Title: OneStim optimizes the entire fracking chain

Operators have nearly unlimited options when choosing systems and tools for their hydraulic fracturing operations, but one major service company is looking to streamline the entire process. Schlumberger unveiled its OneStim business in January 2018 at the Hydraulic Fracturing Technology Conference in The Woodlands, Texas. The initial iteration of OneStim was a planned joint venture (JV) between Schlumberger and Weatherford announced early last year. But in late 2017 Schlumberger opted instead to purchase Weatherford’s pressure pumping assets and pump down perforating business, which Schlumberger merged with its existing hydraulic fracturing operations, multistage completions, sand mining and logistics and coiled tubing operations. Alejandro Peña, Schlumberger’s OneStim sales and commercial director, said in an exclusive interview with E&P that the idea of offering the full spectrum of fracturing completions under the same business initiated in 2010 when Schlumberger began noticing inefficiencies in uniformity and coordination with its customers who utilized separate components to their completions operations. With so many options on the completions market, operators have increasingly engaged on piecemealing the components of their completions operations. But with OneStim, which Peña said is available and operating in every major unconventional basin in North America, the company is hoping to entice operators to go to one place for everything under commercial models tailored for each operator need—from discrete services to joint capital investments on completion programs. He said such an option ultimately results in cost savings—up to 10% per boe.

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