Title: Increasing Flow Control and Treatment Product Gross Margins

The best way to raise prices without losing business is to provide a product which justifies a higher initial price. To accomplish this you need to: •Develop a superior product •Convince the customer as to the value Develop a Superior Product McIlvaine is currently preparing a Decision Guide on choke valves for oil and gas applications. These are tough applications and require custom valves designed for severe service. This is only part of the story according to George Gorman of the Valve Institute. The success or failure of a valve rests not only on the valve merits but on how it is applied. Subsea pipeline valve needs are different from sub-sea Christmas tree needs. Both are certainly different from the needs at the surface or on shore. The best valve choice requires detailed knowledge of the unit operations. When it comes to subsea valves his Institute is dedicated to providing insights on best choices with separate training courses on subsea pipeline and Christmas tree valves. But what are the needs of the long-time valve practitioner? Does he need an even more robust system? Input from a number of both supplier and end user experts in the McIlvaine Insights discussions leads to the conclusion that considerable analysis and discussion is needed. Muktiadi Rahardjo of Shell is the valve and sealing specialist at the Shell Pernis refinery and, based on this experience, recommends better communication relative to valve issues. He cited a lack of application knowledge on the part of some vendors and the inability to utilize the wisdom existing within the end user community.

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  • McIlvaine

  • Valve

  • Flow Control


  • Market

  • Profit Profit





  • 6/3/2016


  • News Release