For accurate inventory, mines use conveyors with belt scales to weigh the sand. Depending on the belt scale, a mine can achieve accuracies from 0.125% to 1%. For monitoring a continuous level measurement of the frac sand in the storage or holding silos, a non-contact continuous radar level transmitter with a back up high-level switch will provide reliable level measurement. Last year, 18 Siemens’ SITRANS LR560 radar level transmitter units were installed at a Texas sand process plant. All units were set up using the quick start menu, entering all required parameters in just a few minutes. The LR560 level transmitter permits easy installation because of the no visible horn and the tight beam angle, giving customers more flexibility in mounting the unit at the most available nozzle locations. With over 30 years of experience in the mining industry and thousands of installations, Siemens’ belt scales have proven to provide a high accuracy of inventory control while saving the end user on maintenance costs. Siemens has a full line of belt scales ranging from the 0.125% accurate MMI-3 model, to the economical MBS belt scale with 1% accuracy. Siemens has the belt scale that clients look for, regardless of the accuracy level, and at the same time offering the value of low cost ownership. Click Here For Complete Article Text
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