Title: IAC replaces long bags with short ones in a cement Kiln collector reduces can velocity and increases bag life

IAC replaced long bags with short bags in a cement kiln dust collector. This proportionally reduces the filtration area and increases the A/C ratio, something that is generally not considered because this specification is often seen as the one and only baghouse sizing parameter. When analysing the total package however, creating this dead space provides a low can velocity and proves to be an excellent way to increase bag life, even with its slightly increased A/C ratio. The decision was made to include it. Extended bag skirts also were added to absorb remaining lateral flows, which is an inexpensive enhancement to protect filter bags and increase their life.

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 327310 - Cement Manufacturing 水泥生产                
Company  Product  Process  Other  Subjects  Event  Event  Date  Location  Publication  Publication  Date Text  Descriptor
  • Ash Grove Cement Company

  • IAC


  • Bag

  • Bag

  • Fabric Filter

  • Fabric Filter





  • World Cement



  • Article