Title: Power Plant Air Quality Decisions Aids Power Plants in Making Environmental Decisions

A utility had to quickly address ways to reduce air pollution on four large boilers based on an EPA disapproval of the State plan. The utility opted to use the free Power Plant Air Quality Decisions (PPAQD) to help make the decision. This included access to a comprehensive intelligence system with decisively classified options plus recorded webinars. Because of the potential size of the investment ($700 million), McIlvaine elected to conduct three focused webinars to help the utility apply the system. Suppliers contributed new information for the system which has proved to be very useful. This information was reviewed during the sessions in a crowd decision making mode. The decision options were then revised to reflect new alternatives and new values for existing routes. The utility has not yet made a final decision on the solution, but at this point, the most likely choice is

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  • McIlvaine

  • Air Pollution Control


  • Air Quality

  • Regulation





  • 8/16/2016


  • News Release