Title: CCR Issues

.1 What will the per yard/ton costs likely be at an EPA proposed rule compliant disposal site? 2. What's the difference if we haul directly to an existing municipal waste landfill? 3. How expensive is it to close a site in place with an EPA required ash disposal site cover/cap? 4. Estimate the cost of removal of ash from a non compliant pond or dry fill. 5. Should I close in place and cap my disposal site or excavate ash? 6. What are the critical issues that help decide if I should close in place or excavate ash? 7. If groundwater contamination is discovered, what are the most likely requirements/outcome? 8. Since our existing disposal site is "grandfathered" in under a state permit, how with the new rule affect us? 9. How can I best bring my site into compliance with the new rules? 10. If the existing state regulations differ from EPA's new rule, what will likely be the outcome? 11. What are the issues with the seismic requirements?

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