Title: The “Three Cs” of C(D)MO Selection

We are living in challenging times. COVID-19 has been a wakeup call, testing the status quo for the pharmaceutical industry and contract manufacturers. There is no shortage of news and emotional editorials about potential disruption of global supply chains and dependency on China. And even though China has been front and center in these discussions, it is important to assess the robustness of our manufacturing networks and all contract manufacturers within them, regardless on which tectonic plate they reside. Making rash decisions can lead to dire consequences. Let’s not forget that we are not making garment articles using basic technology that could be readily implemented in most corners of the world. We are in the business of developing and applying sophisticated technologies to produce drugs, and hence, technology transfers require time and resources, and obviously the ability to absorb and reproduce technology on the receiving end. There is a plethora of elaborate score cards and detail-rich flow charts for selection of contract organizations. I will offer a different perspective, the one that is based on a strategic assessment of contract manufacturing organizations (CMOs) with a few metrics. My guiding principles on selecting a contract organization are based on the “three Cs”: (1) capability, (2) capacity, and (3) cost.

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  • Contract Manufacturing

  • Contractor Selection





  • Contract Pharma


  • 8/1/2020


  • Article