  2007  No. 327

Keynote Speakers Strike Optimistic Tone

Record attendance and a general sense of optimism made for a dynamic Power-Gen in Orlando this past month. The three keynote speakers--Steve Bolze, President of GE Power Generation, William Rohner, Caterpillar Vice President of Electric Power Division, and Bradley Jones, TXU Vice President of Generation Development all had exciting stories to tell.

Bolze discussed the dramatic increase in power demand.  He commented on the work his company is doing on large scale IGCC. In the area of renewables he reported that GE wind turbines are sold out through 2008. 

Rohner said that the demand for reciprocating engines outstrips supply.

Jones emphasized the importance of standardization in the units presently under construction. He believes this standardization and the sourcing of components from low cost countries will bring cost savings. In addition to the units presently being constructed by TXU in Texas, Jones said they are studying the possibility of replacing some old coal-fired units in the Midwest with newer more efficient coal-fired units.

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