Title: Yokogawa Supplies System to Control Transfer of Heat and CO2 from Power Plant to Greenhouses in the Netherlands

The gas-fired ROCA Power Station in The Netherlands captures CO2 from the flue gas and transports heat and captured CO2 through a pipeline network to over 100 nearby greenhouses. Yokogawa Electric Co. installed monitors and remote controllers in each greenhouse, along with a central control system, to regulate the transfer of heat and CO2.

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   Person Information
   Application Sequencing
 221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料  Gas-fired 燃气              
Company  Product  Process  Other  Subjects  Event  Event  Date  Location  Publication  Publication  Date Text  Descriptor
  • Eneco

  • Yokogawa Electric

  • CO2 Monitor

  • Integrated Control System

  • Air Monitoring




  • Netherlands




  • Case Study