Title: Dry FGD By-Product Characteristics and Utilization - International Perspective

In this paper, characteristics and utilization of dry FGD by-products from different sources in China and U.S. will be compared. The recent development in by-product utilization, especially in China, will be discussed. In addition, an international cooperation program between research and industrial organizations in U.S. and China to advance by-product utilization will be illustrated.

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   Person Information
  •     Butalia, Tarumjit Butalia, Tarumjit Butalia, Tarumjit  -  Ohio State University

  •     Jewell, Robert  -  University of Kentucky

  •     Robi, Thomas  -  University of Kentucky

  •     Wolfe, William  -  Ohio State University

  •     Zhang, Wen  -  Ohio State University

   Application Sequencing
Company  Product  Process  Other  Subjects  Event  Event  Date  Location  Publication  Publication  Date Text  Descriptor
  • Ohio State University

  • University of Kentucky

  • FGD


  • Byproduct

  • World Coal Ash 2013






  • Article