Universal Continuing Decision Process For: Abstract *

 Biography *    传记


CHARITON VALLEY BIOMASS PROJECT: The Chariton Valley Biomass Project was a joint DOE-USDA project under the Biomass Power for Rural Development Program awarded in 1996. The project's goal was to prove the technical feasibility of growing a dedicated energy crop, in this case switchgrass, and processing it for delivery to co-fire with Powder River Basin coal in a T-fired pulverized coal boiler. The technical and operational accomplishments included: --Air quality permitting approved by the Iowa Department of Natural Resources for a 5% switchgrass co-fire mix in a commercial operation --Fly Ash market approval by the Iowa Department of Transportation with up to 5% switchgrass co-fire mix. --Environmental air quality attributes quantified A biomass processing system proven to perform 24/7; producer managed and staffed operations proven Draft fuel supply contract crafted with a producer group The economic gap of burning switchgrass with coal to produce electricity is moving closer to reality with an increased regulatory climate, cost of transportation and favorable agriculture policy.