Title: SchuF valves with dual probes provide cost effective way to monitor processes

SchuF flush-mounted bottom outlet valves see extensive service in the bulk pharmaceutical and fine chemical industries. They are often used in the production of core active-ingredient acids and vitamins. The Type 25 bottom-outlet Valve in Stainless Steel, Hastelloy (or other alloy) body and trim provides a solution where customers require a flush-mounted, custom-fit valve with high corrosion resistance and complete operational reliability in order to maximise their system’s high-level functionality. Bespoke design requirements can be incorporated into each valve alongside tried and tested standard design features. The vales can incorporate two probes. Eg. Temperature and process analytical technology ( PAT) e.g IR, Raman, LiquiSonic Sensor, Turbidity, PH and ART. This provides a cost effective way to remotely monitor and control the process.

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   Application Sequencing
 325000 - Chemical Manufacturing                
 325412 - Pharmaceutical Preparation Manufacturing                
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  • SchuF Armaturen

  • High Performance Valve

  • Valve







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