Universal Continuing Decision Process For: BACT for CO2 *


The US Environmental Protection Agency released the long-awaited Best Achievable Control Technology (BACT) guidance document for greenhouse gases (GHG) in November 2010, directing state permitting authorities to focus first and foremost on energy efficiency alternatives. The guidance also encourages businesses and officials to embrace the use of biomass. Starting on January 2, 2011, new sources and major modifications of existing sources must have greenhouse gas emission control provisions in their corresponding preconstruction (PSD) or operating (Title V) permits. Industry groups had been concerned that EPA would require the use of costly carbon capture and storage technologies. However, the guidance document concludes that while CCS is a promising technology, it is not a technically feasible BACT option. More specifically, a permitting authority should conclude that CCS is not applicable “even if the type of equipment needed to accomplish the compression, capture, and storage of GHGs is determined to be generally available from commercial vendors." For a copy of the document, “PSD and Title V Permitting Guidance For Greenhouse Gases,” see:
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