July 2012
No. 393


Cement monitoring market downgraded to $ 700 million due to MACT rule slippage

The cement industry is a large purchaser of process gas and stack gas monitoring equipment. The world market for 2012 was forecast at $ 1100 million including support services but it has now been downgraded to $ 700 million due to a slippage in the air toxic rule issued by EPA. Compliance was to have been in 2013 and is now 2015. Purchases of mass particulate, mercury, and HCl monitors have therefore been delayed. Most would have been purchased in the next 6 months. The total market for fluid/gas treatment and control has been downgraded by McIlvaine Company from $ 10.5 billion to $ 8.4 billion this year. The monitoring products and services being affected include mercury CEMS, process gas analyzers, laboratory equipment used by stack testing and water testing services, flow, level, and contaminant instrumentation in the scrubber recirculating and wastewater, bulk material flow monitoring for dry lime, activated carbon and other reagents. The suppliers of protocol gases are also negatively impacted.


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