Title: On-line Boiler Monitoring Improves Efficiency and Reduces Pollutants – Hot Topic Hour on September 13

Speakers in the Hot Topic Hour September 13 described instrumentation and systems which control the air and coal flow in a coal-fired boiler so as to reduce pollutant generation and improve boiler efficiency. David Early, President of Combustion Technologies Corp., pointed out that several parameters critical to boiler control that were not available only a few years ago — the on-line, continuous measurement of burner line coal flow as well as the associated individual burner secondary airflow. Measurement and control of these parameters allows for controlling the air-to-fuel ratios of each burner. The continuous control of A/F ratios allows for balanced excess O2 readings and minimizing/eliminating CO. This, in turn, allows users to reduce the O2 that yields a reduction in Nox and improvement in boiler efficiency and fuel savings. Continuous measurement of the coal flows also allows for elimination of coal layout (and pipe fires) optimization of primary air; better flame stability and more. In order to ensure optimized combustion, continuous measurement of CO should also be performed as it is a more reliable combustion tool than excess O2 alone. Benefits include heat rate improvement, lower risk of fires, reduced noise and lower pollutants per MWh of electricity produced

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  • McIlvaine

  • Boiler


  • Hot Topic Hour

  • Monitoring





  • 10/1/2012


  • Article