Title: Robots and AI Spell Change for Workers, Rather Than Replacement

In late 2017, the McKinsey Global Institute released a report estimating that the relentless march of automation could eliminate up to 73 million jobs in the U.S. by 2030.1 “Automation is certainly a factor in the future of the workforce,” says Elliot Dinkin, a nationally known expert in actuarial, compensation, and employee benefits issues. “There are indications, however that its effect on downsizing may be less than what has been predicted. The largest corporate layoffs of this century to date, for example, seem primarily to have been caused not by advanced technology, but by market changes, mergers, and plain old bad business decisions.” This assessment was echoed by participants in a recent conference on the future of the worker held at the Stanford School of Business.

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  • HighTech / Internet / AI


  • Robotics




  • ECN


  • 3/26/2019


  • Article