July 2012
No. 393


Thermo Fisher has 72% of SO2 Analyzers Installed by U.S. Coal Generators

This report presents the Data Acquisition and Handling Systems (DAHS), analyzer types, sample acquisition methods, and CEMS manufacturers for all EDRs submitted in 2012. It presents the market share represented by the various manufacturers of the DAHS, SO2, NOx, CO2, O2, and opacity monitoring equipment. The data generally show only moderate changes since 2008, with the manufacturers who had the “lion’s share” of the market typically retaining that position.  Thermo Environmental has provided the majority of the SO2 and NOX analyzers used under Part 75 (about 72% and 62%, respectively).  In addition, California Analytical and Thermo Environmental represent over 72% of the CO2 analyzer market combined.


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