Title: Xylem PCI Fyne process converts carbonaceous organic contaminated water to drinking quality

Since its development in 1992, over 40 Fyne process plants have been installed across the world, principally in Scotland, Ireland, Canada and the USA. The process has been verified under the US Environmental Protection Agency's `Environmental Technology Verification' program, and approved by the UK's Drinking Water Inspectorate. The proven performance of the Fyne process over extended time periods gives Aquious - PCI Membranes confidence in offering guarantees for both production capacity and water quality. The Fyne process provides a filtration barrier to the following contaminants (amongst others): • Organic carbon - the principal pre-cursor material leading to the formation of regulated disinfection by- products (e.g. carcinogenic THMs). • All regulated pathogens, including bacteria, protozoan cysts (e.g. Cryptosporidium) and viruses. • Numerous metals, including iron, aluminium and manganese. • Turbidity, suspended solids and algae. The Fyne process is a market leading technology for the treatment of poor quality, variable water sources, particularly those containing carbonaceous organic colour (humic and fulvic acids), which are common in peat rich areas. The Fyne process has repeatedly been proven to provide the lowest capital and operating costs (and hence whole life costs) for small

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  • Xylem

  • Nanofiltration







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