Title: Mclanahan overhead beam filter press utilizes slurry pressure

McLanahan Overhead Beam Filter Presses are a recessed plate style of filter press used to dewater slurry and create easy-to-manage cakes. Contrary to popular belief, Filter Presses do not squeeze material to remove the liquid. Instead, the pressure of the slurry material as it is pumped into the chambers created by the recessed plates causes the solids in the slurry to build on the cloth covering the plates and the liquid to pass through.


   Person Information
   Application Sequencing
 211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采  Shale Gas 页岩气              
 211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采  Shale Oil              
 212321 - Construction Sand and Gravel Mining                
Company  Product  Process  Other  Subjects  Event  Event  Date  Location  Publication  Publication  Date Text  Descriptor
  • McLanahan Corporation

  • Filter Press







  • Presentation