Universal Continuing Decision Process For: Biography *

 Abstract *    摘要


BIO: Dr. Dirk Van Essendelft is a recent hire at NETL and was brought on board to help set technical direction and conduct research relating to coal/biomass technologies within gasification.  Previous to this posting, Dr. Van Essendelft served as the Chief Technology Officer and a Technical Advisor for Carbon Trap Technologies.  In 2008 he completed his PhD in Energy and Geo-Environmental Engineering at PSU and conducted research on chemical capture of carbon dioxide with magnesium solutions and advanced rapid magnesium extraction from natural materials.  In 2005, he graduated from UC Irvine with a masters in Chemical and Biochemical Engineering.  There he conducted research on high temperature interconnects for solid oxide fuel cell hybrid systems.  His Bachelors was from Calvin College in Chemical Engineering in 2003.