Filter Media For Coal-fired Boilers “Hot Topic Hour” September 13, 9:00 a.m. CDT


There is a wide choice of media for coal-fired boilers including woven glass, nonwovens, and membranes.  There are scrim options.  Which selection is best for each of the different applications including particulate control from low sulfur coal p.c. boilers, high sulfur coal, spray driers, and those with activated carbon injection?  What role does SO3 play in media selection?


These are the questions which will be addressed in the “Hot Topic Hour” - Filter Media Selection for Coal-fired Boilers.  This webinar will last for 1 to 2 hours depending on the amount of discussion in between and following the formal presentations.  It will begin at 9:00 a.m. CDT.


New ambient fine particulate limits combined with tough permit limits on stack emissions for new plants are creating a need for greater efficiency.  With mass monitoring and yearly tonnage limits, the requirement is not just to perform for a few hours at peak efficiency but for the entire campaign.


There are a number of new combinations of materials which need to be assessed in terms of their value in meeting these new conditions.  Membranes and micro fibers offer two options to improve efficiency.


Injection of activated carbon ahead of baghouses presents some material handling questions which could affect the fabric selection.  The widespread use of fabric filters to capture calcium and sodium sulphate (dry scrubbing) presents its own unique demands on fabrics.


For the first time we are seeing large numbers of fabric filters applied to high sulfur coal-fired boilers.  The caking problems due to acid mist condensation present another set of challenges. One of the solutions is lime or powdered limestone injection at the air heater.  This presents another set of media challenges.


There are some supply constraints in the industry primarily with resin availability.  Will the industry be able to supply the needed media?  We will be addressing this question as well.


For more information on this and other McIlvaine “Hot Topic Hours”, click on: .



Bob McIlvaine
