Title: Largest Revenue Generation in the World FGD Market Will Be in the Aftermarket

The market for flue gas desulfurization (FGD) systems, components and services will grow over the next eight years despite the environmental initiatives to reduce coal-fired power generation.  This is the latest forecast in N027 FGD Market and Strategies.  The Trump Administration will not be able to reverse the movement away from coal in the U.S.  The main reason will be the continued low cost of natural gas. However, Asia will continue to build coal-fired power plants.  As a result, by 2025 Asia will have a coal-fired power capacity three times larger than that of Europe and the U.S. at their peaks. In 2008, the U.S. was winding up a big FGD retrofit program and China was in the middle of a combined FGD retrofit and new coal-fired power plant expansion. Thus, the market for new systems was over $10 billion.

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