Title: Nuclear Power Applications from Industeel

Nuclear reactors, nuclear waste transport and storage casks all require high-purity nuclear-grade steels, often in great thicknesses. And for the steam turbines used to generate electricity from nuclear power, you need steels that retain their properties at high temperatures and over long periods of time. In addition to steels for steam boilers and tubes, Industeel has extensive experience in nuclear-grade products and offers a wide range of sizes suited to nuclear power stations, primary looks as well as for both steel plate and formed parts that offer sufficient reliability to replace forged solutions. Our factories have been approved by all major nuclear certification organizations (ASME III, RCCM) and we produce all the steel grades required for nuclear applications. In addition, we have the necessary know-how to develop new and better steel solutions for both existing and future nuclear technologies.

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   Person Information
  •     Garvin, Richard  -  Industeel

   Application Sequencing
 221113 - Nuclear Electric Power Generation *                
Company  Product  Process  Other  Subjects  Event  Event  Date  Location  Publication  Publication  Date Text  Descriptor
  • Industeel

  • Alloy Steel

  • Storage Cask

  • Waste Storage

  • Waste Transport







  • Product Description