Title: Medical 3D printing: Untapped potential

Medical equipment manufacturers can leverage additive manufacturing to improve performance and enhance patient outcomes. For more than a decade, the medical field has leveraged additive manufacturing (AM) technology to push the boundaries of patient treatment. From 3D tracheal splints that treat tracheobronchomalacia (TBM) – threatening the breathing of 1 in every 2,000 children worldwide – to 3D printing tissues to test pharmaceuticals, there’s no denying the capabilities and potential of AM. According IDTechEx, the market for 3D-printed medical devices will be worth $6.1 billion by 2029. Some segments will grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 18%. Medical equipment manufacturers who aren’t using 3D printing in some capacity are behind the competition.

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  • Today's Medical Developments


  • 3/1/2020


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