Title: Krauss Maffei Supplies Three Systems to Zeneca Agrochemicals

SEDIMENTATION & CENTRIFUGATION NEWSLETTER January 2001 No. 253 Krauss Maffei Supplies Three Systems to Zeneca Agrochemicals Global crop protection company Zeneca Agrochemicals has installed three turnkey centrifuge systems from Krauss Maffei for the processing of agrochemicals at its Grangemouth manufacturing site. Each system consists of a peeler centrifuge, a table feeder, a vacuum plate dryer, skids for heating/cooling, and a solvent recovery circuit, all leading to a big bag handling system. Tim Wrate, Senior Process Engineer at Zeneca, who was responsible for commissioning the equipment said, “This was a product which was particularly difficult to isolate, so we knew we were going to need a high quality centrifuge system. We looked at equipment from several companies before choosing Krauss Maffei.” Zeneca Agrochemicals is the crop protection and plant science business of AstraZeneca. It is the fourth largest supplier to this international market, with sales in 1999 of U.S.$2.7 billion in over 100 countries. AstraZeneca is a leading international pharmaceuticals and bioscience group with 1999 pro forma sales of U.S.$18.5 billion

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