Coronavirus Technology Solutions
November 9, 2020


CATE Market will be Determined by Life Quality Perceptions

Activated Carbon for Masks and Filters

WFI will be Holding its WFI 2020 Conference on December 15, 16

Coronavirus Cases Rise to New Records

Biden Victory Means an Aggressive Mask Program will be Pursued


CATE Market will be Determined by Life Quality Perceptions

McIlvaine is predicting a CATE mask market of up to $600 billion in 2022. This is much larger than any other filtration market. In fact it is much larger than all the other filtration markets combined. The accuracy of this prediction depends on life quality perceptions. You have many people refusing to wear masks due to negative life quality perceptions. You have others equating  the life quality impact of loose fitting inefficient masks with CATE masks.

Since the $600 billion number is so large it is hard to imagine that the forecast is realistic. On the other hand the pandemic is creating economic losses measured in tens of trillions of dollars. It is also causing negative life quality impacts greater than any event since World War II. Another life quality yardstick is the market for sports footwear. Because of perceived life quality impacts purchasers are spending $400 billion per year for shoes that are ten times more costly than functional equivalents.

CATE is an acronym for Comfortable, Attractive, Tight fitting, Efficient. The only way to measure the comfortable and attractive market drivers is based on life quality impacts. The challenge is how to quantify and predict these impacts.

Fortunately there is a good quantification system. McIlvaine entered a yearlong contract with one of the world’s largest suppliers of medical supplies to determine whether reusable or single use surgical gowns were the best choice for a hospital. It was determined that a new metric was needed to measure all harm and good. This was developed by McIlvaine and is called Quality Enhanced Life Days (QELD).  It was not only used for this contract but found receptivity in the medical world. Here is a link to a feature article on it in Healthcare Development Magazine.

Most sustainability rating tools rely third party determination of political and social impacts of any decision. QELD is straight forward and most valuable because it represents the actual life quality choices being made by the group impacted by the decision. If a majority of the group believes that allowing the elderly to die at an accelerated rate is worth the life quality benefits of mask avoidance, then this will be reflected in the QELD rating. A group is defined as eligible voters.

In the U.S and most other countries the majority would not want to sacrifice the elderly for minor discomfort. This is not a black and white moral determination. It is instead a complex balance between the selfish interests of a small group and the realization that there needs to be accommodation to other small groups or civilization will disintegrate in class warfare. However, this same group will send its sons to war knowing that a number will not return.

The basis of QELD is that people would rather live only 80 years, socialize and eat ice cream  rather than to 100 as risk adverse hermits. The group would rather raise the speed limit to 65 mph knowing that it statistically will shorten their lives by a day or two for the life quality benefits of shorter travel times.

The benefit of this approach is that the life quality preferences can be determined from past and present activities. It starts with activities which actually impact life span. Driving two hours to see a football game will shorten your life by a few minutes. If you would avoid wearing a mask for a month  in exchange for giving up the football game then you have placed a QELD value of a few minutes on the mask avoidance.

So one hand we have established a QELD value of a few minutes of life for mask avoidance. But in a high positivity environment the threats to the life of the wearer and his family may be more than just a few minutes of life span.

The other consideration is that the avoidance of masks by the individual can have negative life quality impacts for other members of the group. We set speed limits to not only protect the driver but others. But if the individual wants to climb Mount Everest there is no law to prevent him from doing so.

Insights on the future mask market can be gained by substantial effort to quantify and even shape the life quality impacts of wearing masks. The fact that CATE masks are both comfortable and attractive is very important in assessing life quality impacts. The negative health life quality risks need to be determined for all the different combinations of variables. They include general variables such as

·         Immunity percent in the group

·         testing activity

·         virus positivity testing percent

·         ambient air pollution and wildfires

They include individual variables

·         age and  health

·         environment

o   residence

o   travel

o   work

o   leisure time

In the U.S. and many other countries we have large segments of the population who resent government interference in their masking choices. The value of the QELD approach is that it is only reflecting the better informed choices the individual would want to make based on his present and past life quality choices.

The anti-mask people are citing examples such as the NYC regulation prohibiting the sale of soft drinks in 24 oz cups. This is not a good example because it only impacts the life quality of the individual drinker.

The argument for wide spread use of CATE masks is less persuasive as we move past the pandemic. The market could rise to $600 billion per year and then shrink to $100 billion or even much less in future years. Even if it dropped to $10 billion per year it would still be a very attractive market. The past CATE mask market has been focused on purchasers concerned about air pollution, wild fires, pollen, and mold.

If people are fully informed about life quality impacts of various mask types there could be a $600 billion market for CATE masks at a high virus load level. If we continue at the present high virus levels but are ignorant of the mask alternatives and benefits the CATE market will be smaller than either the disposable or the cloth market which will average about $11/yr for each of the 8 billion people on earth.

Even in a worst case scenario it is unlikely that the market will shrink to pre COVID levels. In many Asian countries the courtesy mask has become common. This is likely to become a world wide life quality enhancement. The lack of a mask may someday be equated with spitting on the sidewalk.

At high virus load (High V) the negative life quality impacts are high compared to any negative life quality impacts of wearing masks such as discomfort or unattractiveness. However at low virus loads uncomfortable and unattractive mask life quality impacts may outweigh the benefits in the minds of the wearer. On the other hand comfortable and attractive (CA)  masks have lower negative life quality impacts than the virus (Low V).

The benefits of requiring CATE masks to any visitor to a hospital or nursing home are clear.  Mask wearing during air or subway travel is likely to remain.

The market for CATE masks has been largely driven by those with health problems or those living in cities with high levels of air pollution. Wild fires are now expanding this market.

The future threat of  viruses is unknown. What is known is the large number of deaths and hospitalizations from influenza. The market for hand sanitizers has soared. Masks are a much better option to protect from viruses. There is already evidence that vaccines will offer no more protection against COVID than they do against influenza. One reason is the continuing mutation.  Just last week Denmark decided to destroy 18 million mink when it was found that they had COVID and potentially could infect humans with a mutant form of the virus which the conventional vaccines would not be able to stop.

This pandemic has proved the dangers of an interconnected world. The virus started with bat to human transmission in Wuhan but quickly spread to Europe. The U.S. initially thought that all the transmission was from China.  New York later learned that its cases had European origin.

Activated Carbon for Masks and Filters

Coconut shells represent one of the newest and most promising options for activated carbon block filters. The density of micro-pores is much higher in coconut than in other forms of activated carbon, meaning it has more surface area and more general porosity. By way of comparison, it contains 50 percent more micro-pores than bituminous coal. This makes coconut better able to adsorb volatile organic chemicals, which are otherwise difficult to remove from water.

Coconut shell carbon’s purity also makes it a better candidate for activated carbon. Whereas other carbons can contribute taste due to inorganic ash, coconut contains a relatively low amount. This creates a more consistent, uniform and non-leaching carbon block that outperforms other options in terms of quality.

Manufacturing coconut shell activated carbon is also easier. Coal and wood both produce significant amounts of dust and fine carbon particles, while coconut produces less of these potential contaminants. Due to this lack of dust, and to the fact that coconut harvesting is a year-round, renewable activity that does not kill trees, this can be considered a green method of obtaining activated carbon.

WFI will be Holding its WFI 2020 Conference on December 15, 16

There will be 16 speakers over the two days.  Bob McIlvaine will speak on the first day as will Abishek Saha of the University of California -San Diego. He will provide more details on the evaporation of droplets initially caught in masks. He was a presenter in a previous McIlvaine webinar. In his speech he will show how improperly designed masks can have negative effects on ultimate transmission.

Hunter Most of AAF will address the new paradigm in the HVAC industry as building owners  treat the filter selection as critical to the building operation.

Joe Gorman of Camfil will address the unprecedented growth in in higher efficiency filter demand.

For more information contact

Dr. Christine Sun| President | Waterloo Filtration Institute | Phone: 866-546-0688x 111 |

Head Office: 150 Bridgeland Avenue, Suite 101, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M6A 1Z5  

Coronavirus Cases Rise to New Records

Saturday was supposed to see the University of Virginia’s football team face off against Louisville — but then the coronavirus got in the way. Nine players on Louisville’s team had already been sickened. Then several more fell ill, with seven going into quarantine. The game was postponed. 

In central Massachusetts, 150 cases of the coronavirus have been linked to the Crossroads Community Church in Fitchburg. “Videos and photos posted to Crossroads’ public Facebook page in weeks prior didn’t seem to show anyone social distancing or wearing masks,” one news report said.

Counties across Northern California moved to implement new restrictions, with officials warning of “widespread” transmission “across the state.”

And in Amarillo, Texas, a kindergartner reportedly died of COVID-19, the disease caused by the coronavirus. In Missouri, the disease claimed the life of an election poll worker.

The coronavirus pandemic that has killed more than a quarter million Americans did not take a break for last weekend’s Halloween holiday, nor for the presidential election that followed, nor for the subsequent days of political turmoil that continued into this weekend. 

Nor has the frustratingly resilient pathogen shown much sympathy for Americans’ growing weariness, their desire to see schools and businesses reopen, for unremitting talk of “social distancing” and “learning pods” to be relegated to a distant memory.

If anything, the virus appears to be strengthening, killing more than 1,000 Americans every day this week while recording more than 100,000 daily infections. More than 50,000 people across the nation are hospitalized. The share of coronavirus diagnostic tests coming back positive has risen to 8.2 percent this week; last week’s share of positive tests was a markedly lower 7.2 percent.

“The numbers are pretty scary,” says Dr. Peter Hotez, dean of the National School of Tropical Medicine at Baylor, taking stock of the national situation. As he was speaking to Yahoo News on Thursday, the nation was on its way to a record 133,000 new cases for that day. Hospitalizations have been rapidly climbing too, leading to concerns that we may once more see what we saw during the spring and early summer: crowded intensive care units, overwhelmed hospitals, deaths that could have been prevented.

“It’s a slaughter,” Hotez said. “We’re going to have to take steps.

Biden Victory Means an Aggressive Mask Program will be Pursued

President-elect Joe Biden’s victory signals a turning point in the U.S. response to the coronavirus pandemic, as he promises a newly aggressive federal effort to contain a virus that is spiking nationwide in contrast to a president who has consistently downplayed the outbreak’s dangers and promised it would disappear.

But while the president-elect can begin to lay the groundwork for a more muscular approach and a vastly different messaging campaign than President Donald Trump, Biden will have to wait until he is officially inaugurated on Jan. 20 to put any of those plans into place.

Still, Biden’s transition team has been working for months on how to coordinate federal agencies to execute the plans Biden outlined months ago. The proposals include a national mask mandate -- although Biden has acknowledged that would be difficult to enforce except on federal property.

“I will bring together Republicans and Democrats to deliver economic relief to working families, schools, and businesses,” Biden said in St. Paul, Minnesota, on Oct. 30. “As I’ve said before, I’m not going to shut down the economy. I’m going to shut down the virus.”

Biden released a plan to combat the coronavirus that says its aim is to restore trust, create a cohesive national strategy, make treatments affordable, provide economic relief to those impacted by the virus and work with other countries to combat the spread.

Biden said he would restore the White House National Security Council Directorate for Global Health Security and Biodefense, which the Trump administration had folded into another office at the NSC.

He also plans to provide a daily public White House report on how many tests have been conducted, expand surveillance programs by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control, instruct federal agencies to take action to expand America’s hospital capacity and expand tele-health capabilities across the country.

The plan also says federal health agencies will collaborate on vaccine development, establish a public health corps to assist with testing and contract tracing, and fully fund and expand authority for the National Disaster Medical System to reimburse providers for Covid-19 treatment costs that are not directly covered by health insurance.

The virus is likely to intensify in the cold months between the election and inauguration so Biden’s administration will have to be ready to address a fluid situation immediately. So while he cannot yet act, Biden and his team will spend the next several weeks gathering information about the Trump administration’s response and ensuring they are ready to implement Biden’s plans after he takes the oath of office.

“A lot is going to depend on how we’re doing,” Ezekiel Emanuel, a former top health adviser to the Obama administration, said in an interview before Election Day. “Most of us, the physicians, public-health community fear that we’re going to have outbreaks in large numbers because of people going inside” as the weather cools.

Biden has been urging Americans to heed the advice of scientists and public health experts since the onset of the pandemic in March, and advisers said he made a strategic decision early on to model his presidential campaign in line with his beliefs about how a president should behave in a crisis. He spent most of the early months of the pandemic campaigning from his basement in Wilmington, and once he resumed in-person events, he strictly followed social distancing and masking guidelines.

“We are going to beat this virus. We are going to get it under control,” Biden said last week in Flint, Michigan. “And the first step to beating it is to beat Donald Trump.”

Now that he has beat Trump, Biden advisers say he will bring that approach to the White House. But after months of criticizing the president, the Biden will face the complex challenge of bringing a divided country together to fight the virus.

“They’ve got to build a coalition of churches, of nonprofits, of the business community, to reinforce the mask message,” said Florida Representative Donna Shalala, who ran the Department of Health and Human Services under Bill Clinton.

Shalala, in an interview before she lost her re-election bid this week, also said Biden should work to restore confidence and trust in federal scientists and civil servants.

“I think he should go up to NIH on his first day, and he should go down to CDC, and liberate them,” she said. “I think that symbolism is really important.”

Ultimately, though, one of the Biden administration’s most important and complicated tasks will be figuring out how to get eventual coronavirus vaccines to the public. Advisers started developing plans to distribute a vaccine even before the election, and for months they have been monitoring the Trump administration’s effort to deliver a drug for signs of political interference, according to two Biden advisers.

In particular, Biden’s health team, many of whom worked in the administration of President Barack Obama, have been leveraging their decades-long relationships with U.S. government officials to keep tabs on Trump’s initiative to deliver a vaccine in record time. Now, the team will get much more information about the progress that has been made.

The advisers involved in the effort include some of the officials who oversaw pandemics and preparedness in the Obama administration. Among them are Nicole Lurie, the former assistant secretary for preparedness and response under Obama; Vivek Murthy, the former U.S. surgeon general and David Kessler, a former commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration.

The incoming administration must also anticipate logistical challenges like ensuring adequate supply of glass vials and syringes, for example, and prepare to address them immediately.

“Where are the bottlenecks that will need to be addressed come January 20?” Emanuel said, outlining the areas the transition team will focus on in the coming weeks.