGs). Since 1986, FAC-induced attack has caused numerous failures, some with fatalities, at a number of power plants in the U.S. Yet, specifications for many new power plants both domestically and globally, and in which the condensate/feedwater system contains no copper alloys, continue to call for oxygen scavenger feed to the condensate. This document is a response to this misguided trend.

Revision Date:  8/25/2014

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Kiewit, Boiler Feedwater System, Heat Recovery Steam Generator, Ultrapure Water, Corrosion, Demineralization, Boiler Feedwater Treatment, Degasification

The Influence of System Design, Station Operations and Cycle Chemistry on Corrosion Product Generation and Flow-Accelerated Corrosion (FAC) at Coryton Combined Cycle Gas Turbine (CCGT) Power Station

A systematic study of the influence of system design, station operations and cycle chemistry on corrosion product generation and flow-accelerated corrosion (FAC) was carried out at Intergen’s Coryton CCGT in Essex, UK. Coryton is a 779 MW two-by-one combined-cycle natural gas plant equipped with an air-cooled condenser (ACC). The station wanted to invest in advanced monitoring techniques with the objective of reducing corrosion in the air-cooled condenser and the potential for FAC in the heat recovery steam generator (HRSG) during normal and cycling operations, and to determine the impact of cycling operation on unit life expectancy and reliability.

Revision Date:  8/25/2014

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Nalco, Heat Recovery Steam Generator, Air Cooled Condenser, Cooling System, Corrosion, Degasification, Demineralization, UK

RWL Water designs, manufactures, and commissions advanced ultra pure water solutions using electrode ionization technologies

Our water treatment experts can create a tailor-made ultrapure water system for clients using industry-proven continuous electrodeionization (CEDI) water treatment technologies. These solutions, which meet stringent industry standards, are capable of providing reliable, chemical-free operation. They also deliver users a continuous supply of high-quality water with a resistivity of up to 16 Mohm/cm, that is, <0.1 µS/cm.

Revision Date:  8/20/2014

Tags:  Geothermal 地热的, RWL Water, Demineralizer, Electrodialysis, Ion Exchange, Electrodeionization, Ultrapure Water, Degasification, Demineralization

KOMIPO Relocates an Entire Combined Cycle Power Plant

South Korea has experienced years of booming electricity demand that has run ahead of its ability to maintain safe reserve margins. Korea Midland Power (KOMIPO) had an underutilized combined cycle plant in Boryeong that it decided to dismantle and move 100 miles away to Incheon to meet demand, rather than building an entirely new plant.

Revision Date:  8/20/2014

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Korea Midland Power, Gas Turbine, Cost, Plant Relocation, Power Magazine, South Korea

Providing Israeli Utility With Demineralized Water

The Israel Electric Company, which chose to convert some of its inland power generation stations to use natural gas, needed a high-quality source of demineralized water to generate steam for the high-pressure boilers and inject UPW in their gas turbines for NOx reduction in its combined-cycle power stations.

Revision Date:  8/20/2014

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, RWL Water, Ion Exchange, Demineralizer, Activated Carbon, Electrodialysis, Electrodeionization, Reverse Osmosis, Ultrapure Water, Nox Control, Boiler Feedwater Treatment, Demineralization, Israel

The Sandardized Sulzer Pumps MD Range Meets CCGT Boiler Feed Requirements

Although most once-through HRSGs are sub-critical, their BFPs have to provide very high pressure. In order to increase pressure, BFPs have more stages and shafts with higher torque capacity than conventional pumps. The Sulzer MD range meets these requirements.

Revision Date:  8/19/2014

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Sulzer Ltd., Boiler Feedwater Pump, Boiler Feedwater Treatment

Flowserve Boiler Feedwater pumps have beneficial features

This brochure describes pumps offered by Flowserve for combined cycle applications. Flowserve models DMX and WXH are commonly used for boiler feedwater to handle high pressures and fairly high flow rates. Flowserve models APKD and VPC are commonly used for condensate services.

Revision Date:  8/19/2014

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Flowserve, Boiler Feedwater Pump, Pump, Schematic, Boiler Feedwater Treatment, Flow Control

MHI and Sheyang Pump have had joint agreement since 2006 for the Chinese boiler feedwater pump market

MHI and Shenyang Pump Co., Ltd. (SPC) have agreed to establish a joint venture company (JV) in Shenyang, Liaoning Province, China to conduct sales and engineering relating to pumps. The agreement was signed on March 23, 2006, in Shenyang. With establishment of the JV, MHI aims to make a full-scale entrance into the Chinese pump market, where demand for pumps of all kinds is expected to increase vigorously.

Revision Date:  8/19/2014

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Sheyang Pump, Boiler Feedwater Pump, Flow Control, Boiler Feedwater Treatment, China

Mitsubhishi and BHEL team up to provide power plant pumps in India

Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd, India’s biggest power equipment supplier, signed an agreement with Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd in 2007 under which the Japanese firm will license technologies relating to pumps used in thermal power plants.

Revision Date:  8/19/2014

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Bharat Heavy Electricals (BHEL), Pump, Flow Control, India

Sulzer high pressure barrel casing pump designed for boiler feedwater

The HPT is a pump specifically designed for boiler feed applications in thermal power stations. The pumps are optimized to provide high-efficiency operation over an extended period of time, thus reducing operating and maintenance costs.

Revision Date:  8/19/2014

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, 221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Sulzer Ltd., Boiler Feedwater Pump, Flow Control, Boiler Feedwater Treatment

MHI supplies ring section boiler feedwater pumps for combined cycle operation

MHI supplies a variety of pumps for combined cycle and coal fired power plants. Several boiler feedwater designs are available depending on pressures and other parameters. The ring section type is used in combined cycle.

Revision Date:  8/19/2014

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Boiler Feedwater Pump, Flow Control, Boiler Feedwater Treatment, China

Hach Supplies Instruments to Measure Boiler Feedwater Quality

The performance of the degasification and demineralization system is dependent on accurate measurement of oxygen and other parameters. Hach supplies a variety of instruments to accurately measure the important parameters

Revision Date:  8/18/2014

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Hach, Degasification, Boiler Feedwater Monitoring System, Demineralizer, Schematic, Monitoring, Degasification, Boiler Feedwater Treatment, Demineralization

SPX offers pumps and many other components for CCGT plants

This brochure covers the complete range of SPX products for the power industry. Good diagrams on GTCC show the boiler feed pumps and other offerings. Since SPX also offers complete cooling tower systems they can offer pumps as part of packages or separately.

Revision Date:  8/18/2014

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, 221114 - Solar Power , 221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, SPX, Air Cooled Condenser, Pump, Cooling Tower, Boiler Feedwater Pump, Cooling System, Schematic, Flow Control

VFDs can make a big difference in optimizing pump energy consumption in cooling tower makeup

William Livoti writing in “Empowering Pumps" discusses some of the potential regulations which will force recycling of cooling water. He says that power plants need to assess their pump requirements and consider variable speed drives to reduce energy consumption. He cites the advantages when handling off peak loads. A specific example is given for the VFD saving with cooling water makeup pumps

Revision Date:  8/18/2014

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, WEG, Cooling Tower, Variable Frequency Drive, Pump, Energy Efficiency, Regulation, Once Through Cooling, Flow Control, Empowering Pumps

Fully Automating HRSG Feedwater Pumps

Modern distributed control system platforms can provide many tools to capture best operating practices and automate them. This case study shows the steps taken to automate a hypothetical simplified feedwater pump system for a combined-cycle power plant. It describes a combination of control automation strategies and human-machine interface techniques designed to increase the overall level of automation while improving ease of use.

Revision Date:  8/18/2014

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Siemens Energy, Distributed Control System, Boiler Feedwater Pump, Boiler Feedwater Treatment, Automation, Power Magazine

Lots of Pumps used in Power Plants according to Hot Topic Speakers

This webinar covers pumps used in a variety of gas turbine combined cycle operations including fogging, boiler feedwaetr, condensate return, cooling, and lubrication. Here is a summary of a previous webinar on this subject plus links to the the new presentations.

Revision Date:  8/8/2014

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, 221114 - Solar Power , 221117 - Biomass Power , Flowserve, McIlvaine, Boiler Feedwater Pump, Pump, Boiler Feedwater Treatment, Flow Control

Grundfos has Pumps for Steam Boilers and District Heating

Grundfos supplies the high pressure multi stage pumps for steam boilers. It is a leader in pumps for district heating. Gas turbine combined cycle plants are often replacing coal plants in district heating systems. At the same time the distribution systems are being upgraded with new pumps

Revision Date:  8/8/2014

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Grundfos A/S, McIlvaine, Boiler Feedwater Pump, Pump, Combined Heat & Power

Tenaska Lindsay Hill Generating Station Ammonia Pump Problem

The facility’s anhydrous-ammonia forwarding pumps did not allow for double-valve isolation during maintenance. These pumps are only required for use on very cold days. This requires additional maintenance and laying them up for periods of non-use. The system had single-valve isolation from the ammonia storage tank to the suction of the pumps, a potential safety risk for the O&M team.Solution. Plant management decided to install double-block-and-bleed capabilities to the liquid suction line from the storage tank and liquid return line to the storage tank

Revision Date:  8/7/2014

Tags:  Tenaska, Ammonia, Pump, Valve, Maintenance, Safety, Combined Cycle Journal, USA

Buffalo Pump Explains Lubrication Evolution to 7F Users

A 2007 design upgrade switched the thrust-bearing lubricant from grease to oil, supplied via a connection on the pump discharge, thereby extending the bearing replacement time to 30,000 hours.

Revision Date:  8/7/2014

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Buffalo Pumps, Pump, Maintenance, Combined Cycle Journal

Recent Innovations from Gas Turbine and HRSG OEMs, by Thomas W. Overton, JD

Due to the growing demand for gas-fired power plants, OEMs have new opportunities for innovation. Recent innovations reduce emissions, make retrofits simpler and increase efficiency.

Revision Date:  7/21/2014

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Gas Turbine, SCR, Performance, Optimization, Retrofit, Nox Control, Power Magazine

Large Gas Turbine Aftermarket

Gas turbines are the leading choice for additional capacity in the U.S. and Europe. As a result, in 2015 installed gas turbines will be capable of generating 1.3 million MW of electricity. This large and growing installed base has generated a substantial market for turbine components, steam cycle components, intake air filters and treatment chemicals. A number of McIlvaine publications forecast these expenditures and track the individual plant activity.

Revision Date:  7/18/2014

Tags:  221111 - Hydroelectric Power Generation 水力发电, 221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, McIlvaine, Service & Repair, Maintenance, Market

Flow Accelerated Corrosion is a Problem to be Addressed

Better water chemistry and design have reduced the FAC potential but a number of steps need to be taken to minimize the risk.

Revision Date:  6/11/2014

Tags:  Tetra Engineering, Heat Recovery Steam Generator, Corrosion, Maintenance, Heat Recovery

Layup Strategies for Maintenance Outages and when not Dispatched

Today’s challenging business environment, coupled with the volatility in natural-gas prices, has many merchant-plant owner/operators wondering when they will be dispatched next. Such uncertainty increases the complexity of decision-making regarding wet versus dry layup.

Revision Date:  6/11/2014

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, ALS Consulting, Heat Recovery Steam Generator, Maintenance, Heat Recovery, Combined Cycle Journal

Addressing FAC Problems

This presentation provides a ten year history of flow accellerated corrosion issues.

Revision Date:  6/11/2014

Tags:  Tetra Engineering, Heat Recovery Steam Generator

Competitive Power offers services from design through operation to reduce HRSG maintenance and improve reliability

HRSGs in cycling service are exposed to a variety of damage mechanisms that can cause premature pressure-part failures if not eliminated in the design phase of new units, or identified and mitigated early in the life of existing units.

Revision Date:  6/11/2014

Tags:  Competitive Power Resources, Heat Recovery Steam Generator, Maintenance, Service & Repair

ALS for CCUG HRSG Strategic and Financial Planning of HRSG Maintenance

Need a maintenance program which starts with an assessment of needs and identifies the magnitude of the potential problems, the frequency for review and a designated individual responsible for each.

Revision Date:  6/11/2014

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, ALS Consulting, Heat Recovery Steam Generator, Maintenance, Service & Repair, Heat Recovery

Why choose Alstom HRSGs?

According to this product brochure, Alstom's unique Optimised for Cycling and Constructability (OCC™) design provides the unparalleled flexibility needed for reliable high-cycling duty which is capable of fast starts, high ramp rates and high turndown, resulting in enhanced flexibility under a wide range of operational scenarios.

Revision Date:  6/10/2014

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Alstom, Heat Recovery Steam Generator, Heat Recovery

Mogas HRSG valves depicted in schematic

Mogas has identified the key locations where their valves are used in HRSG systems.

Revision Date:  6/10/2014

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Mogas Industries, Heat Recovery Steam Generator, Valve, Schematic

Foster Wheeler and HRSGs

Foster Wheeler has been installing HRSGs since 1958 and has over 350 installations. They cite design differences which make their products unique.

Revision Date:  6/10/2014

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Foster Wheeler, Heat Recovery Steam Generator, Heat Recovery

Sky-vent system from Emerson insures temperature control of turbine during startup

Valves within the sky vent system of a combined cycle plant serve one of the more important control functions. During initial operation of the HRSG, these valves bypass steam (HP/HRH/LP) around the steam turbine to ensure that the unit doesn't come up to temperature too quickly. This is done as the process lines are warmed prior to admitting steam through the turbine bypass valves that dump to the condenser.

Revision Date:  6/10/2014

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Emerson Process Management, Control Valve, Heat Recovery Steam Generator, Valve

Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Units with Air Cooled Condensers by Andrew Howell, Xcel Energy - Hot Topic Hour June 5, 2014

Are there CO2 considerations with various dry cooling and hybrid options? Andy Howell summarized the situation by stating that while ACC reduces water use it increases energy consumption, reduces plant output, and increases CO2 emissions.

Revision Date:  6/5/2014

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Xcel Energy, Cooling Tower, Air Cooled Condenser, CO2, Wet Cooling, Dry Cooling

Sulzer Signs JV Agreement with China Huadian Corp for the Service of Gas Turbines

On March 7, Sulzer signed an agreement to form a joint venture with China Huadian Corporation for the service of gas turbines including field service, component repair, and delivery of new capital parts. The new joint venture will operate under the name of Hua Rui (Jiangsu) Gas Turbine Services Co., Ltd. For Sulzer, this is a unique opportunity to become a major player for rotating equipment service in China's power market.

Revision Date:  6/5/2014

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Hua Rui Gas Turbine Services, Sulzer Ltd., Gas Turbine, Service & Repair, China

EPRI Power Plant Cooling Technology Innovation Research Overview by Dr. Jessica Shi, EPRI - Hot Topic Hour June 5, 2014

Jessica Shi of EPRI covered some the ongoing programs to advance dry cooling.

Revision Date:  6/5/2014

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, EPRI, Air Cooled Condenser, Dry Cooling

Cooling Water Intake Structure Rules for Existing Facilities: Clean Water Act § 316(b) by Alan Gaulke, AECOM - Hot Topic Hour June 5, 2014

Alan Gaulke of AECOM highlighted some of the important aspects of cooling water intake structure rules.

Revision Date:  6/5/2014

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, 221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, AECOM, Water Intakes, 316(b), Water Intake

Practical Methods for Achieving Cooling Tower Water Savings by William Harfst, Harfst and Associates - Hot Topic Hour June 5, 2014

What are the water quality issues? Bill Harfst indicated that with chemical additions the cooling tower cycles of concentration can be increased from the present 3-4 to as many as 10. This greatly reduces water use.

Revision Date:  6/5/2014

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, 221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Harfst and Associates, Cooling Tower, Cooling

Dry vs. Wet Cooling Webinar - Hot Topic Hour June 5, 2014

The webinar covered many issues relative to cooling condensed steam in power plants. It was conducted in a discussion mode with a few presentations.

Revision Date:  6/5/2014

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, AECOM, Harfst and Associates, EPRI, Xcel Energy, Air Cooled Condenser, Cooling Tower, CO2, Wet Cooling, Dry Cooling

GEA is a Major Supplier of Crossflow and Counterflow Cooling Towers

GEA is a major supplier of crossflow and counterflow cooling towers. Various materials from wood to fiberglass can be provided.

Revision Date:  6/4/2014

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, GEA Group, Cooling Tower, Combined Cycle Journal

Air Cooled Condensers and CO2 Emissions

Designs to use limited water quantities in the hottest weather to achieve better condenser vacuum can reduce CO2 emissions.

Revision Date:  6/4/2014

Tags:  Xcel Energy, Air Cooled Condenser, CO2, Dry Cooling

SPX Cooling Options

SPX offers the range of cooling options including dry, hybrid and wet. Energy and water usage are major considerations in selection

Revision Date:  6/4/2014

Tags:  SPX, Air Cooled Condenser, Cooling Tower, Schematic, Dry Cooling, Wet Cooling

Coking Eliminated with JASC Solution- Schyler McElrath

JASC solutions for gas turbine back up liquid fuel systems are operating at better than 98% reliability and availability. As turbine efficiency continues to rise and combustion hardware maintenance intervals increase, fuel control technology must also continue to improve. Innovations such as the water cooled liquid fuel check valve, water cooled 3-way purge valve, combining valve and Smart Fluid Monitor were designed to provide options which are appropriate for any gas turbine system application or operational parameter

Revision Date:  6/2/2014

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Jansen’s Aircraft Systems Controls (JASC), Valve, Flow Control

DFT Has Range of Valves for CCGT- Jeff Kane

This chart shows the valve products offered by DFT and their applications.

Revision Date:  6/2/2014

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, DFT, Valve, High Performance Valve, Flow Control

Winn Butterfly Valves for Condensate Polishing at Chinese Gas Turbine Plant

With the availability of water determining the potential for power station development in China, Winn Hi-Seal high performance butterfly valves from Pentair are helping to satisfy the country's growing demand for electricity. Christ-Kennicott Water Technology Ltd lent its expertise to the project, supplying the equipment that removes potentially harmful contaminants from the water used in the thermal gas turbine plants. 

Revision Date:  5/27/2014

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Pentair, Christ-Kennicott Water Technology, Valve, Condensate Polishing, China

Gas Turbine Inlet Filters - Value Considerations in Filter Selection by Paul Barilla - Hot Topic Hour May 15, 2014

Paul Barilla, an independent consultant, explained that all the decisions are not straight forward. As shown in the slide, as you move downward the factors affecting the decisions are less clear.

Revision Date:  5/15/2014

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Air Filter, Air Filtration

Increasing the power output and efficiency of the world's gas turbine power plants - Nanofibers: Energy Reduction Possibilities by Geoff Crosby, Lydall - Hot Topic Hour May 15, 2014

Geoff discussed the benefits of nanofibers including the lower pressure drop.

Revision Date:  5/15/2014

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Lydall Filtration/Separation Group, Nanofiber, Filter Media, Air Filter, Air Filtration

Addressing Moisture Issues by McLeod Stephens, Nederman - Hot Topic Hour May 15, 2014

McLeod explained that the filter is part of a train of treatment elements with the screen, weather hood coalescers, filters, evaporative cooler and droplet eliminator.

Revision Date:  5/15/2014

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Nederman, Air Filter, Air Inlet House, Air Intake, Air Filtration

Gas Intake Filters: HEPA or Medium Efficiency Webinar - Hot Topic Hour May 15, 2014

A high level discussion attended by knowledgeable end users, consultants, fiber makers, media suppliers and filter manufacturers.

Revision Date:  5/15/2014

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Lydall Filtration/Separation Group, Nederman, Air Filter, Air Inlet House, Filter Media, Air Filtration, Air Intake

Wastewater Treatment Issues for Combined Cycle Plants

This article discusses wastewater treatment issues associated with combined cycle plants, particularly in light of EPA's effluent limitation guidelines for power plants and incentives to use recycled or reclaimed water. The article also addresses zero liquid discharge.

Revision Date:  5/10/2014

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Wastewater Treatment System, Regulation, Water Reuse, Zero Liquid Discharge, Cooling Water Treatment, Wastewater Treatment, Power Engineering

Environmental Assessment of the Proposed Jack County (TX) Power Plant Expansion Project

Brazos Electric Power is proposing a 600 MW natural gas-combined cycle expansion of its existing 600 MW CCGT power plant in Jack County, Texas. This environmental assessment was used to determine whether additional documentation was required (e.g., an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) under NEPA or if the project may proceed due to a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI)).

Revision Date:  5/10/2014

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Environmental Impact, CO, NOx, Ammonia, Permitting, USA

Fine PM Emission Factors for Gas Turbine Engines by Glenn England, Environ - Hot Topic Hour April 17, 2014

EPA Methods 201A and 202 (and similar methods) remain problematic for gas-fired sources. Dilution methods offer advantages for gas-fired sources.

Revision Date:  4/17/2014

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Environ International, Condensible Particulate Matter, Particulate Matter Emission Measurement

California Analytical Instruments FTIR Training presented by Thomas McKarns, ECO Physics - Hot Topic Hour April 17, 2014

FTIR can measure NH3 along with a number of other gases. Advantages include long laser life, no liquid N2 required, small for factor, no sample pressure restrictions, easy to maintain, makes repetitive tasks easier.

Revision Date:  4/17/2014

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, ECO Physics, Analyzer - Nox, FTIR, Analyzer - NH3, Continuous Emissions Monitor, Monitoring, Ammonia Monitoring, Nox Monitoring

Measuring Ammonia from SCR or SNCR Systems by James Staudt, Andover Technology Partners - Hot Topic Hour April 17, 2014

There is a comparison of NOx differential, UV photometry, TDL and IR as options for NH3 measurement. Successful control of SNCR and TDL is chronicled.

Revision Date:  4/17/2014

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, 221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Andover Technology Partners, Continuous Emissions Monitor, Analyzer - TDL, Analyzer - Nox, Analyzer - NH3, SNCR, Ammonia Slip, Nox Monitoring, Monitoring, Ammonia Monitoring

CAI has chemiluminescent analyzer for SCR monitoring

The CAI NOxBOX has been designed to meet the rigorous requirements for SCR monitoring.

Revision Date:  4/16/2014

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, California Analytical Instruments, Analyzer - Nox, SCR, Continuous Emissions Monitor, Monitoring, Nox Monitoring

CEMS for Calabas Landfill Gas by Len Richter, Cisco - Hot Topic Hour April 17, 2014

Cilsco supplied the CEMS for this California land fill gas project which uses solar turbines. NOx is 7 ppm and CO is 3 ppm

Revision Date:  4/15/2014

Tags:  562212 - Solid Waste Landfill , 221118 - Other Electric Power , Cisco, Solar Turbines, Analyzer - Nox, Continuous Emissions Monitor, Nox Monitoring, Monitoring, USA

Emerson Continuous Emissions Monitoring Systems (CEMS) for gas turbines and other applications

With over 3,000 CEMS installations in the field worldwide, Rosemount Analytical combines the expertise and field-proven technologies with the most rugged sample conditioning and extraction systems in the industry to provide superior measurement accuracy and repeatability. Designed in consideration of CEM regulations as specified in clean air laws around the world, including U.S EPA 40 CFR Part 75 and 40 CFR Part 60, we help you meet data reporting requirements, maintain emissions compliance, and ensures certification and compliance with your local and international regulatory agencies.

Revision Date:  4/15/2014

Tags:  Emerson Electric, Analyzer - NH3, Continuous Emissions Monitor, Monitoring, Ammonia Monitoring

Rethinking the plant water cycle produces big saving at Gila River

The Gila River Power Plant in Arizona is a zero-liquid-discharge plant. Evaporation ponds proved to be inadequate to handle process water when the ZLD system was offline. This case study reviews the process changes that were made to improve the facility’s ability to manage water.

Revision Date:  4/14/2014

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Zero Liquid Discharge System, Zero Liquid Discharge, Cooling Water Treatment, Combined Cycle Journal, USA

Measuring Ammonia Slip from Post Combustion NOx Reduction Systems

In many facilities there may be room for process improvement that could reduce operating costs or provide revenue enhancement opportunities. Operating SNCR or SCR technology closer to its limit offers these benefits but increases the risk of high ammonia slip. The risk could be abated with the use of ammonia monitoring technology. But, except for gas-fired plants, continuous ammonia slip monitoring technologies have not been available at a practical price to facilitate these cost-saving or revenue enhancing improvements. Conditions that exist in high dust, high temperature, high NOx and/or high SO2 environments make most analyzer methods of continuously measuring ammonia unsuitable for application to coal plants. An overview of the technologies available for measuring ammonia in the high dust region downstream of a Nox reduction system and the status of their development is provided.

Revision Date:  4/14/2014

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, 221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Andover Technology Partners, SNCR, SCR, Analyzer - TDL, Analyzer - NH3, Ammonia Slip, Monitoring, Ammonia Monitoring

Optimization of Constellation Energy’s SNCR System at Crane Units 1 and 2 Using Continuous Ammonia Measurement

Constellation Energy installed SNCR systems at the CP Crane Station, units 1 and 2. These SNCR systems use continuous ammonia slip analyzers that work on the principle of tunable diode laser (TDL) spectroscopy and provide continuous, real-time indication of ammonia slip in the duct. These analyzers facilitated optimization of the SNCR system to avoid high ammonia slip transients that are the principal contributors to downstream problems normally associated with ammonia slip.

Revision Date:  4/14/2014

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, 221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Constellation Energy, Tourgee & Associates, Andover Technology Partners, Analyzer - NH3, SNCR, Analyzer - TDL, Ammonia Slip, Monitoring, Ammonia Monitoring, USA

GE's New All Air-Cooled H-Class Turbine

GE has introduced a new version of its H-class gas turbine called the HA (the A standing for air-cooled). The first unit will be installed at EDF’s Bouchain combined cycle plant in France with commercial operation scheduled for 2016.

Revision Date:  4/14/2014

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, GE, H-Class, Gas Turbine, Modern Power Systems

Predictive Emissions Monitoring is an option for gas turbine NOx measurement

Thomas Eisenmann is presenting a paper at CEM 2014 which explains why predictive monitoring is an option for the primary monitoring of gas turbines and duct burners or as a secondary measurement tool. PEMS offer significant cost benefits with lower capital expenditures as well as much lower operational and maintenance cost than CEMS. PEMS and DAHS require for operation very little or no plant manpower. CEM 2014 The 11th International Conference and exhibition on Emissions monitoring will take place in Turkey in the country’s financial and cultural capital, Istanbul, from the 14th – 16th May 2014.

Revision Date:  4/14/2014

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Durag, Predictive Emissions Monitor, Analyzer - Nox, Monitoring, Nox Monitoring

Cockburn 2 Combined Cycle Gas Turbine – Permit Recommendations

Western Power Corp. proposed adding a second 240MW combined cycle gas turbine at its Cockburn power station in Western Australia. The Environmental Protection Authority reviewed the environmental factors relevant to the proposal and recommends approval of the project in this report.

Revision Date:  4/11/2014

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, CO2, NOx, Noise, Permitting, Cooling Water Treatment, Australia

Case History of a Water Treatment System for Cogen Plant in Puerto Rico

The traditional approach to producing high quality water for cogeneration plants is to use ion exchangers followed by a polishing process. This case study reviews the advancements that have been made in membrane technologies and discusses the lessons learned from using reverse osmosis and electrodionization systems at a 300MW combined cycle cogeneration plant in Puerto Rico.

Revision Date:  4/11/2014

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, AVANTech, Membrane Filter, Electrodeionization, Reverse Osmosis, Ion Exchange, Liquid Filtration, Water Treatment, Puerto Rico

MPR Repowers NRG Long Beach Generation Facility

In December 2006, NRG initiated an emergency re-powering project to restore four of seven idle combustion turbines by the summer peak generation period. MPR, as Project Engineer, completed the project in 3.5 months.

Revision Date:  4/7/2014

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, MPR, Gas Turbine, Repower, USA

Eastman Cyphrex for Versatile Filtration Applications

Eastman Cyphrex thermoplastic microfibers can be made from a wide range of polymers in various shapes and sizes. These fibers are easily dispersed and processed, allowing for blending with other fibers including glass, cellulosic and synthetic.

Revision Date:  4/7/2014

Tags:  Eastman Chemical, Microfiber, Filter Media, Air Filter, Air Filtration, International Filtration News

Combustion Engine vs Gas Turbine: Ambient Temperature

Gas turbines can experience significant performance derating in hot, humid conditions. While simple cycle efficiency of a gas turbine is approximately 35% at 40°C (104°F), combustion engines can reach 45% or more efficiency.

Revision Date:  4/4/2014

Tags:  Wartsila, Gas Turbine, Temperature, Efficiency

Head of the H-Class

Siemens has received new orders for its SGT6-8000H gas turbine, a scaled up version of the SGT5-8000H turbine. The most recent order for three turbines for Florida Power & Light’s Port Everglades Energy Center brings the total to nine sold in the US and 20 worldwide. The first SBT6-800H was installed in May 2011 at the Irsching Power Station in Germany and has achieved combined cycle efficiencies of over 60%.

Revision Date:  4/4/2014

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Siemens, H-Class, Gas Turbine, Efficiency, Diesel & Gas Turbine Worldwide

GE Introduces New Gas Turbines Plants Rated at More than 61% Combined Cycle Efficiency

The most effective way to increase combined cycle efficiencies is to develop advanced gas turbine engine technologies capable of operating at even higher firing temperatures. GE is introducing a series of air cooled high efficiency gas turbines with firing temperatures of over 2500°F. The first 7HA turbine will be installed at Chubu Electric Power in Japan in 2016; the first 9HA turbine at EdF Bouchain in France in 2015.

Revision Date:  4/4/2014

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, GE, Gas Turbine, H-Class, Efficiency, Gas Turbine World, Japan, France

EMW recommends HEPA filters for air intakes to reduce compressor cleaning

A new trend is emerging in the sector of gas turbine inlet air filtration. Frequently, highest-efficiency (H)EPA filters are selected as the solution of choice for optimum protection of gas turbines. A leader in (H)EPA technologies for many years, EMW offers comprehensive product solutions to keep your gas turbine plant at the cutting edge.

Revision Date:  4/2/2014

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, EMW Filtertechnik, Air Filter, HEPA Filter, Air Filtration, Air Intake

HEPA Filter Advantages Cited in Turbomachinery Article

James Ross of AAF says HEPA filter systems are lasting 80,000 hours. He recommends single stage reverse jet filters for pre filters. Mitsubishi has used HEPA filters for many years and they are widle used on Japanese gas turbines. Steve Medvetz of Gore says the High efficiency filter can eliminate water washing.

Revision Date:  4/2/2014

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, AAF International, W. L. Gore, Air Filter, HEPA Filter, Air Filtration, Air Intake, Turbomachinery International

Viledon Filters Operating in a Large Coastal Power Station

Several key environmental aspects had to be considered in selecting viledon air filters for a 400 MW combined-cycle power station located at a harbor on the south coast of England: the seawater effect, airborne emmissions, visual impact and noise.

Revision Date:  3/31/2014

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Freudenberg Filtration Technologies, Air Filter, Air Intake, Air Filtration, UK

New Solutions for Improved Intake Air Filtration of Gas Turbines and Turbocompressors

Paper presented by Freudenberg at the ASME TURBO EXPO ‘96 Birmingham highlighting Viledon filters.

Revision Date:  3/31/2014

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Freudenberg Filtration Technologies, Air Filter, Air Filtration

Viledon Air Intake Systems for Turbomachinery: Proactive Performance from Plan to Plant

Description of turbomachinery air intake problems and Freudenberg Viledon filter solutions.

Revision Date:  3/31/2014

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Freudenberg Filtration Technologies, Air Filter, Air Filtration

Freudenberg Offers Viledon Panel, Pocket and Cartridge Filters for Gas Turbine Intakes

Freudenberg offers pleated, pocket, extended surface "V" and cartridge filters for turbomachinery applications.

Revision Date:  3/31/2014

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Freudenberg Filtration Technologies, Japan Vilene, Air Filter, Air Filtration

Customized Filter Concepts for Intake Air Filtration in Gas Turbines and Turbocompressors

Paper presented by Freudenberg at the 3rd Filter Colloquium “Progress and Development Trends in Gas Purification with Filtering Separators” in 1993 highlighting Viledon filters.

Revision Date:  3/31/2014

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Freudenberg Filtration Technologies, Air Filter, Air Filtration

HEPA Filter Testing Practices

Bulletin by Camfil outlines the definition of a HEPA filter. In order to meet industry practices and standards, every HEPA filter must be tested after all components are assembled. Camfil also tests the media upon factory arrival for conformance to specifications.

Revision Date:  3/26/2014

Tags:  Camfil Farr, HEPA Filter, Performance, Testing

Glass Fiber Media vs. Synthetic Media in Gas Turbine Applications

Koch Filter examines the fiber choices for gas turbine environments.

Revision Date:  3/26/2014

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Koch Filter, Filter Media, Air Filtration

Ahlstrom Gas Turbine Air Intake Media

Ahlstrom offers complete range of advanced filter media to meet the specific needs of various operational environments.

Revision Date:  3/26/2014

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Ahlstrom, Filter Media, Air Filtration

Nanofibrillated Cellulose Fibers: Where Size Matters in Opening New Markets to Nanofiber Usage

This presentation gives an overview of nanofibrilated fibers and suggests new applications for their use.

Revision Date:  3/20/2014

Tags:  Engineered Fibers Technology, Filter Media, Nanofiber, Air Filter, Air Intake, Air Filtration

Advantages of a New and Advanced Nanofiber Coating Technology for Filtration Media Compared to the Electrospinning Process

Nanofiber technology, i.e., the fabrication of very small fibers typically having a diameter of less than 1 micron, has been known and practiced for many years. This report highlights the drawbacks of the electrospinning process as compared to a new nanofiber coating process. Further discussed are the advantages of using a nanofiber coating in filtration applications to improve depth filtration and pulse-cleaning ability. Introduced here is a next-generation nanofiber technology specifically designed to enhance filtration media.

Revision Date:  3/20/2014

Tags:  Immo Schnieders, Nanofiber, Air Filter, Filter Media, Air Filtration, Air Intake

Recent Development in Heavy Duty Engine Air Filtration and the Role of Nanofiber Filter Media

The development of an engine air filter is based on filter performance requirements, vehicle’s operational environment, available space, filter media properties, and production technology. The design process includes analyses of theoretical and empirical models describing filter media performance and aerosol flow in filter housings and through filter elements. Filter media are carefully selected based upon these models and simplified laboratory tests. The filter element design is evaluated in great detail through a series of laboratory and field experiments.

Revision Date:  3/20/2014

Tags:  Elmarco, Cummins, Air Filter, Nanofiber, Filter Media, Air Intake, Air Filtration

HEPA Air Filtration Technology Keeps Compressor Blades Clean

Combustion turbine operators generally experience turbine fouling from airborne particles passing through existing inlet air filters. Fouling can be caused by the particle capture limitations of conventional F-class (EN779:1998) or MERV-class (ASHRAE 52.2) filters. The consequence is reduced performance of the turbine operation.

Revision Date:  3/20/2014

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, W. L. Gore, Filter Media, Air Filter, HEPA Filter, Air Intake, Air Filtration, Diesel & Gas Turbine Worldwide

Overview of Nanofibers Applications for Air Cleaning

The Need for Air Cleaning Air filtration intake systems perform a number of functions including reducing intake noise and removing moisture. Clean air is needed to prevent wear of moving parts and prevent workers in high dust environments from developing respiratory problems. All of air contaminants entering equipment can and will lead to unnecessary wear, shorter machine life, and increased maintenance costs.

Revision Date:  3/20/2014

Tags:  Cummins, Air Filter, Filter Media, Nanofiber, Air Filtration, Air Intake

Nanofiber Media Performance in Application to Motor Vehicle Air Filtration

The function of air filtration systems in motor vehicles is to improve air quality and cleanliness in car interior, control the respirable particle concentration in the operator’s cabin, and reduce the dust concentration in the engine intake air to an acceptable level. In these applications, limited space is available for the air filtration systems. Therefore, filters are designed in smaller packages, resulting in higher aerosol velocities through the filters. Such high aerosol velocities may cause dust reentrainment leading to an increase in the amount of dust penetrating the filter. Moreover, motor vehicle environments are extremely varied and these environmental and operational conditions influence filter performance.

Revision Date:  3/20/2014

Tags:  Cummins, Nanofiber, Air Filter, Filter Media, Air Intake, Air Filtration

Eastman's Cyphrex Microfiber Meets Filtration Needs

Eastman Chemical Company's Cyphrex microfibres for the filtration market have been developed to offer a number of tunable fiber properties including size, shape and material to meet specific end-use applications.

Revision Date:  3/14/2014

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Eastman Chemical, Filter Media, Air Filter, Air Filtration, Filtration & Separation

U.S. Gas Turbine Manufacturers Endorse Legislation for a More Efficient Gas Turbine Program

The Gas Turbine Association (GTA), whose technology generates more than a quarter of America’s electricity, on November 21, 2013 endorsed new legislation proposed by Congressman Paul Tonko (D-NY) that would accelerate research and development into a new generation of more efficient U.S.-built gas turbines. As outlined, the Congressman’s bill would authorize an expansion of the Department of Energy’s fossil energy combustion research program to keep pace with the growing role of natural gas in America’s energy mix.

Revision Date:  3/4/2014

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, 211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, American Gas Association, American Public Gas Association, Gas Turbine Association, National Association of Manufacturers, Gas Turbine, Efficiency, Legislation, USA

Dark Skies Ahead: Modeling the New NAAQS by Richard Hamel, Environmental Resources Management - Hot Topic Hour February 13, 2014

The new 1-hour SO2 and NO2 probabilistic NAAQS, as well as the newly tightened annual PM2.5 standard and the already stringent 24-hour PM2.5 standard, have brought to the table a whole new set of challenges.

Revision Date:  2/13/2014

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, 221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Environmental Resources Management, NAAQS, SO2, NOx, Permitting, Air Quality Modeling

National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) by Mack McGuffey, Troutman Sanders - Hot Topic Hour February 13, 2014

Mack conveyed the impact and status of the NAAQS.

Revision Date:  2/13/2014

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, 221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Troutman Sanders, NAAQS, SO2, NOx

Impact of Ambient Air Quality Rules on Fossil-fueled Boilers and Gas Turbines Webinar - Hot Topic Hour February 13, 2014

Over 20 utillity personnel signed up for the webinar. Four experts weighed in on the impact of existing and proposed NAAQS standards.

Revision Date:  2/13/2014

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, 221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Troutman Sanders, Environmental Resources Management, TRC Solutions, AECOM, NAAQS, SO2, NOx, Permitting, Air Quality Modeling

Understanding Today's CAA Permitting Programs: Air Quality Modeling Update by Gale Hoffnagle, TRC Environmental - Hot Topic Hour February 13, 2014

Gale enumerated problems related to obtaining permits under the new NAAQS.

Revision Date:  2/13/2014

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, 221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, TRC Solutions, NAAQS, SO2, NOx, Permitting, Air Quality Modeling

Dealing with Implementation of the 1-Hour SO2 NAAQS: Challenges and Options by Brian Stormwind, AECOM - Hot Topic Hour February 13, 2014

Brian offered advice on "Dealing with Implementation of the 1-hour SO2 NAAQS - Challenges and Options"

Revision Date:  2/13/2014

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, 221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, AECOM, NAAQS, SO2

NV Energy Coping with Stellite Delamination

CCJ editors participated in a round table with NV Energy personnel to discuss the first gas-turbine major inspection at its Walter M Higgins Generating Station. Higgins is a 2 x 1 combined cycle powered by 501FD2 gas turbines from Siemens Energy Inc. The roundtable covered a number of issues including large steam valves.

Revision Date:  2/11/2014

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Siemens, NV Energy, Gas Turbine, Valve, High Performance Valve, Delamination, Flow Control, Combined Cycle Journal, USA

Rapid Startup Analysis of a Natural Circulation HRSG Boiler with a Vertical Steam Separator Design

B&W PGG has introduced a new concept for a rapid start HRSG by, among other things, incorporating the use of one or more vertical steam separators instead of an HP steam drum.

Revision Date:  2/3/2014

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Babcock & Wilcox, Heat Recovery Steam Generator, Vertical Separator, Heat Recovery

GE Marine to Help Develop New Design for Gas Turbine-powered LNG Carrier

GE Marine has joined forces with Lloyd’s Register and Dalian Shipbuilding Industry Company (DSIC) of China to develop a design for a gas turbine-powered LNG carrier. The initial LNG carrier design will be built around a GE system that will feature one LM2500 25MW gas turbine, one steam turbine generator-set and two dual-fuel diesel generator-sets for low power operation and backup.

Revision Date:  1/22/2014

Tags:  Lloyd’s Register, Dalian Shipbuilding Industry, GE Marine, Gas Turbine, LNG, LNG

Woodward Supplies Gas Control Valves for Heavy Frame Gas Turbines

Woodward supplies gas control valves for heavy frame gas turbines. Fuel control valves are available in several sizes with either hydraulic or electric actuation. The integrated valve/actuator contains options for high-temperature applications, hydraulic or electric trips, and a variety of flow capacities. A separate valve is available to control the system fuel pressure upstream from the main control valves.

Revision Date:  1/20/2014

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Woodward, Valve, Actuator, Flow Control

SCR is BACT for Gas Turbines in the Netherlands

Mid sized gas turbines burning either liquid or gaseous fuel have to meet Nox emissions of 140 mg/Nm3. SCR is considered BACT.

Revision Date:  1/13/2014

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, McIlvaine, SCR, NOx, Regulation, Nox Control, Netherlands

Medium Sized Gas Turbine Plants could be Required to Meet 50 mg/Nm3 Nox Limit in Europe

The European Parliament has proposed that medium sized gas turbines be required to meet a NOx limit of 50 Mg/Nm3, down from the present level of 150.

Revision Date:  1/13/2014

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, NOx, Regulation, Nox Control, Europe

Yokogawa Supplies DCS Information Management System for Burcresti Vest Combined Cycle Plant

The Bucuresti Vest Combined Cycle Heat and Power Plant (CCHP) is located in the Romanian capital of Bucharest and supplies both electricity and heat to this city. Yokogama supplied its CENTUM CS 3000/UOI (Unified Operator Interface) control system which allows a single operator to interface with the plant's turbines, HRSG, balance of plant (BOP) facilities, and electrical systems.

Revision Date:  1/13/2014

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Siemens, GE, Yokogawa Electric, Distributed Control System, Control System, Romania

Gas turbine Fogging Nozzles require High Pressure Pumps

Mee is a supplier of fogging systems including the pumps. Here is the pump specification: High-pressure fog pump units shall be ceramic plunger type with all wetted parts being stainless steel, ceramic or Buna rubber. Pumps shall be operated at not more than 700 rpm at full flow and rated for not less than 2000 psi maximum operating pressure.

Revision Date:  1/13/2014

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Mee, Fogging System, Air Intake

Improved Reliability of High-AVT (High-pH Water Treatment) Application to Combined Cycle Plants

Generally in the water treatment of combined cycle plants, ammonia and hydrazine are used in the feedwater system and phosphates are used in the boiler system. However, in Mexico, the Tuxpan No. 2 and No. 5 power plants have adopted “High-AVT (high-pH water treatment),” in which ammonia is used to set the pH of feedwater higher than the conventional level, requiring no phosphates in the boiler system. In response to such good operational results, MhI introduced high-AVT as an option for the water treatment of combined cycle plants.

Revision Date:  12/31/2013

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ammonia, Treatment Chemicals, Phosphate, Boiler Feedwater Treatment, Water Treatment, Mexico

TVA Servier Combined Cycle Plant Solves Minor Problems and Plans for the Future

This article gives an overview of TVA's John Sevier 880MW Combined Cycle Plant which started up in 2012, including the plant's operating and maintenance experiences.

Revision Date:  12/31/2013

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Tennessee Valley Authority, Maintenance, Combined Cycle Journal, USA

DLN Retrofit Reduces Nox Emissions at Nevada Power

The plant’s four water-injected 501Bs with diffusion flame burners, which had been permitted for 103 ppm NOx, have been converted to dry low NOx combustors by PSM (Power Systems Mfg) LLC, Jupiter, Fla, and now operate at less than 5 ppm. Superannuated steam units have been replaced by12 SwiftPac® generating units (Pratt & Whitney Power Systems, East Hartford, Ct) to provide 600 MW of fast-start, low-emissions peaking capacity

Revision Date:  12/31/2013

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Nevada Power, Low NOx Burner, Nox Control, Combustion, Combined Cycle Journal, USA

Operations & Maintenance – Balance of Plant – Union Power Station: Water treatment improvements cut chemical costs by 10%

Case study of a GE sodium hypochorite system water treatment installed at Entegra's Union Power Stateion. After the system was installed, the plant steadily reduced chlorine addition to the point it was finally stopped. A follow-up project was done to install a permanent hypochlorite injection system on it as well. Overall chemical cost has decreased by over 10%, a significant dollar amount for a facility of this size.

Revision Date:  12/31/2013

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, GE, Entrega, Treatment Chemicals, Water Treatment, Combined Cycle Journal, USA

Mee has 700 Inlet Air Fogging Systems Installed

Mee has 700 inlet air fogging systems installed including many offshore to reduce the gas temperature and add moisture to increase the efficiency of the turbines.

Revision Date:  12/31/2013

Tags:  211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, Mee, Fogging System, Cooling, Air Intake, Offshore Technology Conference

Cost and Value of Water Use at Combined-Cycle Power Plants

This study compared water requirements, plant and cooling system capital and operating costs, and plant output and efficiency between plants equipped with wet and dry cooling. Comparisons were made for 500 MW, gas-fired, combined-cycle power plants at four sites, typical of environmental conditions in California. Results of the analysis include: • the use of dry cooling reduces plant water requirements by approximately 2,000 to 2,500 acre-feet per year, • The associated costs are: − increased plant capital cost of approximately $8 million to $27 million, or about 5% to 15% of the total plant cost, − potential reduction of energy production by about 13,000–56,000 megawatt hours (MWh) per year (1% to 2% of the total), − capacity reduction on hot days of 13 to 23 MW (4% to 6% of total), and − potential annual revenue reduction of about $1.5 to $3.0 million (1% to 2% of total)

Revision Date:  12/31/2013

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, California Energy Commission, Dry Cooling, Wet Cooling, Schematic, Cost, Cooling, Dry Cooling, Wet Cooling, USA

Parker non-metallic expansion joints used in variety of gas turbine applications

Parker non metallic expansion joints are used in HRSG and SCR systems, as well as in the tempering air systems for simple cycle operation and the diverter damper sections of combined cycle plants.

Revision Date:  12/31/2013

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Parker Hannifin, Expansion Joint, Exhaust Handling

10 Mwe Renewable Energy Solution: Landfill Gas to Energy Project

Solar Turbine, a Caterpillar company, has recently modified their Mercury series of gas turbines to burn landfill gas. PEI Power purchased two of the turbines for the Archbald Cogeneration Plant.

Revision Date:  12/23/2013

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Solar Turbines, PEI, Gas Turbine, USA

Don't Let Startup Emissions Slow You Down

In a Power Enginerring article, the authors point out that new combustion turbine (CT) simple and combined-cycle plants face new challenges in permitting because of more stringent startup emission limits. Recent permits issued in a variety of jurisdictions have included limits on startup emissions, both in mass per start and rolling annual startup mass limits for VOC, NOx and CO. The increased use of heavy duty/frame CTs for peaking applications create additional challenges. Startup and shutdown durations and emissions rates vary widely depending on CT model and other plant equipment and design choices. Bob Mcilvaine President, Mcilvaine Company 847 784 0012 ext 112

Revision Date:  12/23/2013

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Kiewit, Gas Turbine, Permitting, Startup, Power Engineering

StarLNG - The Leading Small-to-Mid Scale Standard LNG Plant

Linde furnishes the StarLNG small and medium sized LNG Plants. They use either a gas turbine or electric motor based on a number of factors including design flexibility, reliability of power supply from grid, delivery times and other factors.

Revision Date:  12/16/2013

Tags:  211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, Linde Group, Gas Turbine, Compressor, LNG, Schematic

Chiyoda - Gas Turbine Suction Air Cooling System

The power output of a gas turbine decreases when the suction air temperature of an auxiliary combustion air compressor increases, and the flow rate of air decreases. Therefore, gas turbines cannot maintain the rated power in the summer. The power of a combined power plant or a gas turbine power plant can be increased substantially compared with conventional systems with a system that cools the suction air with heat recovery from LNG in the summer.

Revision Date:  12/16/2013

Tags:  211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, Chiyoda, Suction Air Cooler, Air Intake, Cooling

LNG Process Uses Aeroderivative Gas Turbines and Tandem Compressors

A new LNG process uses an aeroderivative gas turbine to drive two centrifugal refrigerant compressors.

Revision Date:  12/16/2013

Tags:  211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, Technip, GE, Rolls Royce, Compressor, Aeroderivative Gas Turbine, LNG, Schematic

New Mitsubishi Gas Turbine Plant to Enhance Future GTCC Business Expansion in North America

In August 2013, Mitsubishi Power Systems opened a new gas turbine manufacturing facility in in Savannah, Georgia. The facility was completed as part of a strategy to capture a 30% share of the large gas turbine market. The facility eliminates the duty payments which raised costs of systems delivered to the U.S.

Revision Date:  12/16/2013

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Mitsubishi Corp, Gas Turbine, Manufacturing, USA

Costs of gas turbines compared to other options by DOE in 2013

Excerpt from "Updated Capital Cost Estimates for Utility Scale Electricity Generating Plants" issued by U.S. Energy Information Administration in April 2013.

Revision Date:  12/16/2013

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, 221113 - Nuclear Electric Power Generation * , 221118 - Other Electric Power , 221111 - Hydroelectric Power Generation 水力发电, Cost

Engineered solution improves SCR performance significantly

Getting gas-turbine inlet air and exhaust gas to flow where and how you want it to in powerplant ductwork is akin to herding cats. The problem, as described by industry veterans Jim Carlton, president, Granite Ridge Energy LLC, and Larry Hawk, plant engineer, Granite Ridge Energy, operated by NAES Corp, was that the plant had been challenged by an underperforming NOx catalyst since commissioning. However, routine destructive sampling of the catalyst showed reactivity at or above expectations. And testing confirmed that the ammonia injection grid was properly balanced. What to do?

Revision Date:  11/20/2013

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Granite Ridge Energy, Catalyst, SCR, Performance, Service & Repair, Maintenance, Combined Cycle Journal

AIG Tuning, Catalyst for Life Forecasting

Many gas-turbine “bubble” units installed between 2000 and 2004 are operating with their original charge of SCR catalyst. These units have outlived the original catalyst warranty (typically three years) and have benefitted from a combination of conservative design and good luck. However, as these systems reach the decade mark, the design margins have diminished because of gradual (and inevitable) deactivation of the catalyst with age. As the catalyst nears its end of life, ammonia slip begins to increase exponentially. There are practical steps operators can take to avoid this scenario.

Revision Date:  11/20/2013

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Fossil Energy Research Corp., Ammonia Injection Grid, Catalyst, SCR, Maintenance, Air Pollution Control, Combined Cycle Journal

Planning Upgrades: Evaluate the Regulatory Impacts of Upgrades Before you Buy

One ongoing study at NV Energy involves identifying possible upgrades for existing assets. Staff Engineer Susan Hill says that no particular upgrade can be applied across the utility’s fleet due to differences in regulatory requirements. For example, about three-quarters of NV Energy’s capacity is in southern Nevada, specifically Clark County; most of the remainder is in northern Nevada, relatively close to Reno. Some Clark County assets are in PM10 non-attainment areas; plus, ozone rules are not well defined for the county going forward. Northern plants are in an attainment area.

Revision Date:  11/20/2013

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, NV Energy, Permitting, Regulation, Combined Cycle Journal

HEPA an Alternative to Compressor Washing

About 10 manufacturers are actively pursuing GT owner/operators for their replacement filter business. But only W L Gore & Associates Inc, Elkton, Md, seems focused on HEPA filters at present. Perhaps the others believe the cost hurdle is too difficult to overcome: Turbine air filters often are considered a commodity with price the deciding factor in the selection process. Gore says its filter media offers a significantly lower pressure drop and longer effective lifetime than competitors’ products.

Revision Date:  11/4/2013

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, E.ON, W. L. Gore, Air Filter, HEPA Filter, Maintenance, Air Filtration, Air Intake, Combined Cycle Journal

PSM / Alstom Company Profile in the Combined Cycle Journal, October 1, 2013

PSM, An Alstom Company, is a full service provider to gas turbine equipped power plants, offering technologically advanced aftermarket turbine components & performance upgrades, parts reconditioning, field services and flexible Long Term Agreements (LTAs) to the worldwide power generation industry. Our product lines include stationary and rotating compressor and turbine airfoils, ultra-low emission combustion systems, and other capital parts for Frame 6B, 7E/EA, 9E and 7FA machines as well as the 501B6, 501D5 and 501F engines.

Revision Date:  10/23/2013

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Alstom, Service & Repair, Parts Supplier, Combined Cycle Journal

Cust-O-Fab Specialty Services Company Profile in the Combined Cycle Journal, October 1, 2013

Cust-O-Fab Specialty Services offers our clients a single source of contact for construction, as well as fabrication to meet customer requirements and schedule. Cust-O-Fab Specialty Services can provide the latest technology in exhaust plenums, exhaust ductwork and exhaust interior liner upgrades that will drastically reduce external heat transfer, making the unit safer and more efficient and easier to operate and maintain.

Revision Date:  10/23/2013

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Cust-O-Fab Specialty Services, Exhaust Ductwork, Air Inlet House, Service & Repair, Combined Cycle Journal

Dry Ice Blasting of Atlanta - Air-Inlet House Listing in Combined Cycle Journal, October 1, 2013

Dry Ice Blasting of Atlanta offers professional dry ice contract cleaning services performed at your facility. We provide dry ice blasting equipment, compressed air supply, pellet-sized dry ice and our team of trained and certified experienced operators to perform professional cleaning services at your location. Dry Ice Blasting of Atlanta has completed cleaning projects for many power generation applications including generators, turbines, stators, rotors and compressors.

Revision Date:  10/23/2013

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Dry Ice Blasting of Atlanta, Service & Repair, Combined Cycle Journal

Groome Industrial Service Company Profile in the Combined Cycle Journal, October 1, 2013

We offer a variety of SCR and CO Catalyst cleaning and maintenance services nationwide. Our methods have been value engineered and proven effective. We have formed strategic alliances with industry experts and catalyst manufacturers to ensure that we offer the most widely supported, comprehensive, turn-key service available.

Revision Date:  10/23/2013

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Groome Industries Services, Catalyst, Service & Repair, Combined Cycle Journal

ABB Power & Water Solutions Company Profile in the Combined Cycle Journal, October 1, 2013

ABB is a leading provider of integrated power and automation solutions for conventional and renewable based power generation plants and water applications. The company’s extensive offering includes turnkey electrical, automation, instrumentation and control systems supported by a comprehensive service portfolio to optimize performance, reliability, and efficiency while minimizing environmental impact. ABB turbine control systems include solutions for gas turbines, steam turbines (both utility and industrial), and hydro turbines.

Revision Date:  10/23/2013

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, ABB, Control System, Combined Cycle Journal

Cleaver-Brooks Company Profile in the Combined Cycle Journal, October 1, 2013

Cleaver-Brooks is committed to offering the best boiler room solutions in the industry – for the lifetime of your system. Our extensive breadth of product covers a wide range of sizes from 10,000 to 1,000,000 pounds of steam per hour and includes packaged watertube, wasteheat, and heat recovery boilers and packaged burners. Additionally, we offer supporting controls systems, packaged water systems, exhaust stack solutions, and complete aftermarket solutions in terms of parts and service.

Revision Date:  10/23/2013

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Cleaver-Brooks, Steam Turbine, Service & Repair, Combined Cycle Journal

Emerson Process Managment Company Profile in the Combined Cycle Journal, October 1, 2013

Backed by five decades of power industry expertise and proven, long-term service and support, only Emerson offers complete control system retrofits on all major gas turbines, steam turbines and generators. Designed specifically for the power industry, our Ovation™ control system offers features that general-purpose control systems simply don’t have including fully coordinated boiler and turbine control, integrated generator exciter control, automated startup and shutdown sequencing, fault tolerance for failsafe operation, extensive cyber security features and embedded advanced control applications that can dramatically improve plant reliability and efficiency.

Revision Date:  10/23/2013

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Emerson Process Management, Control System, Distributed Control System, Combined Cycle Journal

NAES Company Profile in the Combined Cycle Journal, October 1, 2013

Headquartered in Issaquah, Washington, NAES Corporation is the energy industry’s largest independent provider of operations, construction and maintenance services, provided through a tightly integrated family of subsidiaries and operating divisions. NAES services include construction, retrofit and maintenance services under dedicated long-term maintenance or individual project contracts; on-site turbine inspection/overhaul services; parts refurbishment and equipment repair; staffing solutions; and customized services designed to improve plant and personnel effectiveness.

Revision Date:  10/23/2013

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, NAES Corp., Service & Repair, Combined Cycle Journal

Turbine Generator Maintenance Company Profile in the Combined Cycle Journal, October 1, 2013

TGM provides turn-key field service maintenance for all components of your turbine generator. We service the turbine, generator, exciter, control systems and auxiliaries either individually or in any combination. Our service area includes the United States, Caribbean, and South America.

Revision Date:  10/23/2013

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Turbine Generator Maintenance, Generator, Maintenance, Service & Repair, Combined Cycle Journal

How to Reduce Catalyst Lifecycle Cost, Improve Reliability

Balancing the requirements of each SCR system in the fleet can be challenging. A system can reduce NOx by greater than 95%, but when the efficiency of the SCR is pushed beyond 85% and—or, if—the outlet emissions are less than 5 ppm, the system becomes much more sensitive to several independent system parameters. These include overall catalytic potential, effective ammonia injection/mixing in the flue-gas stream, flue-gas characteristics for inlet NOx, velocity, and temperature distributions.

Revision Date:  10/23/2013

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Cormetech, SCR, Catalyst, Life Cycle Cost, Performance, Combined Cycle Journal

Gas Turbine Combustion Air Filtration “Its impact on Compressor Efficiency and Hot End Component Life”

This paper discusses the use of HEPA filtration technologies to reduce fouling of compressor blades and consequential power loss. The compressor of a gas turbine consumes a significant amount of energy during operation; consequently, the efficiency of the compressor is very important to maintain optimum performance and has a huge impact on the machine thermal efficiency, power output and its long term component health.

Revision Date:  10/23/2013

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, European Turbine Network A.I.S.B.L., Compressor, HEPA Filter, Efficiency, Air Filtration

Environmental Alternatives Company Profile in the Combined Cycle Journal, October 1, 2013

EAI was the first company to utilize CO2 for cleaning HRSGs and introduced this technology to the combined cycle power market back in the early 1990’s. EAI cleans dozens of HRSGs every year for customers all over the country and have even provided HRSG cleaning for many foreign clients in over 10 countries around the globe.

Revision Date:  10/23/2013

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Environmental Alternatives, Heat Recovery Steam Generator, Service & Repair, Combined Cycle Journal

Haldor Topsoe Company Profile in the Combined Cycle Journal, October 1, 2013

Haldor Topsoe, Inc. is recognized as the world leader in the development and supply of catalyst and technology for industrial processes and air pollution control. With a global presence encompassing 10 countries on five continents – and catalysis products involved in 90% of the world’s chemical processes, and 60% of all industrial production, Topsoe services the petro-chemical, hydrogen, syngas, ammonia, methanol, sulfuric acid, refinery, hydro-processing, coal conversion, and power generation industries worldwide with both catalyst and technology solutions.

Revision Date:  10/22/2013

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Haldor Topsoe, Catalyst, Nox Control, Air Pollution Control, Combined Cycle Journal

Moran Iron Works Company Profile in the Combined Cycle Journal, October 1, 2013

Moran Iron Works, Inc. is a global fabrication company. We commit to your objectives by providing efficient processes, flexibility, and adaptability ensuring that your project is delivered on time. We specialize in one-of-a-kind fabrication and replacement of existing turbine components.

Revision Date:  10/22/2013

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Moran Iron Works, Exhaust Ductwork, Silencer, Air Inlet House, Noise, Air Intake, Exhaust Handling, Combined Cycle Journal

Bremco Company Profile in the Combined Cycle Journal, October 1, 2013

Bremco Inc is a full service industrial maintenace contractor since 1976. Our experience in combined cycle projects includes header, tube, and complete panel/ harp replacements. We also have significant experience in liner repairs/ upgrades, duct burner repairs, penetration seals, and stack damper installations. In conjunction with OEM partners we have installed complete filter houses and exhaust components.

Revision Date:  10/22/2013

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Bremco, Service & Repair, Combined Cycle Journal

Precision Iceblast - Air-Inlet House Listing in Combined Cycle Journal, October 1, 2013

Precision Iceblast Corporation is a world leader in HRSG tube cleaning. We clean more HRSG’s than any other ice blasting company in the world. We provide an invaluable service to our customers and insure that their HRSG’s are running highly efficient by providing the cleanest boiler tubes possible. Our cleaning results always provide decreased back pressure and increased output.

Revision Date:  10/22/2013

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Precision Iceblast, Heat Recovery Steam Generator, Service & Repair, Heat Recovery, Combined Cycle Journal

Pneumafil Nederman Company Profile in the Combined Cycle Journal, October 1, 2013

For over 45 years Pneumafil has been a major air inlet filter house supplier to turbine manufacturers such as GE (General Electric), Siemens, Mitsubishi, Alstom, Pratt & Whitney, Rolls Royce, Solar, ABB are located all over the world. Pneumafil (a Mikropul sister company) manufactures certified high efficiency filtration products for all brands pulse style or static style inlet housings.

Revision Date:  10/22/2013

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Nederman, Air Inlet House, Air Filter, Air Intake, Air Filtration, Combined Cycle Journal

DRB Company Profile in the Combined Cycle Journal, October 1, 2013

DRB Industries is a leading supplier of Gas Turbine Inlet Air Filtration, & Cooling Products along with Turnkey Installation. DRB also supplies Cooling Tower Parts & Retrofits, Evaporative Cooling Media and provides Audits and Inspections for plants.

Revision Date:  10/22/2013

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, DRB Industries, Fogging System, Silencer, Air Inlet House, Cooling Tower, Air Filter, Parts Supplier, Noise, Cooling, Air Intake, Air Filtration, Combined Cycle Journal

Donaldson Company Profile in the Combined Cycle Journal, October 1, 2013

Donaldson is a leading worldwide provider of filtration systems. Our 12,500 employees contribute to the Company’s success by supporting our Customers at our more than 100 sales, manufacturing, and distribution locations around the world.

Revision Date:  10/22/2013

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Donaldson, Air Inlet House, Air Filter, Air Filtration, Air Intake, Combined Cycle Journal

Camfil Farr Power Systems Company Profile in the Combined Cycle Journal, October 1, 2013

Camfil Farr Power Systems is one of the world’s leading actors in developing, manufacturing and supplying clean air and noise reducing systems for gas turbines.

Revision Date:  10/22/2013

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Camfil Farr, Air Inlet House, Silencer, Exhaust Ductwork, Air Filter, Service & Repair, Parts Supplier, Noise, Air Intake, Air Filtration, Exhaust Handling, Combined Cycle Journal

Braden Manufacturing Company Profile in the Combined Cycle Journal, October 1, 2013

Braden designs and manufacturers air filtration systems and filters, inlet cooling/heating, silencing, exhaust & inlet ductwork, diverter dampers, simple cycle SCRs, expansion joints, bypass stacks, and diffusers & plenums. Braden also provides installation services via Williams Industrial Services, as well as inspection and reporting services.

Revision Date:  10/22/2013

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Braden Manufacturing, Exhaust Ductwork, Air Filter, Expansion Joint, Noise, Air Filtration, Air Intake, Exhaust Handling, Combined Cycle Journal

Aeroderivative Gas Turbine Support - Air Filter Listing in Combined Cycle Journal, October 1, 2013

Aeroderivative Gas Turbine Support, Inc. (AGTSI) is a worldwide supplier of gas turbine parts located strategically in Boca Raton, Florida near three major airports including Miami’s airport. The company is available to its customers 24 hours a day, 365 days per year maintaining “on call” service for its customers.

Revision Date:  10/22/2013

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Aeroderivative Gas Turbine Support, Gas Turbine, Air Filter, Service & Repair, Parts Supplier, Air Filtration, Air Intake, Combined Cycle Journal

Advanced Filtration Company Profile in the Combined Cycle Journal, October 1, 2013

Advanced Filtration Concepts (AFC) offers new and innovative filtration products for the GT/ CC power industry. Invest to save with inlet air filters that are high efficiency, low back-pressure and long lasting. As the largest stocking distributor of industrial air filters in the Western United States, AFC is here to meet your most urgent GT inlet filtration needs.

Revision Date:  10/22/2013

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Advanced Filtration Concepts, Air Filter, Air Filtration, Air Intake, Combined Cycle Journal

AAF International Company Profile in the Combined Cycle Journal, October 1, 2013

For over 90 years, AAF has been a leader in the field of air filtration, through the most demanding conditions and the toughest environmental challenges. The filtration, noise abatement and other turbine products we make are effective, durable and crucial to greater efficiency and performance in a wide range of industries.

Revision Date:  10/22/2013

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, AAF International, Air Filter, Noise, Air Filtration, Air Intake, Combined Cycle Journal

PW Power Company Profile in the Combined Cycle Journal, October 1, 2013

PW Power Systems, Inc. (PWPS), a subsidiary of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd., offers products for aero-derivative and industrial gas turbines. PWPS has more than 2,000 industrial gas turbines installed in over 50 countries worldwide and prides itself on being superior in the gas turbine repair and overhaul sector. PWPS offers a full range of maintenance, overhaul, repair and spare parts for other manufacturers’ gas turbines with specific concentration on the high-temperature “F” class industrial machines.

Revision Date:  10/22/2013

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, PW Power Systems, Gas Turbine, Service & Repair, Combined Cycle Journal

Cormetech Company Profile in the Combined Cycle Journal, October 1, 2013

Cormetech, a joint equity venture of Corning Incorporated and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd., is recognized as the world’s leading developer, manufacturer and supplier of catalysts for Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) systems for control of nitrogen oxides from stationary sources. With manufacturing facilities in Durham, North Carolina and Cleveland, Tennessee, Cormetech services the power generation, petro-chemical refinery and industrial processing industries worldwide with environmental technology solutions.

Revision Date:  10/21/2013

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Cormetech, Catalyst, SCR, Air Pollution Control, Nox Control, Combined Cycle Journal

Vokes recommends combining coalescer and pre filter

In locations with high levels of atmospheric moisture (such as Northern Europe, equatorial or coastal sites), a coalescer protects against water and is typically followed by coarse and fine dust filter stages. This coalescer stage usually consists of a bank of G3 or G4 glass fibre pads treated with a water resistant coating. Such elements retain moisture well, but can quickly become clogged at higher air flows and as they become dirty, choking the air flow and raising differential pressure. Now, thanks to developments in media technology, a handful of products are available that offer an alternative approach by combining the water coalescer and pre-filter stages into one-unit.

Revision Date:  10/18/2013

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, McIlvaine, SPX, Vokes, HEPA Filter, Air Filter, Coalescer, Air Intake, Air Filtration, Filtration & Separation

SCR / CO / VOC Control by Bob McGinty, Mitsubishi Power Systems - Hot Topic Hour September 19, 2013

Reviewed aspects of System Design

Revision Date:  9/19/2013

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Mitsubishi Power Systems, Ammonia Injection Grid, Catalyst, SCR, Nox Control, Air Pollution Control

Air Pollution Control Catalyst and Technology by Craig Sharp, Haldor Topsoe - Hot Topic Hour September 19, 2013

Craig introduced a new catalyst.

Revision Date:  9/19/2013

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Haldor Topsoe, Ammonia Injection Grid, SCR, Catalyst, Nox Control, Air Pollution Control

Simple Cycle SCR Designs by Bill Gretta, Eneractive Solutions - Hot Topic Hour September 19, 2013

Bill provided advice for single cycle SCR purchasers.

Revision Date:  9/19/2013

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Eneractive Solutions, SCR, Ammonia, Ammonia Injection Grid, Air Pollution Control, Nox Control

Air Pollution Control for Gas Turbines Webinar - Hot Topic Hour September 19, 2013


Revision Date:  9/19/2013

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Mitsubishi Power Systems, Eneractive Solutions, Haldor Topsoe, SCR, Catalyst, Ammonia Injection Grid, Ammonia, Air Pollution Control, Nox Control

Mitsubishi Power Systems Americas, Inc. at Electric Power 2013

Information regarding booth at Electric Power 2013.

Revision Date:  5/24/2013

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Mitsubishi Power Systems, SCR, Heat Recovery Steam Generator, Nox Control, USA

ARCTIC Overview by Luke Buntz, Kiewit - Hot Topic Hour March 14, 2013

Luke discussed the ARCTIC (Absorption Refrigeration Cycle Turbine Inlet Conditioning) System.

Revision Date:  3/14/2013

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Kiewit Power Engineers, Chiller, Air Intake, Cooling

Air Inlet Treatment for Combustion Turbines by Mcleod Stephens - Nederman - Hot Topic Hour March 14, 2013.

Complete air inlet treatment for combustion turbines.

Revision Date:  3/14/2013

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Nederman, Air Filter, HEPA Filter, Air Intake, Air Filtration

Solutions to Reduce Total Cost of Ownership Utilizing High Efficiency Filter Media by Jerrod Walters and Bryan Xu - Hot Topic Hour March 14, 2013

A Merv 16 rated filter can substantially reduce turbine offline water wash frequency.

Revision Date:  3/14/2013

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, TDC Filter, HEPA Filter, Air Filter, Air Filtration, Air Intake

Inlet Pretreatment for Gas Turbines Webinar - Hot Topic Hour March 14, 2013

Gas turbine performance and maintenance are greatly affected by the cleanliness and physical properties of the incoming air.

Revision Date:  3/14/2013

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, W. L. Gore, Nederman, TDC Filter, Kiewit Power Engineers, Chiller, HEPA Filter, Air Filter, Cooling, Air Filtration, Air Intake

A new HEPA Solution for Gas Turbine Inlet Air Filtration by Tom Kelmartin, W. L. Gore & Associates - Hot Topic Hour March 14, 2013.

A new HEPA solution for gas turbine inlet air filtration.

Revision Date:  3/14/2013

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, W. L. Gore, HEPA Filter, Air Filter, Air Intake, Air Filtration

Article by McIlvaine on Gas Turbine Emissions in Air Polluton Control Magazine

In this article, Bob McIlvaine talks about Gas Turbine Emissions and Controls, focusing on intake air filters and NH3 slip monitors.

Revision Date:  3/8/2013

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Yokogawa Electric, Nederman, SICK MAIHAK, Analyzer - TDL, Analyzer - NH3, SCR, Air Filter, Ammonia Slip, Air Filtration, Air Intake, Air Pollution Control, Monitoring, Air Pollution Control

Considerations for Long Service Life for Fast Start HRSGs by John DiVitto and Melvin Albrecht, Babcock & Wilcox - Hot Topic Hour March 7, 2013

Discussion of advantages of vertical separators.

Revision Date:  3/7/2013

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Babcock & Wilcox, Vertical Separator, Heat Recovery Steam Generator, Heat Recovery

Design Considerations for Advanced Combined Cycle Plant using Drum Type HRSGs by Deron Johnston, Babcock Power - Hot Topic Hour March 7, 2013

Deron reviewed design considerations for drum type HRSGs.

Revision Date:  3/7/2013

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Babcock Power, Heat Recovery Steam Generator, Heat Recovery

Once Through Steam Generators - Design, Operation, and Maintenance Considerations by Landon Tessmer, Innovative Steam Technologies - Hot Topic Hour March 7, 2013

Landon explained that the Once-Through Steam Generator is a drumless HRSG that is smaller, more flexible, and simpler than a traditional, HRSG.

Revision Date:  3/7/2013

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Innovative Steam Technologies, Heat Recovery Steam Generator, Heat Recovery, Once Through Cooling

HRSG Design, Operation and Maintenance Considerations Webinar - Hot Topic Hour March 7, 2013

Design, installation, operation and maintenance of HRSGs for various applications.

Revision Date:  3/7/2013

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Babcock Power, Clyde Bergemann, Babcock & Wilcox, Innovative Steam Technologies, Vertical Separator, Heat Recovery Steam Generator, Heat Recovery

NH3 Slip Measurement by Donald Wyatt, Yokogawa – Youtube Presentation

Overview of tunable diode lasers for measuring ammonia slip and other gases.

Revision Date:  2/25/2013

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, 221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Yokogawa Electric, Analyzer - NH3, IR Laser Spectroscopy, SCR, SNCR, Ammonia Slip, Monitoring, Nox Control

NOx Control for Gas Turbines - Hot Topic Hour February 14, 2013

NOx control for specific gas turbines, NOx control technology and new technologies being developed.

Revision Date:  2/14/2013

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Fossil Energy Research Corp., Fuel Tech, Mitsubishi Power Systems, Vogt Power International, Ammonia, IR Laser Spectroscopy, Analyzer - NH3, Ammonia Injection Grid, SCR, SNCR, Aqueous Ammonia, Air Pollution Control, Urea Conversion, Nox Control

SCR DeNOx Systems by Robert (Bob) McGinty, Mitsubishi Power Systems - Hot Topic Hour February 14, 2013

Bob reviewed reliable control of NOx from simple cycle and combined cycle gas turbine applications.

Revision Date:  2/14/2013

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Mitsubishi Power Systems, SCR, Ammonia Injection Grid, Ammonia, Aqueous Ammonia, Nox Control, Air Pollution Control

An Economical Alternative for HRSG SCR Reagent Supply by Stewart Bible, Fuel Tech - Hot Topic Hour February 14, 2013.

Stewart offered an economical alternative for HRSG SCR reagent supply.

Revision Date:  2/14/2013

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Fuel Tech, Ammonia, Aqueous Ammonia, SCR, Air Pollution Control, Urea Conversion, Nox Control

Vogt Power Emission Control Solutions by Kelly Flannery, Kristen Cooper and Andrew Heid - Hot Topic Hour February 14, 2013.

Kelly covered three product lines for emissions control from combustion turbine exhaust.

Revision Date:  2/14/2013

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Vogt Power International, SCR, Ammonia, Air Pollution Control, Nox Control

Gas Turbine SCR Performance Optimization and Management by Tom Martz, Fossil Energy Research Corp. - Hot Topic Hour February 14, 2013.

Tom covered gas turbine SCR performance optimization and management.

Revision Date:  2/14/2013

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Fossil Energy Research Corp., Ammonia Injection Grid, SCR, Optimization, Nox Control, Air Pollution Control

NH3 Slip Measurement by Donald Wyatt, Yokogawa - Hot Topic Hour February 14, 2013

History of tunable diode lasers for measuring ammonia slip and other gases.

Revision Date:  2/14/2013

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, 221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Yokogawa Electric, SNCR, IR Laser Spectroscopy, SCR, Analyzer - NH3, Ammonia Slip, Air Pollution Control, Monitoring

Technology Review of Modern Gas Turbine Inlet Filtration Systems

A review of the considerations for selecting an inlet filtration system by covering (1) the characteristics of filters and filter systems, (2) a review of the many types of filters, (3) a detailed look at the different environments where the gas turbine can operate, (4) a process for evaluating the site where the gas turbine will be or is installed, and (5) a method to compare various filter system options with life cycle cost analysis.

Revision Date:  11/29/2012

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Air Filter, HEPA Filter, Air Inlet House, Cost, Life Cycle Cost, Air Filtration, Air Intake, International Journal of Rotating Machinery

European Cartridge Analysis for Gas Turbine and Dust Collection

This analysis focuses on the cartridge market for gas turbine and dust collection for seven European countries.

Revision Date:  11/29/2012

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Cartridge Filter, Air Filter, Market, Dust Collecting, Air Filtration, Air Intake, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Italy, Poland, Spain, UK

GE Offers Low Maintenance and Long Life with New Gas Turbine Inlet Filtration Product Engineered for Harsh Environment

GE announced the availability of its new GE TS1000 coalescer, a gas turbine filtration product that delivers improved plant performance and lower maintenance costs to customers operating power generation facilities in harsh conditions near coastal environments. The new TS 1000 will not need to be replaced as frequently due to its unique media, which allows sand and dust to pass through, therefore not clogging the coalescer.

Revision Date:  11/29/2012

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, GE Energy, Air Filter, Coalescer, Air Intake, Air Filtration, Fabric Filter Newsletter

Guideline for Gas Turbine Inlet Air Filtration Systems

A reference for gas turbine inlet air filtration systems, including two life cycle cost analyses, published by the Gas Machinery Research Council of the Southwest Research Institute.

Revision Date:  11/29/2012

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Air Filter, Cost, Life Cycle Cost, Air Intake, Air Filtration

Air Inlet System: Make it Right!

This article describes the proper filters and cooling equipment for gas turbine air inlet systems.

Revision Date:  11/29/2012

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, HEPA Filter, Chiller, Evaporative Cooler, Fogging System, Air Inlet House, Air Filter, Air Filtration, Air Intake, Combined Cycle Journal

Breath of Fresh Air for Gas Turbine Inlet Systems

Analysis of gas turbine inlet filtration system selection based on applications and environment. Author is GE Energy consulting engineer.

Revision Date:  11/27/2012

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, GE, Air Filter, Air Intake, Air Filtration, Diesel & Gas Turbine Worldwide

Valves for Power Plant Steam and Water Applications Webinar - Hot Topic Hour June 2, 2011

The speakers addressed issues for the various valve applications in power plant steam and water systems. Password: hth484

Revision Date:  6/2/2011

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, 221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Crane Energy Flow Solutions, CCI, Weir Valves & Controls, Valve, Corrosion, Erosion, Vibration, Noise, Cavitation, Flow Control

Severe Service Control Valves by Ory Selzer, CCI - Hot Topic Hour June 2, 2011

Ory Selzer, Valve Doctor - Power, Americas at CCI -Control Components, Inc, described the important requirements of severe service control valves, as they apply to steam and water.

Revision Date:  6/2/2011

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, 221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, CCI, Ball Valve, Valve, Erosion, Cavitation, Corrosion, Noise, Vibration, Flow Control

Pressure Locking & Thermal Binding in Wedge Gate & Parallel Slide Gate Valves by Donald Johnson, Crane Energy Flow Solutions - Hot Topic Hour June 2, 2011

Donald Johnson of CRANE ChemPharma Flow Solutions & CRANE Energy Flow Solutions stated that pressure locking and thermal binding solutions are important for wedge gate and parallel slide gate valves.

Revision Date:  6/2/2011

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, 221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Crane Energy Flow Solutions, Valve, Corrosion, Erosion, Vibration, Noise, Cavitation, Flow Control

Severe Service Control Valves by Ory Selzer, CCI Valve - Hot Topic Hour June 2, 2011

Ory Selzer, Valve Doctor - Power, Americas at CCI -Control Components, Inc, described the important requirements of severe service control valves as they apply to steam and water.

Revision Date:  6/2/2011

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, 221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, CCI, Valve, Corrosion, Erosion, Vibration, Noise, Cavitation, Flow Control

Prevention of Valve Center Cavity Overpressurization and Thermal Binding: Key Concerns in Power Plant Design and Operation by Don Bowers, Weir Valves & Controls - Hot Topic Hour June 2, 2011

Donald Bowers, Vice-President, Sales & Marketing at Weir Valves & Controls, discussed the challenges of Center Cavity over Pressurization (CCOP) that can cause Pressure Locking (PL) and Thermal Binding.

Revision Date:  6/2/2011

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, 221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Weir Valves & Controls, Valve, Corrosion, Erosion, Vibration, Noise, Cavitation, Flow Control

Sustainability and Filtration - InterWEBview™ with Barry Kellar of Freudenberg Filtration Technologies

Chillers using waste heat can reduce gas turbine fuel consumption per MW while boosting output. Barry Kellar, President of Freudenberg Filtration - North America, was the speaker in a recorded McIlvaine InterWEBview on “Sustainability.” Part of this presentation is devoted to the Villedon or energy efficiency enhancement system. Fruedenberg not only furnishes the gas turbine inlet filters but also the cooling of the air entering the turbine based on vapor absorption technology. Waste heat from the system is used as the energy source, so capacity increases of up to 22 percent are achieved without parasitic power consumption. Barry was one of the keynote speakers at Filtration 2010 in Philadelphia. Freudenberg was one of the exhibitors along with a number of other companies familiar to the power industry.

Revision Date:  12/17/2010

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Freudenberg Filtration Technologies, Air Filter, Chiller, Energy Efficiency, Cooling, Air Intake, Air Filtration

SCR for Gas Turbines - InterWEBview™ with Chris Ferguson, Honeywell-UOP

This 21 minute interview with Chris Ferguson, product manager for Honeywell-UOP, addresses SCR systems for turbines and other applications.

Revision Date:  12/6/2010

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Honeywell, SCR, NOx, Air Pollution Control, Nox Control

Sustainability and Filtration 2010 - Presentation Barry Kellar of Fruedenberg Filtration Technologies

Barry Kellar, President of Freudenberg Filtration - North America, was a key note speaker on “Sustainability” at Filtration 2010 in Philadelphia. Part of this presentation is devoted to the Villedon or energy efficiency enhancement system. Fruedenberg not only furnishes the gas turbine inlet filters but also the cooling of the air entering the turbine based on vapor absorption technology. Waste heat from the system is used as the energy source, so capacity increases of up to 22 percent are achieved without parasitic power consumption.

Revision Date:  12/1/2010

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, INDA, Freudenberg Filtration Technologies, Air Filter, Chiller, Efficiency, Air Filtration, Air Intake, Cooling

Flexible Seal Plates for Gas Turbine Expanstion Joint

This paper summarizes GE's patent application for flexible seal plates for gas turbine expansion joints. The invention claims to eliminate cracked frames and burned belts in the flat belt design. It is said to be easier to install and will not degrade as does the D design.

Revision Date:  11/29/2010

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, GE, Exhaust Ductwork, Expansion Joint, Exhaust Handling

Fabric Expansion Joints - Terms and Definitions

A glossary of terms prepared by the Quality Association for Fabric Expansion Joints.

Revision Date:  11/22/2010

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Expansion Joint, Exhaust Handling

DEKOMTE Fabric Expansion Joint on Siemens Gas Turbine Outlet

A detailed case study analysis of a DEKOMTE fabric expansion joint design and installation on a Siemens gas turbine outlet.

Revision Date:  11/22/2010

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, DEKOMTE, Expansion Joint, Exhaust Handling

Zepco Expansion Joint Retrofit at Florida Power Plant

Case study of a gas turbine power plant expansion joint retrofit by Zepco.

Revision Date:  11/22/2010

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Zepco, Exhaust Ductwork, Expansion Joint, Exhaust Handling, USA

Gas Turbine Expansion Joint Applications, an InterWEBview™ with Frenzelit

Bob McIlvaine's interview with Joe McFadden, the Expansion Joint Manager in the Gas Turbine Technical Department of Germany-based Frenzelit. The discussion focuses on expansion joints for gas turbine applications, including what materials to use.

Revision Date:  11/22/2010

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Frenzelit, Expansion Joint, Exhaust Ductwork, Exhaust Handling

Analysis of Metal and Fabric GTX Expansion Joints

Deciding whether to use a metal or fabric expansion joint generally depends on the application specifications, according to this analysis prepared by EJS.

Revision Date:  11/4/2010

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Expansion Joint, Exhaust Handling

Design Criteria for Gas Turbine Exhaust Fabric Expansion Joint Assembly

Flexfab Niagara supplies fabric expansion joint assembly according to Specification from GE Schenectady’s multi-disciplinary 6FA, 7F/A, 9F/FA Task Force, April 1996

Revision Date:  11/4/2010

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Flexfab Niagara, Expansion Joint, Exhaust Handling

Problems & Solutions with Expansion Joints in Gas Turbine Exhaust Systems

A white paper by James Walker Townson.

Revision Date:  10/25/2010

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, James Walker Townson, Expansion Joint, Exhaust Handling

Suppliers of Gas Turbine Expansion Joint Products

This is a summary of suppliers of fabric and metal expansion joints for gas turbine systems prepared by McIlvaine Company in 2010.

Revision Date:  10/21/2010

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Clyde Bergemann, Bachmann Dampjoint, BOA Group, Zepco, DEKOMTE, Hesse Equipment, U.S. Bellows, Frenzelit, Hyspan, Flexfab Niagara, Aerosun-Tola, FlexCom, Badger Industries, Parker RX Dynex, Papco Industries, Holz Rubber, James Walker Townson, WahlcoMetroflex, Senior Flexonics Pathway Metroflex Dampers, Flexider Flexider, KE Burgmann, Effox-Flextor, Expansion Joint, Directory, Exhaust Handling