Title: Chemtura can supply Bromine in all Forms and advise on Most Efficient Delivery Methods - by John Lehmkuhler, - Hot Topic Hour April 10, 2014

Chemtura can supply bromine as calcium bromide or in many other forms. The company works with clients from inception through continuing operational support. Setting up calcium bromide systems is relatively easy but there is no reason to over-design and invest more than necessary or to under-design and create operational problems. Chemtura is conducting tests which show the impact of bromine in the gas and scrubbing liquor on the materials with which it may come in contact. The quantity of bromine added can vary to compensate for changes in the process e.g., changes in fuels or deterioration of the catalyst. Since activated carbon is quite expensive it makes sense to utilize bromine with the fuel to supplement the carbon under upset conditions.

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   Person Information
  •     Lehmkuhler, Jon  -  Chemtura

   Application Sequencing
 221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料  Coal-Fired 燃煤              
Company  Product  Process  Other  Subjects  Event  Event  Date  Location  Publication  Publication  Date Text  Descriptor
  • Chemtura

  • Bromine

  • Chemical

  • Mercury

  • Mercury Removal


  • Corrosion

  • Hot Topic Hour - Mercury


  • 4/10/2014





  • Conference