Welcome to The McIlvaine Company

      Free Knowledge Site 



This site is organized in two chronological segments.  All the new material  since October 2010 is linked from the center of the home page.  A link at the top of the home page takes you to material posted prior to this date. There are two main approaches to searching data. One is an unstructured global search (linked near the top of the page) and the other is the structured search with the entry portals displayed in the center of the home page

You can conduct the structured search  using any of the listed entry portals. If you are searching for a product for a specific application then you would want to start with the “Applicaton link”

The application descriptors are unique . They reflect the goal to provide “decisive classification and sequencing".   This is discussed under Decisive Classification.

The product and other subject key words are selected to also enhance decisive classification. Each word is selected from a hierarchy.  Classification is based on distinguishing between products with different life cycle cost results and combining products with the same life cycle cost results and function  even if they are theoretically different. 

The selection of the products and subjects which are included in the hierarchies is  on- going.   Mcilvaine is reaching out to all those with knowledge in each niche area to help better classify subjects and products.

The system is providing the basis for easier and precise communication in any language.  A separate database allows you to obtain definitions and equivalents in Chinese.  Eventually other languages will be added.

The Text Descriptors are quite useful in identifying valuable documents.  All the Mcilvaine webinars are identified  both by the webinar recording and by the power point presentations. A large effort has been made to create diagrams for each application.  So there is a separate “diagram” text descriptor.

The system is built around the title, the summary and then the full text.

 Starting your Search

There are several different search approaches. The factors which would affect the search route are

·         Are you looking for a specific fact or are you looking for broad understanding

·         If there is to be analysis and decision making, the searcher will want to understand  the classification of the subjects.

·         Is this a one-time type of search or do you want to improve your efficiency to find material and make decisions on a continuing basis?

·         Do you want to help make this system even better?

Global search  

This is a good route if you are looking for a specific fact and are not using it for deep analysis. You can search with a combination of words. By inserting “and” between the two words you just display articles with both words in them. You can select either a ranking by relevance or date.

Broader analysis

For broader analysis it is desirable to understand the classification system.  This is because classification is decision making You can enter the classification search engine  and look for any words listed under the various categories e.g. product, other subject, company, text descriptor etc. You can then determine whether they are key words or just synonyms.  If they are synonyms then switch and make the search based on the actual key word.  You can also view the parent and children of the key word to put the key word in the broader classification perspective.

Continuing use

This system should be one that is used frequently and is used for important decisions. It is therefore desirable to understand the entire structure and evolution of the system.  You can start with the Classification Subject Search and view the classification sequence for important subjects.

 You can click on a word and see the parent. Then you can click on the parent and see the grandparent.  Likewise you can search under parent  and find the key word children.

The system is continuing to evolve. There are references which will be used as the basis for later key word additions.

Help make the system better

The classification system needs to expand and change on a continuous basis. Mcilvaine seeks help in making the best classifications in each knowledge niche.  So we invite your input.


For questions please e-mail us at: editor@mcilvainecompany.com

This report is for the exclusive use of the registered subscriber.  Unauthorized distribution of content or use of the user name and password by others is prohibited.