Title: The Rapid Rise of Modular Construction—Are Standardized Facilities Next?

In recent years, the discussion for flexible facility needs became widespread. The motivations for such flexible facility needs are manifold, for example, the requirement to rapidly deploy additional manufacturing capacities or scalability without interrupting existing processes. In addition, the transformation of the treatment or patient base to more personalized medicines necessitates the need to rethink manufacturing and process platforms. For these therapies, the processing space is not only small, but also has a strict containment requirement. Last but not least, there are purely economic reasons to reduce cost of goods. Large area, single product-dedicated brick and mortar facilities are giving way to multiple product versatile facilities.

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  • Modular Cleanroom

  • Modular Construction


  • Cleanroom




  • R&D


  • 2/14/2019


  • Article