Title: BJM Submersible Slurry Pump for Frac Sand Plants.

A Midwestern manufacturer opened a mining operation that produces a range of silica proppants. The proppant manufacturer operates the mining facility with a closed-loop water system in an effort to reduce the facility’s water consumption by as much as 73 million gallons of water each year. This closed-loop system allows their wash plant to operate without discharging process water into dry runs, local wetlands, and nearby creeks. Instead the water and sand is collected in sumps and recirculated through a filter press to press out all the moisture from the sand. This frac sand reclamation process dictated specific requirements for the sump pump:. The pump would have to be resistant to abrasion. The pump needed to be able to reliably transport a thick slurry. The pump must be capable to run 24/7 continuous duty. A BJM KZN75-460T Submersible Slurry Pump was selected to meet these criteria.

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  • Slurry

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