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New York State is proposing to adopt 6 NYCRR Part 222, 'Distributed Generation Sources' and make conforming revisions to Part 200, 'General Provisions' and Subpart 227-2, 'Reasonably Available Control Technology (RACT) for Oxides of Nitrogen (Nox)' to establish emission standards, monitoring requirements and record keeping requirements for certain DG sources in New York State. The proposed rule will apply to DG sources not currently regulated under Subpart 227-2 or subject to a federal New Source Performance Standard (NSPS), as long as the federal standards are less than or equal to the Part 222 emission limits. NYSDEC Proposed 6 NYCRR, Subpart 222 Distributed Generation Sources Specifically for Reciprocating Internal Combustion Engines For Nox RICE Natural Gas Engines are limited to 1.5 g/bhp-hr and RICE Diesel Engines are limited to 2.3 g/bhp-hr. Particulate for both diesel and natural gas is 0.3 g/bhp-hr or 85% reduction. An annual tune-up for all engines is required by New York State Department of Environmental Conservation. The compliance by May 1, 2016, the beginning of the “ozone season”. Operators can request a one (1) year extension due to hardship circumstances or if the site already took part in a formal 2015 demand response program.
Revision Date: 8/16/2016
Tags: Emissions, Regulation, Air Pollution Control, NY