Title: Gas Turbines are a Most Profitable Market for CFT Suppliers

Suppliers of combust, flow, and treat products and services will benefit from a growing world market for gas turbine generated power. There are many opportunities which fall in the Most Profitable Market category. • The market is growing at a rate above GDP • There are continuing needs for improvement of CFT products • Purchasers are oriented to purchasing products with the lowest total cost of ownership • Access to purchasers is enhanced by the following factors o Purchasers are mostly large companies buying components for multiple plants o Purchasers are home based in markets well served by international CFT suppliers o Suppliers have the opportunity to reach these customers in a manner to validate the lowest total cost of ownership of their products (LTCOV) All of these factors create an opportunity to generate substantial sales with high profit margins. This opportunity is quantified for each CFT product in the McIlvaine CFT Most Profitable Market Program.

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  • Gas Turbine


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