Title: Challenging Channels: Tubing Innovations Enable Greater Device Capabilities

Technical innovations provided by tubing suppliers fulfill the various needs of medical device manufacturers.Extruded tubing and steel tubing are key components in medical devices today. Tubing applications continue to grow as medical device manufacturers (MDMs) create next-generation devices to improve a wide range of medical procedures. Medical instruments used in surgery today require more elaborate features and added functionality than they did in the past. As a result, product design and development have become more complex, including tubing components. The thermoplastic tubing market continues to expand due to the rapid growth of minimally invasive interventional therapies such as endovascular, cardiovascular, diagnostic, endoscopy, electrophysiology, structural heart, and other delivery systems. For example, such procedures often require catheters with multiple capabilities, such as sending electronic signals to smaller and harder-to-reach parts of the body. According to a January 2019 report by Grand View Research, the value of the global medical plastic tubing market is…

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  • 4/1/2019


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