Title: Computational fluid dynamics for cleanroom design optimization

Amin Razavieh of Bilfinger explains how CFD analysis helps to create the best environmental conditions for the critical processes that take place in the cleanroom. Many of the workflows in the pharma and biopharma industry are carried out under controlled conditions in cleanrooms. But are these facilities always designed in the best possible way? In particular, the temperature distribution within cleanrooms with critical processes often presents a challenge: too low or too high temperatures can disturb the cell growth, for example. These difficulties can be avoided as early as the design phase thanks to computational fluid dynamics, best known as CFD analysis. This analysis offers many advantages for the engineering of cleanrooms. The various technologies associated with cleanrooms are in high demand worldwide. In biopharma, cleanrooms are where life-saving pharmaceuticals are made: drugs that fight cancer or autoimmune diseases, for example. According to a forecast by the research institute…

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  • Cleanroom

  • Design

  • Engineering





  • Cleanroom Technology


  • 1/2/2020


  • Article