Title: Alstom will sell Air Preheater with Goldman Sachs help

Alstom announced that it will try to sell Air Preheater and has engaged Goldman Sachs to help it do so. There are some interesting aspects for B&W. Air Pre-heater is working on some new heat exchange designs to further lower temperature The use of sorbents allows reduction below the acid dew point. A newly successful ceramic filter media with dry injection ( a successful version of the B&W Sox, Nox, Rox Box) could completely change the whole back end of a coal fired boiler. Also until recently Air pre heater was in the VOC removal with an RTO

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   Person Information
   Application Sequencing
 221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料  Coal-Fired 燃煤              
Company  Product  Process  Other  Subjects  Event  Event  Date  Location  Publication  Publication  Date Text  Descriptor
  • Alstom

  • Goldman, Sachs

  • Air Preheater


  • Investment






  • Analysis