Title: Livonia, MI chooses HDPE and pre-chorinated pipe bursting for water pipe replacement

The City of Livonia, Mich., found the way to save its water system and also keep costs under control by selecting pipe that is long-lasting, leak-free and makes it possible for a highly desirable method of installation using known as “pre-chlorinated pipe bursting” that utilizes HDPE was identified as the most cost-effective through the bidding process. The method of installation made possible by the use of HDPE pipe involves using the old pipe as a pathway and bursting it as the new HDPE pipe is pulled through the failing ductile iron pipe. Only small entrance and exit pits are needed to accomplish the replacement and upgrade, not the extensive trench digging normally required. According to the PPI executive director Tony Radoszewski, “The popularity of using polyethylene (PE) pipe in municipal water systems has continued to grow. Officials on the state, town, city, county and federal levels find it to be an economical and environmentally-sound solution with proven longevity and reliability to replace aging pipe systems.

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   Person Information
  •     Radoszewski, Tony  -  Plastics Pipe Institute

   Application Sequencing
 221310 - Water Supply & Irrigation Systems                
Company  Product  Process  Other  Subjects  Event  Event  Date  Location  Publication  Publication  Date Text  Descriptor
  • Charter Plastics

  • Plastics Pipe Institute

  • HDPE Resin

  • Piping

  • Water Transport


  • Distribution

  • Leakage

  • Trenchless Technology




  • Trenchless Technology


  • 8/1/2009


  • Article