Hydraulic Fracturing Presents a Most Profitable Market Opportunity for CFT Product and Service Companies

The hydraulic fracturing market offers the opportunity for combust, flow and treat (CFT) suppliers to generate large unit margins and substantial gross profits by creating products with lower total cost of ownership. This is due to the severe and critical service requirements as well as rapidly evolving technology.

McIlvaine is offering a service to help suppliers quantify the market in terms of the obtainable gross profit at various prices levels resulting in the revenue and gross margin combination to provide the Most Profitable Market (MPM).

The market is large and will grow at close to double digit rates in the coming years. Because the frac sand manufacturing plants are now being built near fracking sites and because many of the same CFT products are used in both the two markets can be treated as one. The Total Available Market (TAM) is $70 billion per year for all CFT products and services.

The pump and valve TAMs are each in excess of $3 billion per year. There are very large markets for instrumentation, software, dust collection, liquid filtration, sedimentation, centrifugation, dryers, conveyors and screens.

Hydraulic Fracturing Presents a Most Profitable Market Opportunity for CFT Product and Service Companies