Title: NOx Catalyst and Reagent Market Grows Nicely While Equipment Slumps

The sales of reagent for stationary NOx control in 2017 will exceed $3 billion. This does not include sales of AdBlue for mobile NOx control which are growing rapidly. The SCR catalyst market will also be down to just under $1.6 billion from a peak two years ago of $1.8 billion. The reason is that there was a surge of orders for new SCR in China which peaked in 2014. It is 3-5 years before this catalyst is replaced. However, the good news for catalyst suppliers is that there are a lot more power plants using SCR than there were a few years ago. The bad news is that with the large number of catalyst manufacturing plants built in China, the world capacity is also way up.

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  • McIlvaine

  • Catalyst

  • Equipment

  • Reagent


  • Market





  • 6/22/2016


  • News Release