Title: The Marriage of Big Pharma and Biotech

In 2017, the worldwide pharmaceutical market reached 1 trillion Euro, an increase of 6.7 percent over 2016. This market is expected to continue to growth at 4 percent CAGR and exceed 1.1 trillion euros by 2020. Four main growth drivers are behind this evolution, which occurred in spite of bad and challenging market conditions—growing health spending in emerging countries, drug price increases in some key markets, growing demand for generics in a context of high patent expiries, and innovative drugs and new treatments, especially in the field of oncology, which accounted for 27 percent of active global R&D pipelines in 2017, ahead of neurology and virology.

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 325412 - Pharmaceutical Preparation Manufacturing                
 541711 - Research and Development in Biotechnology                
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  • R&D


  • 4/1/2019


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