Title: Pete Lien & Sons receives contract for 3/8 chips from Sturgis

1” Aggregate Base Course: EKE, Inc. dba: Johner & Sons - per ton - delivered - $12.50, pick up at plant - $7.00; Hills Material - per ton - delivered - $17.00, pick up at plant - $8.50; Pete Lein & Sons - 14 ton load - delivered - $15.25, 27 ton load - delivered - $13.25, pick up at plant - $7.75; Wasta Sand & Gravel - per ton - delivered - $17.50, pick up at plant - $8.50. 3/8” chips - 800 tons (more or less): Pete Lein & Sons - 14 Ton loads - delivered $20.00, 27 ton loads - delivered - $18.00, pick up at plant - $12.50; Hills Material - per ton - delivered $24.85, pick up at plant $15.85; Wasta Sand & Gravel - per ton - delivered - $16.50, pick up at plant - $8.00. Ice Sand: Wasta Sand & Gravel - Type A - per ton – delivered $17.50, pick up at plant - $9.00, Type B - per ton - delivered - $17.50, pick up at plant - $9.00; Pete Lien & Sons - Type A - per ton - delivered - $21.00, pick up at plant $10.50, Type B - per ton - delivered - $21.00, pick up at plant - $10.50. Concrete: Pete Lein & Sons - Cu. Yd. - $97.00; Croell Redi - Mix, Inc. - Cu. Yd - $100.50. Motion by Brengle, second by Usera and carried with all members voting yes to award the bid for 1” Aggregate Base Course to EKE, Inc.; 3/8” Chips to Pete Lien & Sons; Ice & Sand to Wasta Sand & Gravel; and Concrete to Pete Lien & Sons.

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   Person Information
  •     Lien, Pete  -  Pete Lien & Sons

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  • Pete Lien & Sons

  • Gravel




  • Sturgis, SD USA




  • Article