The market for cleanroom hardware and consumables is expanding in many directions. Much of the market is driven by the need to protect the product.  But the need to protect the people working on the product is also a strong driver.  This is particularly true in the biotech sector.


Nanomaterials are raising concerns about health impacts.  They are small enough to enter the blood stream.  We are entering uncharted waters.  The product itself could be the aerosol of concern.  So cleanroom technology will be needed both to protect the product and the worker.


The National Science Foundation estimated nanotechnology applications may be worth more than $1 trillion in the global economy in the next ten years.


While nanotechnology is burgeoning on the consumer side, it's also making a splash with nanomaterials in automotive applications, nanoelectronics and devices, and nanobiomedical applications. The possibilities seem endless, say the technology's proponents.


McIlvaine is continuing to revise and quantify the nanotechnology impact on the market in Cleanrooms: World Markets.   For more information on this online report click on .



Bob McIlvaine
