Title: Evaluating LTCO Improves the Selection Process for High Performance Flow Control and Treatment Equipment

High performance (HP) flow control and treatment equipment tends to be purchased and sold using the same process as general purpose equipment. Price and delivery are prioritized. Evaluation of the lowest total cost of ownership (LTCO) is not elevated to the highest priority. This failure permeates the industry even to the point that bonuses are paid on performance in the past year rather than the past 10 years. The company that buys the lowest priced HP products does better this year but over time it will be a costly choice. The company that sells the lowest priced HP product can book profits in the current year but subsequent expenses and loss of reputation will affect future profits. This condition needs to be corrected. The first step is to identify the high performance products that need to be evaluated separately. There are three main criteria:

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  • McIlvaine

  • Flow Control Valves

  • Treatment Chemical


  • Cost





  • 6/17/2016


  • News Release