Universal Continuing Decision Process For: Carbon Sciences *


See, “A Breakthrough Technology to Recycle CO2 into Fuel .”
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CSI’s technology, called GreenCarbon, uses a proprietary cyclone and mill system to maximize the available surface area for reacting with the carbon dioxide in the flue gas. The conventional way to make PCC is to bubble CO2 through quicklime, although paper mills use plant flue gas. In place of quicklime, CSI uses calcium-rich waste streams, such as mine tailings and fly ash. The waste is mixed with water, and flue gas is passed through it at slight pressure. The initial market will be the paper industry, where CSI estimates the process will be about 30% cheaper than the current way to make PCC. For demonstration purposes, the company built a CSI Mobile Technology Vehicle which houses a solar-powered miniaturized version of the GreenCarbon technology. See, “Useful, Salable Products from CO2,” March 2008.
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