Cleanroom Garments For the Sterile Environment - What is Best For You?

McIlvaine Company has created a free site utilizing all the digital tools to help purchasers make the right choices in terms of performance and life cycle costs. One of the initial subjects which will be comprehensively explored is “garment selection for sterile environments”.

McIlvaine will be posting contributions from the industry. It will also be conducting InterWEBviews™ with suppliers and consultants. Later there will be one or more webinars which will be available at no charge to the pharmaceutical and other industries where the various issues will be explored and debated.

The first InterWEBview™ was just conducted with Damon Larkin of Kimberly Clark Professional. He summarized extensive research which shows that the traditional approach to sterile gowning is difficult and time consuming. Furthermore, traditional garments do not provide sufficient comfort to the worker. These issues have been addressed with garment design and packaging innovations.

The free site now has a link to the InterWEBview™ and will be continually populated with new information. Click on: Free News and InterWEBviews™.

You can access the Larkin InterWEBview™ using the text descriptor and then InterWEBview™, or product and then “single use garment” or person and then Larkin or company and then Kimberly Clark. You can also access it under application and then pharmaceutical or process and then sterile manufacturing. You can also find it under subject and then cleanroom.

We encourage you to send us relevant papers and information. Also, if you would like to volunteer for an InterWEBview™, please contact: Bob McIlvaine, 847 784 0012 ext 112,