Universal Continuing Decision Process For: Carbon Sense Solutions *


Carbon Sense Solutions, a Nova Scotia based startup, is developing a technology to accelerate the natural process of cement absorbing CO2. Concrete absorbs carbon dioxide over time if left to cure naturally--but the gas only penetrates the first one or two millimeters of the concrete's surface before forming a hard crust that blocks any further absorption. Carbon Sense’s technology exposes a fresh batch of cement to carbon-dioxide-rich flue gas, rapidly speeding up the reactions between the gas and the calcium-containing minerals in cement. The technology could be used by makers of precast concrete products, who could take emissions from their own factories as well as neighboring industrial facilities and sequester them in precast concrete products. Carbon Sense has plans for a 5,000 ton/day plant by 2011. See, “Capturing Carbon with Precast,” September/October 2008.
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