Universal Continuing Decision Process For: Biography *

 Abstract *    摘要


BIO: David St. Angelo joined Skyonic Corporation in May of 2005 and is currently the Vice President of Engineering. He holds a BS in Chemical Engineering from the University of Massachusetts and an MS in Electrical Engineering from Northeastern University. His career has spanned a variety of fields that include semiconductor processing and equipment, solar energy research, advanced set-top boxes and rechargeable lithium-ion batteries. Most recently he designed built and tested Skyonic’s SkyMine® demonstration plant for CO2 mineralization and acid gas and heavy metal capture. The facility is a 100 MT/yr carbon capture plant located at Capitol Aggregates, a cement facility in San Antonio Texas. Skyonic was recently awarded the largest DOE grant in the Beneficial Use Category for Innovative Technologies and is in the process of designing and building a 75,000 MT/yr capture facility.