Title: Sewage Lift Station Level Sensors are Critical to Successful Operation

This is the message which was delivered by Scott Burgess of VEGA at a 2008 water conference in Australia. It is important to accurately measure and control the level in SPS’s primarily to ensure that the sewage does not get too high where spills will occur which can harm the environment. Conversely the level cannot get to low as the pumps are designed to allow fluids only and if too much air is injected then damage to the pumps can occur. Much care is taken in the selection of level sensors in SPS’s to be accurate, reliable, and repeatable. The level of wastewater in the wells is measured using a level transmitter. Several different types can used based upon location, conditions, or sometimes simply users preference. Non contact sensors like ultrasonic or radar transmitters can be mounted at the top of the pit. Hydrostatic pressure or conductive probes can be inserted into the medium. Each application is different which is why there are often multiple solutions available. In a standard wet well you could easily mount an ultrasonic, radar, or hydrostatic pressure sensor in the well and create a successful measurement. In reality there are usually obstacles that make installing some devices unadvisable. Examples may include high turbulence, no line of sight to the product, or foam. With each application it needs to be considered which technology will be the best and how/where to install it.

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   Person Information
  •     Burgess, Scott  -  VEGA

   Application Sequencing
 221320 - Sewage Treatment Facilities *                
Company  Product  Process  Other  Subjects  Event  Event  Date  Location  Publication  Publication  Date Text  Descriptor
  • VEGA

  • Level Sensor







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