Title: Contamination Control Programs and the Microbiologist - The Changing Landscape

Holistic, risk-based microbiological contamination control programs are being implemented throughout the industry as a means of increasing patient safety and improving the levels of overall process control and product quality. These multi-faceted programs integrate individual contamination control components such as cleaning and disinfection, environmental monitoring, gowning, facility design and maintenance etc. into a single comprehensive program that is tailored to the specific processes and products being manufactured. They also represent a change in the thought processes regarding how best to achieve and maintain an effective contamination control strategy. This paradigm shift in thought processes directly impacts microbiologists responsible for overseeing the efficacy of the facility’s contamination control program.

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Company  Product  Process  Other  Subjects  Event  Event  Date  Location  Publication  Publication  Date Text  Descriptor

  • Contamination Control


  • Microbiology




  • American Pharmaceutical Review


  • 6/22/2020


  • Article