Title: Adaptability Helps Flow Instrumentation Evolve

A common adage says “if you can’t measure it, you can’t control it.” Now, advances in flow-measurement technologies are increasing the breadth of what it is possible to measure As process demands evolve and organizations increasingly focus on sustainability in their operations, chemical processors must stay abreast of what these changes mean for their instrumentation devices, especially those that measure, monitor and control flow. Beyond measuring flowrate, modern flowmeters increasingly must adapt to rapidly changing conditions, measure many parameters beyond flowrate and continuously communicate with other systems in a plant. FIGURE 1. The qMix tool integrates with a gas chromatograph to provide realtime measurement of varying gas compositions[/caption] Environmental management “Customers want more than just a flowmeter, they want solutions. This may be additional hardware or software that allows the flowmeter to interface with another control system in the plant,” says Scott Rouse, director of product management for Sierra Instruments, Inc. (Monterey, Calif.; www.sierrainstruments.com). Combining adaptability with connectivity, Sierra has developed a mass flowmeter that can be updated with changing gas compositions…

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  • Flow

  • Flow Analysis

  • Flow Conditions

  • Flow Monitoring





  • Chemical Engineering


  • 6/1/2020


  • Article